Ywn play footie with your mates during lunchtime ever again

>ywn play footie with your mates during lunchtime ever again

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At least you have a girlfriend r-right?

This, but replace footie with cops and robbers.

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This is actually a pretty bad feel man.

>losing by 10 goals
>end of lunch bell rings
>"next goal wins"

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>never been someone's mate

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why not?
organize something you lazy shits
take control of your life cowards

>it's a wogs vs aussies lunchtime soccer game and the aussies win episode.

>implying some sad boomers kicking a ball around would ever compare to the glory of youth

>ywn get drunk with your friends and play street hockey as the sun sets again

You're my mate, O'user

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i never did that anyway

you just need a ball lad, don't you have any neighbors to play with in the street?

we don't live in a fucking brazilian favela with people just hanging about the street corners mate

Don't be rude.

oh, that's too bad then m8

The other day some kids playing in the street threw the ball in my way
without stopping walking I passed it back with great precision
Hadnt touched a ball in 25 years
Still have it las

>you will never score a last second 'last goal wins' before the bell and then tearing off celebrating to an imaginary crowd whilst all your mates beat you up and give you a dead arm as is customary for last goal winners

Take me back lads

Also this for bonus nostalgia:

I was always terrible at football so I didn’t join in

>not just playing ball-winning CDM and using your mong strength to snap everyone

>12 years since they've won the title

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>ywn get home and have a cheeky game of Griffball on HALO 3 with your school friends on xbox live again

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Finally, a real sport.

>You imagine yourself going back in time and beating up your bullies

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>most posters recognise a social experience
>only 3 or 4 school shooters arninekays
Yea Forums confirmed for most socially adjusted board

anyone 1t1b?

This is better

By far my happiest school memory
Where does the time go lads?

And where are these 9000 robot shooters


No it isn't, and I wasn't at school in 2013 to get nostalgic about it you utter cretin.

Also this was miles better: youtube.com/watch?v=9wQbC2uBK4s

What is it?

Saint and Greavsie with recycled Aztec Gold.
Makes me want to cry. I was living in a golden age and I had no idea.

We (polish immigrants) are playing football at local pitch on almost every weekend and we are smashing local anglo teens. So yeah, now they don't want to play with us anymore lmao. We are 20s and 30s.

>ywn again get in trouble for starting a 5x5 on the school grounds using a bottle cap as a ball

>ywn again skip classes to play footie against a rival class and the loser pays for after school hotdogs

>ywn again get all your neighborhood mates together to play a 3x3 on the street with flipflops as goals

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based and integritypilled

Ive been wanting to but realized I wasted my twenties not playing and theres not enough time to get be a half decent player any more.

You're alright Wojciech. Just don't take any shit from private landlords please, it just encourages them.

>this will be nostalgic in 10 years

Lol this only works if you only hangout with neets or something.
In reality, trying to make a plan with your friends as an adult takes at least 2 weeks and the meetup happens 2 months later when all of the boys are free for a day.

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>mfw 30 yo virgin
>suddenly had sex and got a gf
you can do it senpai

I played Magic: The Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh at lunch
I don’t regret it, but I also regret buying into the cliques we had and thinking sports are gay because tribalism

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Why do Americans do this?

Fuck Polacks. Disgusting scum i wouldn't even compare to an animal because it would be an insult to any animal. And whipping dumb polacks at footy is EASY WORK you just nutmeg them through the gaping hole between their ears.

Torwart tor zählt doppelt

>tfw you never face the 6th graders and completely obliterate their team again

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For me it's the crushed soda can. The best impromptu footy ball.

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for me, it was fucking around in the forge

This, but replace football with british bulldog

fuck life


based british bulldogs poster.
>tfw your school had the variant where you had to get a takedown instead of tag them
Felt good to be jovially battering each other with the lads every day

> You will never play kiss-chase in the school yard ever again

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>tfw i was one of the fastest in the class and never let myself get caught out of autistic pride
i should have gotten caught bros.....

Not trying to sound hard (though I am) but wasn't that how all schools played bulldog?

>you have never been happy and never will be happy

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>tfw all your m8s went on to play Sunday league
>tfw I was too shit
>tfw they all became deanos
>tfw not invited out with them anymore

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> i should have gotten caught bros....

It was magical, I tell you that.

