You are not a real Joshi fan if you don't know who is that

you are not a real Joshi fan if you don't know who is that.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry I'm not a pedophile



That's Komatsu Nana.
This is not Yea Forums related which means it's off-topic. Move to .

>you are not a real Joshi fan if you don't know who is that.

Attached: OP.jpg (879x755, 219K)

Aguakun is just as Yea Forums related as Dave Meltzer

Who the fuck is aguakun? All I see is a pic of Komatsu Nana. Fuck outta here with your off-topic bullshit.

This is the face of aguacasas, the world's leading source on the world of joshi puroresu, and the creator of the award winning best bout tracker!

>exposed Ice Ribbon
>exposed OZ Academy
>exposed /miki/
>reluctantly exposed Risa Sera
>the original Hana poster
>the original Giulia poster
>the original Riho poster
>started /TJPW/
>started /gtmv/
>could excel at anything but chooses to dedicate his life to joshi puroresu
>rises above the hate, slander and orchestrated attacks to spread the word of his beloved medium
>responsible for numerous wrestlers surge in popularity
>refuses to debase sacred Japanese culture by attending live shows and watches from home like a king
>shoot 6'1"
>collects marauder scalps like they're stamps
>has conversed with many acclaimed talent on social media
>will leave his material body before decay and live forever in eternal beauty ascending the dimensions
>member of the exclusive invite-only VOW best bout panel
>draws the house everytime he settles into a general for the night
>has a bigger joshi picture collection than you
>puts every purotwitter superfan to shame
>currently holds an 1581-0 undefeated record in Yea Forums and /stardomjoshi/ debates
>always on the right side of history
>always eager to teach the less gifted
>lives an honorable life filled with joy

Aguakun is the type of wrestling fan we should all aspire to be.

Attached: riho_gtmv-715476724834668545-20160331_055158-img1.jpg (1000x668, 90K)

That is Toyota Sony Nagasaki


My cock is a huge fan

Agua is a giuliachad so he's cool with me

Nana Komatsu watches wrestling?

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why hasnt he rated any new matches in a long time?

He’s legit the biggest spammer, and cancer on this board.

me gusta el agua

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Check the Joshi Puruoresu Best Bout Tracker spreadsheet for aguakun's latest ratings. It's linked on the right of the aguacasas homepage. Sort the date column by Z to A.

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friggen based

agua was run out of every other wrestling discussion site before he came to Yea Forums. And he's been run out of here like 40 times as well, mostly by me.

she's ugly

Bumping this agua thread

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Nice pits

Genuinely is bizarre he spammed Riho for 2 years then she became a big star on American TV. How did he know.

He copied me. I have been saying Riho and Yuka would be huge stars longer than agua has been pretending to watch wrestling.

if natsumi becomes a star then we will know agua has a good eye for talent

Aguakun is famous for plucking joshi wrestlers from obscurity and promoting them to the top.

Perhaps you've heard of Hana Kimura

Attached: Mei_gtmv-1021720140344217600-20180724_073358-img1.jpg (1536x2048, 391K)

You're giving me way too much credit. ww

Attached: CSt8IyoVEAAESS4.jpg (1280x1920, 254K)

Agua is famous for spending all of his time on twitter and forums, copying what other people are saying and pretending to watch wrestling while harassing underage girls from Japan