What's your favourite tekkers? For me it's the flip flap

What's your favourite tekkers? For me it's the flip flap.

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i once done this in an u14 match for my school in a district finals match in a 7-3 win. got offered a trial at derby after the match

It's called elastico for fucks sakes

I have never been scouted or good at any sports

The Messi 360 nutmeg


kino terminology
none of this elastico bolox

>tfw you finally learn how to do a proper rainbow flick

is that supposed to be impressive?
what a shit sport

the ghost nutmeg


Anything from Jay Jay Okocha.

I used to do a step over and at the same time with by back foot kick the ball forward. Once you establish that you're really fast it's incredibly easy to nutmeg people which was my favorite thing to do. Feint that you're about to take off sprinting, as soon as they open their legs to chase after you, you put the ball in between and you're gone.


>I used to play soccer

When you were 8 years old I hope


nobody on this board is good at sports la

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>trial at derby after the match
I'm sorry for your loss


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sorry, not all of us are poor

I was pretty good at a sport no one cares about

kys yourself zoomer normie

obligatory post

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Cruyff turn

Are you for real nigga? People have been saying tekkers for at least 15 years.

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Fuck off unironic Soccer AM viewer

For me, it‘s the hocus pocus

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That's called flip flap in english? Lmao

I don't believe this but thank you

Always liked the roulette.


what the FUCK

For me it's the based MEXICANO or sombrero (I think it's called rainbow flick in english?)
Nobody expects this one, ever.

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But I always used to score with a lob over the keeper if I could and would usually only score from 30 yards away or more.

Both footed GANG


I practiced this one a bit but no way I can do it that clean.

I remember Dede doing that three times in a row against AC Milan getting fouled on the third by a mad Italian.

That's not a "move", that's just dribbling around people

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God I love tekkers, so beautiful when pulled off

flukey tbqh. he had no idea where the lad's feet were cos he's pointing the wrong way when he starts, it's just a hit and hope effort.

you've posted this before: he is simply playing the game. if that is a signature move, it is the signature moves of hundreds of thousands of players.
It's like saying turning is a certain skier's signature move, or moving a pawn is a certain chess player's move lol


>American opinions on soccer
Not everything has to be flashy to be effective. Only a handful of players would be able to do that so cleanly

The Griezmann

Also called the "belgians still seething"

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for me, it's the gravesinha

It's effective. But like I said, all he's doing is going around someone

lol shut up retard

thanks grandad

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So is

Nope, different

Nice way to fuck up your knees for no reason

He's right tho, you dont see that so often nowadays, and it's a way to get past 2 defenders are the same time

For me, it's the getting kicked dribble

For me, it's the no look throw in

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For me it's El Rabbito


Football was shitty in the past. How can people compare Pele and Maradona to the current players.

t. The Eternal Zoomer


If a current academy player tried that, they'd get a boot in the face from the coach

I was an integral part in Jeremy Maclin being as high a recruit as he was. That motherfucker torched me every chance he got.

Sex on a stick 2btbh

the zooburger*

Do you not have other sports to be posting about?

is being poor an sport?


Is this how yuros feel when they see Americans get impressed over a simple goal or tekker?

>implying I'm an Ameriburger
Flags were a mistake

You're doing a good impression

Always a fan of goalie skills

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doing this trick is a surefire way to get your leg chopped off by a seething defender.

Post Neuer's.

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BASED colombian chad. I was about to post this wonder

Based greaseman

>Always a fan of goalie skills
me too

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>seething Poomanian comes to degrade Liverpool
A story as old as time.

For me, it's el escorpión


For me, it's this Nerman thing.

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now post Caballero's

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Week after that he tried being fancy and got scored on. He stopped his skillz shit after that.


Speaking of no look

Zidane clowned pretty much the whole Brazilian NT in 2006. Will dump a few gifs.

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That's an elastico faggot. For me it's either that or the zidane. I still remmeber fellaini's zidane from way back at everton.

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Based McGeady Spin

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>N*w W*rlders


Still don't know how he managed to pull this one out


ah yes, the argentinian Donovan.


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Tell ypu what mah nigger, when a brit does it, I'll start calling it a flip flap. Till then we call it whatever the fuck Ronaldinho calls it, Kapeesh.