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>ywn be the one goalie, who catches 30 throws in his first match of handball as a goalie with such parades, that besides the whole class even the teacher started cheering.
>ymn be applauded of respect even by the enemy
> also the grils started admiring my skill
>ynw be the fixed goalie for the rest of highschool


>ywn be picked first for kickball again because everyone knew you played soccer and could launch it out of the schoolyard for a home run

you could. just start a lunchtime 5s club at toil . loads of blokes up for that


i used to make games up in my head while walking around the playground alone

Dummy, its all relative. Nobody feels sad about inescapable shit. You feel bad about escapable shit. You could improve your life but you wont because its not gonna reach a hypothetical ideal. Yeah, nice excuse dickhead.

>tfw you usually play apehoop at lunch
>tfw it's raining so its MtG time
>tfw your deck is just a bunch of random shitty cards
>tfw unironically using Flight

spent entire summers playing custom maps

Argentina have lots of nice women.... especially in 80s-90s tennis

Was she virgin? How old?
Where did you met?

It is all so tiresome...
>you will never be the kid that got picked first because you were the known as the beast goalkeeper
>you will never save a penalty again... NEVER
Fuck this. I want to be 15 again... :(

Go date dutch girls and find a wife

No fuck womyn. They're massive gains goblins.

Bro virgins don't exist beyond early 20's and even then they're rare if you're 30+ you have to accept it and hopefully you get lucky and get a woman who has had less than 5-6 partners.

Have you guys ever thought about the day you said "see you guys" for the last time before stopping playing for good?

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I’ll be with you in a minute m8 let me just find where I left these

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Stop this madness. I don't want to feel this way.

Dutch women are athletic and tall, as far as i saw


Uhmm no? Maybe taller than the rest but the average height for a dutch female is 170-175.

>school bans British Bulldog
>change the name to Red Rover
>allowed to play it now

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>last day of school
>"see you next week"
>Never speak to any of them again

extremely based

this got me thinking

all these playground games were never taught to kids, just passed down in an aural tradition from year to year

do kids still play these games or is it all ipads and minecraft on the playground? Will these games eventually die out with no-one to pass them down?

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>ywn play asses up with your friends during lunch again

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holy shit you've just reminded me I had my first kiss at 7

genuinely forgotten until these posts

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>asses up

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It’s basically a violent version of handball. The losers have to line up against the wall and get pelted.

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I don't know, but my school tried to ban running and that was a good 15 years ago, so probably not.

>buy beer for last day of school
>"We'll pay for your drinks when we go partying the next couple of times"
>Never speak to any of them again
>still owed 50 bucks 8 years later

My school did the same, health-and-safety cunts. We just changed the name of our games every lunchtime until they gradually gave up

This actually made me sad

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i play floorball with my coworkers once or twice a week, it's pretty based 2bh

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>there was a moment when you and your m8's played outside together and you didn't even know that it was the last time ever

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Fuck off cheap cunt

i waste time thinking about all the time i've wasted. i'm the type of tired that sleep can't fix. i want to die lads

They banned it in my school as well. I was incredible at it, could have gone pro.

>You will never experience the feel of getting first picked for footy
>Tfw you will never see people arguing over having you on their team

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that might just be the gayest version of hockey i have ever seen desu

I am planning in buying a motorcycle so that I can speed like a mad man and hopefully die.

>tfw the girls joined in
>broke one of their arms spearing one of them
>the lads all beat me up for hurting a girl

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What do they call British Bulldog in Ireland

Broke me arm playing that variant, was fun trying to hide it so my friends didn't get detention for playing a banned game

>mfw I sometimes fantasise about what it would be like if we had to pick teams at work for a project and how soon I would be picked

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pls delet this i beg you

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Miss it lads. Every summer evening playing footy and ending with taking a dive in the lake yo cool down. Weird how you hangout with people on the street for years everyday, and now everybody is locked inside their house.

Atleast I'm going to play footy with some friends this evening.

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Oh, a good game of red arse for the loser of a game of headers and volley's.

once i was so confident that i'd be picked first that as soon as the kid picking opened his mouth i made a step forward to join him, but it turned out he want to choose some other kid and i realised what i have done, that it was really poor from me and i felt terrible
got picked as second but still..

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>you will never EVER experience the euphoria of playing tiggy butchers and narrowly escaping 'it' by jumping on a bench and being 'on high'

10 years old is the emotional peak for humans.

Nice to see someone on here that gets it

past university, my friends started to enter serious leagues and I was too shit to play with them. I have to wait until they get injured and fat and married so we can play in the boomer leagues.

