My country is shit at sports. That's the truth. We are not thaaaat bad, but in the sports we are kinda good at...

My country is shit at sports. That's the truth. We are not thaaaat bad, but in the sports we are kinda good at, the government won't put money or effort. So we have no choice but to support other countries and clubs. For example, I support Liverpool. I've been to the city twice and have several Liverpool shirts. I get up in the morning to watch their games. I scream when they win and get sad when they lose. I've been following since 2004 (I was 8) and won't stop.

As for NTs I have kind of an issue. I've always supported France because France 98 and their god tier players. But I also like England because of their tradition and league. I also kinda like Argentina because Messi.

What is wrong with that? Why to you want to pontificate over who I should or shouldn't support?

Attached: gt.png (2560x1600, 196K)

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the good thing about being a plastic is that whenever """your""" team loses in an embarrassing way you don't have to own it

for me its blue peru

>samefagging this hard

I'm out in Guatemala with a quarter million dollars fuckin' with the plug

Support who ever the fuck you want lol.

you just played the copa america final lmao


What do Guatemalans look like? I have no idea desu. In my mind everyone between the US and Colombia look like mexicans. Is this true?

Like Mexicans but more indio

Extremely small and indigenous

They look american.

Correct Answer

>They look Californian.

Nigga, we all preetty much look alike, its Just an endless sea of varying degrees of browness plus the odd negrito and some White people here and there

Which country has better cocaine?

Cocaine is only produced in like 4 countries, Colombia i guess?

Why do you not support your NT? I have met man city bandwagoners here that supported the NT during the asian cup and world cup qualifiers

>still thinking cocaine is a better drug

They look like southern mexicans
Mountain guatemalans look like lighter skin mexicans

Tienen su propia liga de fútbol americano kek
¿Es popular ese deporte allá?

Sorry but no. Not even the precolumbian indios looked alike.

>in the sports we are kinda good at, the government won't put money or effort
Why is it the government's job to pump money into sports? There are surely more important things to do in Guatemala like schools and hospitals. The people make the teams and have some kind of non-government sporting authority to oversee it.


No they don’t. Mountain Guatemalans are the most indigenous of them all.

what's better?

Central American faggotry summed up in one post. At least all the shitty blue and white flag countries down there. You fit so well into the stereotype that I'm starting to think your a Mexican using a proxy to shitpost.

This. You can see tons of white, mestizo and indios here. Indios are a majority in the countryside but in Guatemala City most non-poor people are white or kinda mestizo-ish. Depends of which part of the city really.

I mean of course I support them, but I just know they're too shit and will never go to a WC.

No mucho. Algunos de mis amigos ven los partidos de la NFL y juegan, pero aparte de eso nada. El rugby es mas popular como deporte semi pro.

Since they're too shit no private investors are gonna be interested at all. Since they're too shit, the stadiums don't get full, etc. Literally only one club here can fill their stadium, it's the 3rd biggest club in the country lol

cherry picking. As I said earlier, depends on the area. Other parts of the city have mostly people like pic related (guatemalan tv presenter)

Attached: MC.png (688x740, 924K)

The bird on your flag is staring at my soul.


Haha oh NO NO NO

Municipal fills up their stadium chivito. Better attendance the Xelawho all tournament last year.
Also don’t fall for the “””guait””” meme. Saying most middle class/lower middle class people don’t look like that is straight up lying, and stems from the same malinchista mentality that led you to support lelverpoop.

Here’s a video of white Guateqts to show we are a diverse nation though.

You have a bird in your flag too Mexicaca.

Based on the videos Guatemala looks comfy. How would yall compare Guatemala to Honduras, El Salvador & Nicaragua?

All shitholes. Costa Rica and select parts of Panama are the only salvageable part of Central America.

Nigga I know that's why I didn't include them in my question so have sex

I'm saying Guatemala is just as shitty as those other countries you retard

The world is literally dying from plastic pollution and you want to know what's wrong with it. Recycle yourself.

did you check your flag before posting this, mexicANO?

No sabía que Guatemala tuviera liga, que bien por ellos, nuestra liga colegial ya está bien establecida hace mucho tiempo y nuestra liga profesional va a tener su quita temporada y se ve sólida, ojalá si triunfa eso aumente el interés por el deporte en Centroamérica y eventualmente llegue aun más al sur

>centralamerican supporting foreign teams
is this supposed to be new or something
>What is wrong with that? Why to you want to pontificate over who I should or shouldn't support?
cause this is Yea Forums, puto


o b s e s s e d


kys fagg- oh wait somebody is going to care of that next time you have to go out

don't be mean

What an asshole

Guate is extremely comfy. The city is no more dangerous than any large Latin American city nowadays, and the countryside has never been dangerous. The only reason we’re not an economic powerhouse is that inditos in rural arras are allowed to wallow in poverty. If we got around to fixing that, we’d be Costa Pobre with 10x infrastructure 10x culture 10x everything.

Lel there’s like 4 teams in it.

What is wrong with birds?

Attached: oveja.jpg (1024x682, 148K)

Well at least theres some level of interest

Unfortunately lots of loli looking women user

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