Can someone explain to me why they do this?
Like, do they think the sun is special to their sport?
Is it just a LARPing thing?
Can someone explain to me why they do this?
Like, do they think the sun is special to their sport?
Is it just a LARPing thing?
it cuts the glare from their cheeks so they can see the ball better when batting. they've been doing it over 100 years. it works.
Why don’t other sports do it?
cause makeup is for women
They do it in cricket for the same reasons, having to pick out a very small ball in sunlight
Not as much of an issue in other sports, but I've seen a few in the NFL do it (including based Tebow)
Also, both of those sports involve looking upwards at a high-flying ball, so you'd be more likely to be looking in the direction of the sun.
Football and Lacrosse both do it, and like said Cricket poos do it too.
does mascara work like this as well?
It reduces reflected light. There are many animals, mostly mammal predators, who have this scheme around their eyes. It works.
It dates to the founding of America when colonists use to wear war paint and go around with bats and beat the Indians with said bats
just wear sunglasses...
I though american """football""" players do that too, no? Matter of fact, that's the only place I've seen it done, had no idea baseball does it too
If it’s black
I thought it had something to do with native American muh heritage war face or something.
This, its done in any sport where you are in the sun and have to catch a tiny ball moving at insane speed
Hey, maybe there’s a fucking reason a majority of players don’t
yeah it just needs to be a non-reflective material. mascara is expensive compared to eyeblack/tape though
It's worn so much by players in sports at night, in domes, etc. that I think it's just a flair meme at this point, and no one really does it for the original purpose.
you think those incredibly high lumen lights have no effect on sweaty skin?
Yeah, it's probably bullshit
I can attest to the fact that it does help with glare. I've used it.