Are you me?

For me, it was Four Square

>when the foreign kids visit our school and we make a team to play against them
Get fucked Spaniards, poles, Italians and French

Did someone else also used a crushed can on a bicycle to sound like a motorbike?

I've sprained my ankle once too many and decided to stop all collective sport.

Now I'm just running and biking

its easy finding a gf I just cant support them when it gets serious
had a virgin gf never fucked her though

This, but replace football with grabcock

I'm old, but back during my childhood days we played a game that I'm not sure kids even know of or play anymore called smear the queer. If it's still played, it's probably called something different.

>tfw you missed out on teenage love

I didn't know that was an IRL game but I played it in Halo 3

>i will never play football in the fucking street in front of my cousins house cause there was literally no traffic then.
>now its an always overcrowded area with fucking cars honking all day
>i will never get caught again by the qt of the block 3 years older than me and kiss her
>i will never feel that innocent crush i felt the first time i saw the girl next door with her cute freckles green eyes and magical smile.

>ywn score a goal in 6 a side and have your granddad watch you ever again
>ywn hear him tell you how you were the only decent player on your team ever again
RIP granddad :(

>ill never feel the thrill of having to hide outside my teenage girlfriends house and use one of her friends as bait to take her put of the plave and run away with her to kiss and talk about dumb school dramas.
> ill never feel the excitement again of being a shy boy and hearing a rumour of a cute girl like you

>I will never tell fat Jessica at her birthday party that I don't want to kiss her again
>I will never run away from Kirsty B when everyone said we should be bf and gf again
ahhh good times, good times

>you will never are going to be a kid again
>all there's to do is wait for death.

do none of you have a 5-a-side game arranged through work?

i think about it a lot

>wyn see high-school girls in spats during gym classes ever again
>ywn see the outline of their panties ever again

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>we played street footy for the last time but we didn't even know it

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>keep stalking your school buddies on social media from fake account at 4am 10 years after graduation
>ywn have the courage to write them

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>play footie with your mates
sounds incredibly gay

i miss playing footie lads

why dont you all just drive by the park every night to see if any pick up games are going down, typically its played at your local soccer field complex.

do it now, you never know when an injury will occur and you will never be able to play again.

>aztec gold

what a fucking kino tune


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>met a cute curly haired girl with blue eyes
>took her virginity
>she's very kind and conservative
>somehow i don't love her
what's wrong with me?

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>thought I would be the one out of my mates who got famous
>the lad I sat next to during formtime is now England captain
fuck off harry

I broke up with my ex gf for the same reason. Everything was perfect, she was in love with me as well, but for some reason I couldn’t love her back

i regret that later in life i'll think i wasted a unique oportunity. she's in love with me but i'm basically using her for sex. i feel like shit, she's so nice

>you will never deliver an actual cross, right onto the fat cunt's head, something never done by kids, only to have the fat cunt get all the merit

you still in south herts lad

>ywn get picked for the local side again
>you will never run jubilant to your grandad after a thirds 7-6 finish
>he will never tell you that you we shit and holding back the team again

>couldn't shoot for shit
>could barely do keep-ups
>but had some sort of erratic control on the ball, could dribble past even actual defenders and somehow the ball remained glued to my feet, through magic at times
>couldn't even explain to others how I did it
>never developed this talent because I played WoW instead
Fuck my life

My biggest triumph was when I and another guy picked the teams. I purposely chose the 5 worst while I let him chose the best. At the end, I had an actual fat retard while the other team had 3 competitive players and 3 decent ones.
But I managed to carry my team to a 10-9 victory. Scored all the goals and the last goal was me dribbling past the entire team at blazing speed, then slipping right at the end but somehow still managing to put it past the keeper.
It was the greatest moment of my entire life, and probably will always remain
It was almost 20 years ago

this but replace football with smear the queer

We called it british bulldogs as well but when the school cucked us we changed it to Irish Wolfhounds

>the stage of your life when you got into fistfights at lunchtime because you were slagging off each other's tekkers is over
>the stage of your life when you felt the euphoria of the cheekiness of when your mate bent over for redarse you snuck up right behind him with the ball in hand and booted it point blank into his arse is over

I asked Ireland not British Ireland

We just called it bulldog.

>tfw I actually experienced this
>except with basketball
That is if I wasn't captain of course