Mfw Mexico is a cuckold nation playing a dumb britbong sport instead of inventing their own

>mfw Mexico is a cuckold nation playing a dumb britbong sport instead of inventing their own

Heh you're now officially Central America

Attached: Hockey bros.jpg (736x746, 167K)

Anything invented by British is whack. Fuck Mexico

>canada usa "sawker big boys"

Mijo, no sea tonto.

pinche cabron

>Not being competitive enough so you stay locked in your room playing with yourself

Yeah nah

Handegg and hoopball are irrelevant. Now have sex


>Anything invented by British is whack
t. Invented America

Mexico has no culture so they have to play Englands sport. AND they are not even good at it , best finish is a quarterfinal.
They must be good at something
let's look at the real men's international sport they are great at hockey?
don't qualify for anything?
okay but they have NFL games there, must be some grade A mexican talent in the NFL?
okay maybe not but Football Isn't for every country they must be into rugby.
How does mexico do at the Rugby world cup?
didn't qualify?
Okay maybe they prefer League they must do good at the rugby league world cup?
Not even the rugby League world cup!?
OOH it is super obvious they are latin American I missed it. they must be great at Baseball!
The world baseball classic surely they...
i have never seen such a shit sporting nation. they suck at the olympics as well.

>Mexico is the country with the most defeats in World Cup history
Ouch imagine caring that much for a sport you suck at
What else are Mexicans good for anyway?

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>invented america
>invented english
>invented the internet
>invented modern computers
>invented steam engine
>invented pretty much everything lmao


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>invented america
You at negative infinite

Every sport played in America is a derivative of an existing British sport.

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>t.real men

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chinga tu madre

That's only because of the world cups 1930 through 1966. From 1970 onwards, we have an alright record.
You also can't lose if you don't get invited. You know who's 2nd with most defeats? Argentina. Germany 3rd.

Gringos can flex on us, theyve earned it, but fucking Canada? You niggas dont even have domestic sports leagues apart of the CFL , all your sports come from Toronto teams in american leagues with roster made almost entirely of none canadian players, even the one sport you are supposed to be good at is a half american half canadian league that no canadian team has won in like 20 years

He have more international Hockey championships than you have international sports wins combined. We have more leafs on a single NHL team then you have beaners in the entire big four . We at least qualify for the Rugby World cup. We have more gold medals from the last two Olympic games than your country does in it's entire history.

>not playing your own superior football code that's older than soccer alongside the two good british sports (cricket and rugby)
the state of literally every other country on earth


Ice Hockey is British. First played in London.

South Mexico is indeed central america

Aren't we cucks for speaking a British language?


literal handegg levels of international irrelevance


Do we even have an abbo collide team?


O good you that rock swipey thing and other shit at the WINTER olympics, a meme even considering olympics are basically all meme sports

Fuck off faggot in terms of sporting nations in the Americas you might be sixth after the US, Brazil, Argentina, México and Cuba, maybe even below Colombia

damn doggie the leaf got you doing cheap labor for him

this just further proves the point

America invented all that

Modern English is like half French, if it makes you feel any better.

why is Canada always sucking american cock?

They have no identity except being Diet USA

Yeah, I'm thinking you're based Leafbro


Little detail you don't mention there is that you have played the equivalent of 4 WC less than us and almost half of Germany's games.
AND STILL you manage to have more lost games.

Not to mention that horrible goal difference.

Attached: WC stats.png (1092x232, 34K)

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They have the most open border in the world Canada and USA are basically the same animal. They have the same accents, cultures, and interests

>no sports count as real sports cause Mexico sucks at them all
I can smell the seethe from here Jose. Or is that just the refried bean induced farts?

>we hit rock with stick on ice we invent sport

By your logic if a caveman ever kicked anything that was on the ground he invented soccer

Mexico pwned