Fucking WHY? Wouldn't the normal Liverpool account already tweet in English, seeing as it's an English club? Fuck.
>Yay, this big corporation cares about me and my people!
belee dat
>if you put a gay pride flag in your avatar you'll solve gay
To be fair, people are really dumb and look to dumbshit like this to feed their dumb brain. So, it probably has affected young kids and some dumb adults
This × 6 million
Are gay people really that insecure that they need a rainbow behind a logo? lmao
>6 million
Got me there :D
>imagine putting rainbows everywhere makes people stop knowing that homos are weirdos with HIV
It's very funny seeing muslims seethe over a bunch of colours in the comments
It's pride weekend in Liverpool.
And it triggers both /pol/ and middle east bandwagon shits so it feels good
imagine being such a virgin you'd rage at people who not only can fuck people the other sex but also from the same sex
Imagine being brazilian
Stephen Fry's quote on sex and religion is still my favourite
wow deep
homos are still mentally ill
>going for the catholic church because you know the religion of peace would acid/stab/bomb/behead you
How very brave.
Or because he was raised as a Christian in a Christian country where he consistently got told he was evil and destined to burn for eternity because of who he felt romantically attracted to.
Not to mention it is a quote from a debate at the oxford union between the catholic church and atheists
He didn't grow up in a Muslim community though, he's speaking from experience.
Yeah completely healthy! Based Fry!
>proddycucks from places with ten times more mulims than catholics targeting catholicism when criticising repressive religion
More likely to be eventually exposed as a paedo, him or pic related?
Not sure what that has to do with what Fry said, it's almost like you have no real argument so are just throwing random shit at a wall
Fuck faggots, fuck mudslimes, fuck Liverpool and fuck communism.
there are over 4 and a half million Catholics in Britain, there are less than 3 and a half Million Muslims
and lets not forget most of his experience of churches will come from his younger days, when there were maybe a few thousand Muslims in Britain.
His family is Jewish, IIRC.
Catholics eternally BTFO
Probably because you're a midwit pseud like Fry
3rd world gloryhunters BTFO, I wonder how many Muslims unfollowed them for that?
>it's almost like
No wonder you idolise Fry when you're this much of a redditor
The muslims are actual Muslims the Catholics just put catholic on the census because their families were historically catholic.
The whole “you can insult Christianity because it has power whilst Islam doesn’t” is bullshit anyway but it’s not even remotely true in Europe, Islam is way more powerful and has more genuine adherents.
Muslims see “pride” as a good thing because they know it’s targeted against Christianity and weakens the west. They only object to it if Muslims partake.
what's the point of the incessant rainbow branding of everything?
is it to try and convince a public that isn't "progressing" to acceptance that they all hoped would happen?
if you shove it in peoples' faces, it's not going to convince people. you can't force a culture change.
Not even close to being true.
I'm convinced it's literally just a distraction so people wouldn't unite and wouldn't care about more important things happening in the world
Quick cash-in to make gay people think big businesses give a shit about human rights.
It is true. It’s only seen as a bad thing if it’s in muslim countries.
>what's the point of the incessant rainbow branding of everything?
>Gammon seethe
Inject it directly into my veins
Why can't homos just do their thing without bothering normal people?
Is it because homosexuality correlates highly with various mental disseases? Really makes you think.
>When is straight pride weekend!!!
You too.
Game thread for our match lads
Stick whatever you want in your ass, just don't make an identity out of it.
lol butthurt fag
Why do the capitalist elite promote homosexuality so much?
>3 days before they change it back and literally dont give a fuck about gays before next year
are gays really believing that just because a corporation etc made a rainbow version of their logo they somehow give a shit about them instead of the reality that they are using them to get their money ?
is it like that because Liverpool supporters are overwhelmingly fags? I don't see that with other clubs
>he thinks it’s white people who hate fags and not based Africans, Arabs and South Asians and Slavs
You’re a fucking moron
They're the ultimate good goy consumer class
Because it works
fuck faggots, fuck niggers, fuck sudakas, fuck tacosandniggers, kill fucking everything with blessed fire
6 million is a really big number. Doesn’t seem believable to me.
