Oh brother, I can't, I can't get through

Oh brother, I can't, I can't get through

Attached: 1564330471316.webm (362x594, 2.93M)

That is unironically a great song

>Why yes officer, he raped me
>My friends were all witnesses

She loves it. This is why you need to stay away from the Wh*te Devil, aka white woman.
They will have you arrested for "rape".

did they do after this?

What are the others trying to do, pull him away from her or lower his shorts?

Imagine the smell(s)

Is that based gary?

Legit can't tell.

Well I don't miss much by not going out a lot

Pull his shorts down. It's pretty obvious.

did he actually benis in vagina?

Sauce me up senpai

is that rape? it kinda looks like rape

god I wish that were me

what sport is this?

Play stupid games, win stupid price.


Fall of Decency


Which person?

I thinks it's what Texans call 'Rodeo'

Everyone wants to be Jamaican now huh tuh bloodclart

If he was black, no one would have intervened

No one intervened there.

>these people can vote

Women going to regret the sexual revolution once men start taking back control like this.

I need more context chileano.

>white "people"

Ughhh rape culture