Albanian sport

Is punching boxing punch machines Albanian national sport? Why are they so crazy about it? The machine is so popular among Albanians in Switzerland they call it Shipomat.

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These things are popular in tourist resorts

It's the most advanced piece of technology their country has ever had.

they probably own them and rig them like fruit machines

Is shitposting about AC Milan a sport?

You can see on their faces they're Albanian, truly a people marked by God.

I wish punching albanians was an olympic sport

because typical balkan macho behaviour, selljaci are crazy about it all over the balkan

albanians have a high % of seljaci and dijaspora seljaci

y'all need another Tito because otherwise you act like fucking monkeys

ive worked in germany for 3 years and i can honestly say that the only one worse from poles are niggers, and i am not saying this to offend you, your people literally act like white niggers

balkanites are more like greeks and southern italians in their machoism and all that bullshit but you guys are drunk and fighting 24/7
and your girls are thots, at least in germany of course

It's true, because the people who emigrate to work in germany/netherlands/uk are sub 90 iq monkeys who couldn't find a decent job in Poland so instead they moved to a different country to work warehouse jobs and drink the cheapest vodka available/smoke pot when in netherlands

same as ukrainians in poland really

>Is punching boxing punch machines Albanian national sport?
I live in Kosovo, we don't have any of those kinda machines around here.
I think you're reading too much into it.

Fuck why does Swiss German dialect sound so damn ugly?
It's like listening to a bootleg polish/hungarian/slav version of German.


>In 1998, the Zurich SVP created an election poster with the words "Kosovo Albanians" and "No" in large letters when it came to financing an integration project for Albanians.[5] In 2009, the Swiss People's Initiative "Against the Construction of Minarets" was adopted by the Swiss people. Many Muslim Albanians were outraged by this result and expressed their rejection. In 2010, the so-called "expulsion initiative" followed, which was also adopted by the voters. According to the law, foreigners who have committed serious crimes should be expelled from the country.

Imagine a continent where you can't deport refugees who turn out to be criminals because it's "discriminatory".

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Fund it

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Nailed it.
But punching a machine is relatively harmless compared to the shit they do usually.

And it's mostly the same here.
A lot of the people that do emigrate are our monkeys too.
Well they either do that or try to get into politics

Those things are cheap as fuck, might just buy 50 of them put them up in random shipdar infested places.
Thanks for the idea lad.

>According to the law, foreigners who have committed serious crimes should be expelled from the country.
Good, but I think they should just hang them.
But Europe is too pussified.


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