Is he the most overrated wrestler in the world?

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Kenny is

no one really rates him

People actually like him?

Half the people on Yea Forums don't leave their couches yet unironically have bodies just like him


Post body

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Carder 2.0

kenny omega and a lot of indy guys rip-offs his moveset, so no

Definitely one of them


I think he's pretty based

Just a shit Kota Ibushi

100 percent

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No, that would be Stone Cold.

My pick.
Bianca's better than her right now and she's still arguably shit.

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>most overrated wrestler
that'd be goldberg unironically

Murphy blows him out of the water, yet it was Black who went over every time

Nah, I’d say Charles is.

No one thinks Goldberg is good. Not even Goldberg.
The payoff of a face Murphy finally beating a heel Black one day would be kino
But this is WWE haha so who am I kidding