These are French Parisian footballers Moussa Diaby, Stanley Nsoki and Christopher Nkunku

these are French Parisian footballers Moussa Diaby, Stanley Nsoki and Christopher Nkunku

Attached: moussa-diaby-et-stanley-nsoki-ici-en-compagnie-de-christopher-nkunku_243158.jpg (820x460, 51K)

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only one of them is still at the club

Is France like 20% African at this point?

Which shirt is that? Looks really nice. Too nice to be a training shirt?

20% and 60% muslim. French got ethnically cleansed a couple of times in the last 100 years or so.
first by wogs from italy and spain, than by savage sandnigger nafri mooslems and now by cannibal, criminal dindus

Attached: europe.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

>France using stolen African resources for its own gain and glory

colonialism is alive and well, ladies
there is NO WAY French football would be relevant today if it wasnt for strong AFRICAN talent

>let me tell you about your country
every time

Answer the question then.

France will be majority Muslim within 10 years

It’s like 40%

cope harder Karim Ambrozini Nbumbou, France used to have northern European like incidences of light eyes and blondism. Nowadays the national average of light eyes is around Corsica's in the 1900s, so modern French men are unrionically less white than Italians on average.
You got genocided hard

Attached: 1564255783931.png (1732x1932, 485K)

you started this thread so you could whine about demographics?

>20% and 60% muslim. French got ethnically cleansed a couple of times in the last 100 years or so

i just lost my only brain cell i had

damn this is the fate of all western europeans


opinion always and forever discarded. back to your government sponsored cuckshed, SCHNELL!

Lmao I thought american black names were bad.

A simple google search exposes your numbers as false, but i guess it's not mandatory to check data before posting on a cambodian woodcarving board.

I have only contempt for "people" who hate order and SHIT UP boards with unrelated stuff.

I wonder if people that say this shit believe it


Biggest propect has the frenchiest name ever tho

Attached: DgSsgc7XUAARbfD.jpg_large.jpg (817x485, 69K)

they probably do because they're delusional

why are they wearing pajamas at the pitch?

Imagine all the little French pussies they're penetrating every weekend.
I'm extremely envious.

because it's ligue 1 comfyrama


France ruled most of Africa at one point, it'd be weird if they DIDN'T have a large African population. It's just what happens when you're successful at conquering.


Why does Germany have lots of Turks then?


Ok Cheddar man. Keep being obsessed about us, if that helps you sleeping at night.

Attached: Bongistan.jpg (960x540, 62K)

During the 1950s and 1960s, West Germany signed bilateral recruitment agreements with a number of countries:[4] Italy (22 November 1955), Spain (29 March 1960), Greece (30 March 1960), Turkey (30 October 1961), Morocco (21 June 1963), Portugal (17 March 1964), Tunisia (18 October 1965), and Yugoslavia (12 October 1968).[5][6] These agreements allowed the recruitment of guest workers to work in the industrial sector in jobs that required few qualifications.

Your country is so shit, even with "Pacey ngubus" that you are spewing your hate on us for no Reason because our strategy works, you are doing the same thing and it doesn't

Attached: Bongs.jpg (620x349, 45K)


Attached: 0923F362-F776-4A91-8A29-07B71A389945.jpg (501x697, 58K)

Just Fucking kill yourself and stop Calling us out you Fucking piece of shit *ngloid scum.

Fuckin go back to /pol/

Attached: Bannaanbixii_London.jpg (660x410, 73K)

>American who thinks immigration to Europe started in 2015


Focus on your shitty country instead of talking shit faggot

Attached: brit2.jpg (780x520, 59K)

God save the prophet.

Look at your capital, i bet that tower is just in fact a Fucking Minaret

Attached: image2-21.jpg (640x480, 77K)

How Fucking even DARE talking about us you dense motherfucker? LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY. JESUS. Now you got me fucked. SHUT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING MOUTH.

Attached: islam4uk1.jpg (460x287, 30K)

What's going on here, chief?

Imagine being SO seething you save things to shitpost about other countries for. Imagine the fucking state of your mind you even name them ready for you to 'blow them the fuck out'. Fucking hell. The OBSESSION. the facts he is presenting are wrong then?

>Fuckin go back to /pol/

We started letting in immigrants in the 60’s but the early 00’s were when it kicked into overdrive


Attached: gkgyugkugyugukgygkugygkyugukguykguybb.jpg (632x348, 62K)

Yuo have problem with it yuo homephobic racism scum?

I think we broke the Frog.

We are. That is why we left the EU. We're trying to fix it; what are you doing? Saving images to shitpost? Lmao.

Yeah instead of those horrible poles and Spaniards we get BASED Nigerians and Pakistanis

Damn, so this is what a thousand year+ rivalry looks like.

Fuck Brexshiters. We want Jeremy Corbyn as PM.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have these hard working black people that are trying to make a name for themselves instead of the useless, good-for-nothing "negros villeros" (mutts) that we have. Pic related.

I've yet to be mugged by an actual black person here in Argentina. Sure, we don't have many and most of them are first generation immigrants from Africa, but at least they work.

Attached: negrodemierda.png (320x432, 174K)

You really want to ruin your country, don't you?

First it was the Jews and the gypsies. Now it's the Africans and Muslims. Extermination is the solution to everything, huh? Europeans are too war mongering and genocidal anyway. Watering down your cultures isn't the worst idea. Probably wont work anyway and you idiots will just drag everyone into another World War.
Even before all this Euros were slaughtering each other for centuries. But then again, I guess you don't get to be on top just sitting around hoping people pay your respect.

We've been having this thread since 1998.

Says the mutt

Based Anglo intellectual sociologists ITT telling everyone how their countries will be structured demographically in the coming decades

20% is a bit much
15% seems reasonable

Based France.

Attached: Poor Little Whiteboi - International Edition.jpg (921x824, 72K)

China passed you while you were busy feeling good about how white you are.


>Anglo intellectual sociologists
You mean fat angry nazi virgins who fap to trannies?

Chang, China and all asian countries are racist as fuck.
Asian liberals in the west are the most hypocritical people on earth

>fat angry nazi virgins

>fap to trannies