Why do dykes all try and look like Harry Potter? Did JK Rowling turn them gay?
Lmao imagine believing the line that sodomites feel “romantic” attraction for one another. Notice how Fry’s quote says nothing about love, intimacy, or reproduction. For him sex is “fun” “jolly” “dangerous” and “dark”.
Sodomy is about depravity
Good post.
>Or because he was raised as a Christian
>Fry's mother is Jewish, His maternal grandparents, Martin and Rosa Neumann were Hungarian Jews
>what's the point of the incessant rainbow branding of everything
this. same with racism really. racism is portrayed as whites hating blacks when in reality whites are by far the most tolerant. arabs and chinks universally despise blacks
Nobody cares about arabs, chinks or whatever subraces they hate. They are all soulless subhumans.
id rather inject some zyklon b directly into your lungs roach
strange how these pink faggot faces fit so well next to those hams as well
Fry is just another Eternal Boomer living in the past.
It's incredible how fast this Monty Python and George Carlin humor bashing Christianism got dated, especially now that there are no Christians left in England and those liberal poshe still insist on this.
You sound a bit butthurt.
>whites are by far the most tolerant
Yes they are the most ready to racemix.
Based and Midlandpilled.
>acid/stab/bomb/behead you
why don't christens do this to blasphemists ??
Four words: turn the other cheek.
Also, Christianity went down a huge revamp somewhere in the last century that said that maybe killing people who don't follow their dogmas may not be the best course of action.
Dont like it, dont see it, you retard. What the hell is up with all the people caring so much about others that they dont even know? They are not doing anything bad so why do you care ffs
It got cucked
Fuck off, blue Peru.
>not bad
They are doing bad thing by promoting mental illness as something normal or even desirable.
As long as they do it in private I don't care. When they start banding together, pushing their agenda or even forcing people to bend to their whims (lmao), they become a political thing.
>le ignore it
Humans are social animals, individualism has it's limits. Ignoring everything is neither rational nor possible in the long run. You'll learn that in time.
>What the hell is up with all the people caring so much about others that they dont even know?
That's literally the purpose of a society
And again, homosexuality correlates with other forms of mental illness.
It's not a healthy lifestyle. It's not normal. Of course, as long as they keep it private it's okay, not the business of others.
But contemporary LGBT culture is cancer.
>mental illness
It isn't.
>pushing their agenda
Yeah, I accept some idiots actually do this. But most don't, and the whole point of pride parades and shit like that is to let people that are stuggling with their sexuality know that is gonna be ok. Also asking for the same rights and respect that all other people already have. Why is it bad at all to let two consenting adults to consumate their relationship and love in a civil agreement? How is that bad?Who are you to choose arbitrarily who can marry and who can't? Have you ever been physically attacked because you like women?
>Ignoring everything is neither rational nor possible in the long run
never said that lol (still) why do you care about what two consenting adults do or don't do in their own privacy?
>the whole purpose of society is to judge other's private relationships
You make me sad.
>homosexuality correlates with other forms of mental illness.
source: your ass.
>It's not a healthy lifestyle
There's literally nothing wrong. Gay sex has exactly the same risks as hetero sex. Other than that, it's only unhealthy if you consider homophobic attacks.
>But contemporary LGBT culture is cancer.
>all LGBT people in the whole world behave and think the same way
You are stupid.
They are too pussies to say the same thing about islam because they know they would get shanked
>men fucking men isnt mental illness
Boring libertarian arguments which will be wiped out by the Darwinian process since they're inherently anti-civilisational
In my country pride parades are just corporate shill events. Nothing to do with people who actually struggle just to be themselves. It is a pale imitation of the triumphant hedonistic in your face event it used to be. Instead it is a Sunday out with the kids and a bunch of trademark branded rainbows. Just like Liverpool are as a club.