Also this was pretty based

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it's called elástica you fucking twats

what about this guy?

dumb burger it was fatnaldo who came up with this skill

Shit is babby trash just like everything else ITT. Street football invents the tricks, grass players are low tier.

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For me, it's "la viborita"

I fucking hate this channel. I fucking hate his Yank accent.

I'd say i've absolutely mastered
>the roulette when near the touchline which makes the defender overcommit to the (missed) tackle
>shooting through the defender's legs at various positions on the pitch

Tried and failed infinite times

You mean vírgula?

this shit is so fucking hard to do.

#5 vs Carlos - he repeated it vs Leeds


>everyone wanks over zidane 2006 when 2000 was his peak


It is for me too.

samba tevez

They don’t do that any more cos pc gone mad

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2006 Zidane was a player at pure dominance. It's a shame that most people only remember the headbutt.

damn that's pretty aesthetic

For me it's the Medel


nice tackles
boomer football was shit

pls delet this guatemalANO

For me, it's the Double Tatsumaki Senpūkyaku

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>boomer football was shit
yeah sure kid

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The fuck, football is actually getting worse.

watch any game from even ten years ago and it's slow as fuck

PS2 PES was fucking based.

look at relationships with clubs
of course everyrhing is polished but no


how do you defend against this

Stand there and hit the fucker in the knees, it's a yellow but he won't be doing it again.

The ball or the player can pass you, but never both.

Works great on loop

the no look [insert normal footy action] is always great
>looks cool
>is alpha
>decent banter
>need a level head to pull it off without looking like a bellend

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I have several gold medals and trophies in hockey (field hockey) and a silver in a country tournament (cheating bastards).

t. Gary

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Based copalib brethren

>meme stepovers

>not doing the seal until you get fucking clattered

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I never really practiced enough to go pro or anything but I played against some athletic Belgian kids on exchange in high school and we beat them so that's something

Why that’s a funny name for it, I’d have called it the chazwazza

the Goikoetxea move

My favourite move is a kind of Cruyff turn I do between the def legs when I'm protecting the ball with my back. I first feint going on my right, then I feint a pass on my left before quickly Cruyff turning between his legs.
I can't recall how many times I successfully did this, but it requires to be both fast and good at playing with your bottom ala Mousa Dembélé.

Thank you. We’ve also called it elastico

We created the sport. What we say is orthodoxy.

Did this once in a sunday league match. Felt like God after that.

got quads?

How did it go?

you mean the akka dakka?

We call it virgule


Doubt you could pull it off in a proper game, but the move at 0:46.


How has this not been posted yet???

we call it akka


for me, doing this as a defender vs an attacker going full speed towards you is one of the most rewarding feelings in football

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In a civil society he would be beaten to shit after this was discovered

>brazilian defending

for me its ronaldinho chest control


>this thread
>not a single R9 post

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Can’t believe it took so long for this to be posted. How did he do it bros?

most overrated goal ever

LMAO salty jew or goerdie, which one?

whatever this is
you don't see people pulling that shit off nowadays

mental illness

Where's the Cuatemiña?

His fake voice is unbearable. Really needs to take lessons

Look how slow And unskilled everything is there. Damn

Leicester nearly fucked that up tho


that shit ain't boomer. What year is it, 2005? Or maybe 2006, don't remember.

Boomer is 2000 and before.

>slow = bad
bs, football was far more technical back then. Now it's just muh speed and strength.

Yeah, that time he megsed the judge and rainbow flicked the lawyer when he was on trial for fraud was insane

I once tried to do this, kicked the back of my foot, fell over and they scored on the counter

Fuck you Bergkamp was based

Ronaldo was the absolute king of flashy but effective dribbling. Pure entertainment

based af

Sorry I am only a fan of incisive running with intent to score, fuck off with this FIFA zoomer shit

[s]love the flip flap, mcgeady turn and that shit blanco liked to do[/s]


>spoiler on /spee/

I'd consider myself pretty decent at controlling the ball but this is just wizardry

nah don't be salty

it's an "S" you uncultured swine

the bouncy bounce thing between both feet

t. fifa faggot

For me, its the Drible da Foca

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The gravesinho

For me it's the stumble and decide to go head first

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Because it was done before you were even born...


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back when di maria was based

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Damn that is slick.

Damn thats dirty. For me, its Morrison.


For me, it's

Are you retarded?

