Name a better action movie (besides the sequel)
PROtip: you can't
Name a better action movie (besides the sequel)
PROtip: you can't
oops wrong board
Wrong board nigga. But seeing as you're here, I agree, the first Raid is unironically the best action movie of the past 10 years. The second one is the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen.
why did you not like the sequel? I prefer 1 for the claustrophobic atmosphere and sense of ''drive'' (eg the cast ascending the building to get to their goal), but I liked the sequel too besides it feeling a bit disjointed
I also agree that the first movie is better than the second. I enjoyed the simplicity of the first movie and didn't like how the second one tried to "force" a big, complicated story that was kind of unnecessary.
But the second one is still really good and also one of the best action movies in the last years.
Too long
Too disjointed
Too many characters
The first one had a rawness to it. You could tell it was made on a shoestring budget and it added to the charm. Like you said, it felt claustrophobic. There was a grittiness to it. It just felt unpolished overall and as a result, it was one of the freshest action movies I'd ever seen until then.
They tried to go "Hollywood" with the second one and it just didn't work. Lost everything that made the first one so special. The only redeeming thing was the fight scene in the kitchen.
>But the second one is still really good and also one of the best action movies in the last years.
ye. every other year whenever I can't get in the mood for anything else to do on a weekend I'll just binge these 2 movies, the action sequences alone makes it worth it.
I'll agree that story elements feel disjointed, with some character arcs feeling REALLY out of place, but the action bits still made me enjoy it greatly.
I remember I got The Raid 1 and Dredd recommended in a bundle back in 2012 and the 'stuck in a high rise' gimmick was so fucking great I must have went through these movies at least 5 times since then
>best poster on Yea Forums
>secretly best Yea Forums
Is there anything this madman can't do?
stop the romanian ronaldo poster from ruining >our reputation ;_;
Any of Jackie's movies made outside of hollywood.
>Yea Forums is filled with gypsies
No wonder why they love capeshit and GoT so much
They're pretty charming yes
How about some vintage Statham kino? Not for the feint of heart
what was in the box anyway?
it the same crap as new mad max. Scenes are so obviously choreographed there is zero tension.
An underdeveloped human fetus maybe? Chelios is shocked so it must be at least on that level of weird
It's hard to say it's the best, because how many people have seen all (or most) of the action movies out there?
But it's definitely in the top 5.
I actually really like Dredd too.
I first went through Dredd and The Raid 1 in the same day and words cannot express just how perfect both of them felt to me.
Dredd is what the hollywood remake of Thr Raid should have been. Also I sincerely hope you're not twain
Statham is good but you know he can't perform fight choreography as well as Jackie who was a perfectionist in that regard. He is very charismatic though.
I only like Statham movies that also have humor in them, also Revolver is seriously underrated