1 month to Yea ForumsMania

>1 month to Yea ForumsMania
>this is your card
Thoughts? Opinions?

Attached: aspmania 2020 card.png (1253x293, 78K)

>Thoughts? Opinions?
I need a better filter for this shit.

>top names are a bunch of part timers who haven't been seen on Yea Forums in months/years
Sounds about right

Those part timers are the only big draws Yea Forums has.


MMMMMMM, I'm still here, especially on weekends when I have nothing to do.

It’s cringe and filled with jabroni gimmicks and literal who’s from other websites, and the worst thing is that you keep shilling it

*clap clap clapclapclap*
*clap clap clapclapclap*

>no BRAP match between Toni, Bayley, and Alexa

Carter should be facing srgrafo or Takertranny instead.
Shitty main event, nobody cares about anyone from /woo/

>carter should be facing srgrafo
That'd be a decent Sunday Night Heat main event.

still no idea who kirtaner is. why is the /woo/ title being the top bill of Yea Forumsmania? Fuck off


never was THE GUY
never was a draw
only worked with THE GUY

Founder of /woo/, Carter has no credible opponents at the moment that he hasn't already foughten

You can't have a guy face a woman.


> no Kovu vs the Artist Version 1.0

bitch you are here 24/7 365 we all know trannies are NEETs from mental illness

sup takertranny

They both committed suicide. The gimmickposter battle royal may also have to be a memorial.

So why is Takertranny facing Yellisa?

I'm afraid so.
Good thing I'm not that.
Both women.

you sit in your general bumping it 24/7 every day
everyone knows you are mentally ill and on Yea Forums all the time

>Bobbo vs Agua
Don't make me choose

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I thought canoe jack and sensitive bitch Steve austin were going to get their own match? That feud was getting pretty heated

The fuck is Giulia? That better not be some womeme's """""""""wrestling"""""" pedo shit

But I don't, and I'm not. I might be a little bit crazy, but I'm not a total lunatic. There are other people who post in /baddass/.

ya seethe

Attached: seething.jpg (294x330, 76K)

Bobbo is gonna bury the joshipedo version of Carter

>no SrGrafos army gauntlet

They're both determined to win the battle royal first and foremost.

got my man peter for gimmick battle royal

Attached: pg.jpg (275x275, 22K)

>There are other people who post in /baddass/.
Yeah the 5 other people who make fun of carder and leave, and then the thread dies after you get bored of bumping it. We can count the IPs you know?

Where's the Grafo Order? Most based stable need a match

The posters who make fun of Taker are actually fun to interact with, and there are typically a lot of Takerchads who post there. The threads don't last that long because there ain't much to talk about atm. The thread before the last one had like 15 posters. Used to get around 30.