Based taddei. I knew it was gonna be this clip when i read ur post

you're an advanced (you) harvesting ai aren't you?

To me it's the half field fakeout

Yeah but what's the point when they get bullied by any pro defender? Pulling off these skills in a competitive, high-efficiency environment is what makes them impressive.

i'm pretty good at bjj and football

i won a golf tournament yesterday

>he doesn't rate Kroos's "El Torero"

Congrats user. Ive been really wanting get into golf for a while now. I can hit the ball pretty well at the driving range I'd like to see if id be any good.

Thats gotta be the most retarded looking move

Bayol would be proud user

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For me, it's the perfect slide tackle.

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For me, it's la foca di Nippo Nappi

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Not sure how I feel about that one.

what about the Brugger flip?

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>yfw i know how to do all this tricks
This by far the most difficult i would say.
Lambreta while running its pretty difficult as well.

KEK that was pretty gud.

That's what you get for attempting to control the ball bitch

Except this one, of course.

Fucking based.

I'm bretty good at Madden, pham

That like stamping motion he does with the leg is kind of scary
I could see that fucking up your knee
especially the way he puts all his weight on that leg to accelerate

It's called bicicleta, you uncultured swine!

did you make a football friend at derby as well lad?

Gabriel wasnt really that bad desu

>most people only remember the headbutt.
u wot m8

Bertatov was the GOAT of lazy technically gifted strikers.

For me, it's Foquinha.


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I think I might get into Madden. A few of my friends play it all the time.

For me, it's the back-juke

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No one cares you absolute spastic

For me, it's fap fap

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The trick is the speed you do it. When Messi does it it literally looks like the ball warps to his other foot. It is excellent, because unlike almost any other move, it does not slow the attacker. When done correctly, it makes the defenders look like frozen in time. Like Messi or Iniesta skipped half a second forward in time

Saying it's just playing the game is redundant. Ofc it is. It's plating the game particularily well in very limited time and space effectively which makes it a "move". A series of moves would be called dribbling and series of dribblings and passes would be called an attack etc

it's called the snake

It's called "that fancy move Dinho used to do"

I've had this done to me in a real match, goal and all. Whenever I see the cunt who done it, he always bring it up.

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There is a reason why the best freestylers aren't professional footballers in any serious league. Real footballers don't have time to waste on stunts when any defender worth their pay can take it away. Basically any trick that doesn't move the ball fast in space, be it up, down, forward, is low hanging fruit for grabs. That's why you rarely see players pass the ball short distances in the air: it takes fucking forever to reach the end of its trajectory. Like watching slo-mo

I'm the school yard and street footy GOAT

I get that it's annoying but that defender today would earn red card and free kick from dangerous position if not penalty. Bad, incompetent defending. Tackle aimed towards head are dangerous and would probably lead to suspension and if actual damage done like concussion, case for cprisecutor to consider

The team manager must have been fucking furious

has there ever been an elastico goal? it's pretty much just for showing off

fuck brazilians and their gay ass moves

Di Maria is probably the player which I enjoyed the most... Not even Gaitan or Jonas got me as hyped as Di Maria did. He was pure talent.

t. never watched Falcão

>Raul Bravo
>Fatnaldo being too fat even by his own standards
that 2006/07 Real Madrid team managed to win the League but I've got to admit they were utter shit

Why has nobody posted this iconic one?

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this one

Attached: tekkers.gif (400x225, 3.32M)

Basically won by Capello, Cannavaro and Van Nistelrooy. The rest were just interchangeable.

why are milan and inter so shit these days?

This is much cooler than anything else itt. Soccer btfo again.

AC’s owner abandoned them, now they have no money. Inter never had any money and their successes are all a fluke

that's the kind of shit you do when you're a kid playing catch with other kids

Fuck off cunt.


For me, it's the throw in front flip fakeout



Peak football for me

This is a "cola de vaca de rabona"


nice last name but what's it really called in spanish

how do I master this technique? He must have cojones of steel to try that move in such a dire situation

member when marseilles were not shit? I member...

>that faggot that can do all the tricks in this thread
>still a shit player because all he cared about was dribbling and embarassing his friends
[spoiler]I was that faggot[/spoiler]

I hope he does this on Merkel.


based, need more murderball players like him

I'm good at running away from pussy

For me it's Ante Aračić

Like any decent defender would fall for that one nowadays

What about Tacuara though?