>bro just do what makes you feel good, give into your basic impulses, it's only natural, even if it gives you Aids lol
Yup, that's a jewish paedophile.
I went to the pride parade in Guatemala City a few weeks ago. It was really fun 2bh. The shill syndrome is not so strong here. Most homos were just dancing and drinking and minding their own business. Most banners were asking just for respect and love. Nothing more. Lots of straight people just went because it was an excuse to party and drink with their gay friends. Beer was really cheap that day. Pretty fun.
Sad it has come to what you say in 1st world countries.
Literally nobody cares lol not like humanity is going extinct because like 20% of the population is fucking their same sex. A pretty big percentage of young straight people won't have kids anyway + climate change so we're gonna die anyway.
It literally isn't lol
If two HIV negative people fuck day and night your """""argument""""" is disproved lol
Leviticus 18:22
It’s like 3% retard, why do you faggots always inflate your numbers so much?
This is the most bluepilled, uninformed, and naive post I've read in a long while.
That's worse lmao Why do you care so much about that harmless, irrelevant 3% of the population lol if you want them to stop being a thing then just ignore it and stop giving it attention
>says this while posting no counter argument
great logic m8
it really is hehe xD
>someone survived drinking bleach so bleach is healthy from now on
stop embarassing yourself degenerate
>Literally nobody cares lol not like humanity is going extinct
It wont because those with a brain will see the fruits of your hedonistic degenerate behaviour and steer clear of it
Your appeal to individualism is anti life and anti civilisation so it will die away
Is he under contract to tweet stuff like that to please the god fearing hillbillies who watch wrestling?
>and stop giving it attention
LOL. In my country you can’t walk down a road without seeing a fag flag or watch tv without a program about transsexuals.
Sad to see Latin America, a once Christian entity, turn into another Sodom like the west. At least based black Christians still reject this shit.
What country do you live in? Unless you're in Brighton you're talking out of your arse m8.
I live in a student town
You ignore the many significant contributions of individualists in history though.
im not homerphobic i just don’t like pooftahs
Why does that matter? They wouldn't exist without the safety and civilisation produced by the group and as has been seen when their way of thinking becomes ubiquitous in a society it spells the beginning of a spiral into decay
more like
>people can fuck with a bit of responsability and nothing's gonna happen, therefore doing it is not a bad thing
Just as I said, if humanity ever goes exinct because of a lack of humans reproducing, it's not gonna be because of that tiny 3% of gays. It's gonna be thanks to retarded straights not having kids.
Your fault and problem m8. Here nobody bats an eye at fags unless you push the subject with religious/old/poor people. Literally the only moment people care about it is the day of the pride parade. Flamboyant gays are ignored the same way retarded homophobics are here.
Muslim bandwagon on suicide watch
/pol/ is leaking
sure, just as much as you can shoot yourself in the head in a hospital, and maybe youll survive thanks to modern medicine. what a great criteria to decide whether something is good or not
Because their innovative thinking also pushes society forward otherwise we'd still all be living in mud huts(an exaggeration, but you get what I'm saying)
I know the society comes first but a society is comprised of individuals, not the other way around.
>retarded straights not having kids
also known as faggots, keep going and you'll make the connection
>im gonna put my penis into a bacteria ridden asshole
Sometimes I feel bad for the proper homos that don't rub their sex lives in everyone's face.
Then I remember they're still degenerate bum bandits.
I'm talking about individualists not gays(they're two separate groups of people)
alright, but previously a poster equated those two groups
>muh church amirite fellow redittors?
It's probably a false equivalence then. If anything degeneracy and faggotry are pushed by leftist totalitarians, the group libertarians are the most fundamentally opposed to. At least that's what it's like here.
>You ignore the many significant contributions of individualists in history though
The Third Reich struck the balance exactly right on the collectivist-individualist scale. With an insane output on all fronts as a result, all without degenerate faggotry.