Zoomer here, can someone 'pill me on this boy?
Zoomer here, can someone 'pill me on this boy?
he was the best in a sport dominated by juicers
he had really strong arms from steroid use and lanced anyone in the back who threatened to inform on him
>Zoomer here
daily reminder he did nothing wrong because literally everyone was doping
he's just a dick for because he would threaten and blacklist anyone who tried to expose him
...well, yeah. the whole "thing he did wrong" was the second part and its the main reason people think hes a cocksucker.
He took the fall so us clean riders can succeed. God bless America and Armstrong, as well as Great Britain/Team Sky/Ineos who are 100% clean.
there needs to be some sort of internet license they need to get before posting. then fines for wasting others time with shit this retarded.
he brags on twitter about le tour trophies that he lost retrospectively
Psychopathic manlet with noball syndrome who tried to do a number on the greatest ever sport and got punished for it. He now does a podcast and tries to flog coffee and happy meals like the little good goy he is. A complete fraud but simultaneously he is "living strong", as living a life built on lies is the american dream or something. Cunt.
"A sociopath on a bicycle"
this, they were all on the juice but he was the very best of them. his duel with pantani in 2000 one of my favourite cycling moments of all time
unfortunately he was a massive sociopath
The cost of lies
Sometimes you can tell a person is black and cannot be trusted not by the color of their skin but by the color of their heart
>never rode a monument or other grand tours
good angloid opinion with the right amount of disinformation and delusion. He did have the best team and doping system, I'll give you that.
he was a pretty handy classics rider pre-cancer and finished fourth in the vuelta in 1998 on his comeback to be fair
Yeah a vuelta to test out the doping scheme. He was basically a roided out alphalappe with a better team
I bet he got cancer thanks to all the stuff he had already taken until then, Karma.
>b-but they are all doping anyways
>Yes, ban Russia from competition! And China too!
The guy was kino, almost a matrix glitch god of cycling until he had ball cancer and everyone discovered that he was juicin (which pretty much explained everything)... He even tried to play the "everyone does it" but he was the only one dumb enough to be caught. Nike dropped him, ESPN and Sports Illustrated stopped sucking his dick and now he lives basically on the money he made.
I even had one of those yellow livestrong shit.
Proud American Chad here. I'm all for juicing. Let the Russians and the Chinamen compete juiced out of their minds, too.
I want sports to be roid-powered supermen recklessly smashing their bodies into each other like ancient gladiator battles but containing monsters.