>Doesn't even attempt to learn one word of Spanish
>Can't interact with his teammates
>Acts like that typical loner emo kid
>Manager has to have some accomodation just for him when talking to the team
But it's Zidanes fault am I right?
>Doesn't even attempt to learn one word of Spanish
>Can't interact with his teammates
>Acts like that typical loner emo kid
>Manager has to have some accomodation just for him when talking to the team
But it's Zidanes fault am I right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>caring this much about a situation involving someone you'll never meet in your life
doesn't zidane talk in english?
>football is won by scoring goals
>scores a bicycle kick in the CL final
who cares if he can't speak spanish or if he makes friends
What a lazy cunt. Beckham was the same. Why do we as a nation never bother to learn the languages of the nations we move to? It's so arrogant and disrespectful. And then we have the gall to collectively lose our shit when foreigners move here and don't speak English. No wonder the rest of Europe hates us.
this man is a scot dont listen to him
I agree with 50% of this but still you sound like a massive faggot
Every time a Brit uses American insults like 'faggot', a crumpet dies.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was petty and spoke to Bale in Spanish
It's retarded arrogance left over from the Empire, stillb elieving we own the world and everybody should just accommodate to us
A faggot is a meatball, and a fag is a ciggie in the UK
Why would they pay him half a million a week if they weren't happy with him? On top of that he's Welsh, poor fucker has a hard enough time with English
Life here is not harry potter lad. Only old boomers say bugger or whatever
i heard he can speak a bit to his teammates but isn't confident so doesn't do interviews in spic. when does anyone ever hear bale talk though.
What about wanker? Is that still cool? I like that one
Also whenever a Brit uses the word 'gotten'.
needed to do a steve mcmanaman and really get going with the language
This is a prepared interview and the retard Brit cannot speak a simple phrase without making a mistake
They all talk in Spanish and have to speak to Gareth in English because he is a retard and cannot utter a simple word despite being living in Spain for more than 4 years
It was always Bale's fault, him being so often injured, real madrid lost ligas because of bale's injuries or him not showing up when needed. sure he was very important in the CL but the domestic league competition is unironically the competition clubs want to win the most, I'm not bullshitting
uno dos cerveza por favor
Oh it's worse than I thought. Sounds like my dad reading phonetic Spanish.
English is the only relevant language in the world. That's why every first world country learns it alongside their own in school.
he might but maybe he doesn't want to repeat himself twice just to accommodate one guy. especially when zidane himself put the effort to learn the language
>you now remember Joey Barton giving an interview in a French accent
Absolute fucking mad lad
I know it makes the Spaniards and French seethe but English is the true language of the world. No matter how mad they get that isn't going to change anytime soon.
you're pathetic, whoring yourself like that for (You)s, how lonely are you?
We all whore ourselves out for (You)s.
Ebonics will be the true language of the world
I never went to Spain. But when I tried to speak in French in Paris some dickhead was visibly annoyed because I wasn't gargling my "R's".
Whats wrong with acalling someone a meatball or a faghead?
it makes the French seethe, we accept it
Aguero can't speak English and he's been at Manchester City since 2011, same with many South American players
English is the most important language in the world, but the best literature is in glorious Spanish.
tbf do you really want wypipo butchering your language by overenunciating everything.
>inhabitants of capitals are the unfriendliest cunts a country has to offer
a tale as old as time
don't believe americans user. their culture is to always open their mouth, they make up thing to have a reason to talk
Well, it's certainly true for Berlin, they see being rude to everyone as part of their identity because they have nothing else.
And I've been told by French people that Parisians like to look down on all all and everything outside Paris.
Haughty Viennese definitely are the most annoying people of Austria.
a cousin who is living in germany told me the same thing about parisians, she says a lot of them act all smug and are generally cunts to foreigners
Yes, like his native language
>Aguero can't speak English
Don't forget hairlet cope manbun.
>dutch interviewer speaks better english than schteve
I was in Paris from September to December and never experienced this. Just learn some French and make an effort.
top 10 moment of the entire sport
>Doesn't even attempt to learn one word of Spanish
I don't care about him not speaking Spanish, I rate players solely in account of their performance in the pitch. And considering this, Bale is probably the biggest fraud in the history of football.
Does he look like he has a brain capable of understanding 2 languages?
Why would he speak English in Spanish club full of Spanish and South Americans? Minority had to adapt to majority, not otherwise you dumb arrogant anglo fatfuck
>Bale managed only two fewer goals than Brazil hero Ronaldo and scored two more than Fernando Morientes did for Real between 1997 and 2005. His minutes-per-goal record (163) beats Raul, whose 325 goals in 741 games took 184 minutes each.
>Perhaps surprising - given how Zidane was considered such a huge part of Real's recent history - is the fact Bale has played four games more for the club than the Frenchman and scored more than twice as many goals. Zidane had 49 goals in 227 games. Their assist levels were similar, with Zidane setting up 66, one more than Bale.
hes unironically more important in their history than Zidane ever was
>american almost adopted french after the indépendance
imagine the world
back in the time players scored less because they didnt play against meme club in champions league and liga , and defense was top tier too
also comparing in goals a midfielder and a forward
For a man who's been living in England for 8 years he should do better. Fernandinho, Lamela, Sanchez, even Jesus who arrived in 2017 already speak more fluently than him
>laughs when his own team loses
Bale is a cunt to be honest. Some people, you just know it.
>lived in many different countries
>spoke English all the time
>never attempted to learn anything
It was excellent
I don’t say it irl. I see it more as a Yea Forums meme than American slang.
but it is surprisingly good numbers from Bale.
Zidane as a player was criticized most of the time as well, his iconic CL-winning goal is 50% of his status there. Bale has probably performed better
Cheeky cunt eh
Why would he need to learn spanish? He's English, and English is the international language.
Filthy foreigners are forced to learn English if they want to be somebody in life. Want to be a doctor, engineers, scientist? You have English 'cause all the textbooks are in English.
Why would a proud Englishman stoop to learning a vile, guttaral language like spanish? It would be like a master violinist learning to play the bongos.
Foreigners need to learn their place, and recognize England and the English as their masters and the rightful rulers of the world.
t. Muslim
That's hilarious, he actually sounds portuguese/gallego.
brown hands typed this post
next time a stupid english or an obese burger tourist ask for direction i send him to the catacomb and good luck finding his greasy corpse after he gets devoured by the pidgeons
Berliner are rude assholes because they all either:
1.New Germans
2.Soi cuck hipsters
3.Hardcore leftist communist style
7.Minumum work,maximum party
8.Maybe a normal person
Mostly they are a combination off 4 of these characteristics and nearly nobody is normal.
Berlin is an absolute shithole of a capitol,only good for parties.
There's no negative trait in your list, have sex you whiny jelly flyover
>using murrican insults
It just doesn't seem right.
I don't give a fuck
>Cristiano Ronaldo had > 1 goal per game ratio for Real
>"fraud, he was in a stacked team"
>Bale scored 100 goals for Real
>"magisterial player, carried Real, better than Zidane"
>Messi cant speak basic english after 15 seasons in CL
>yea so what he doesn't need to
>Bale cant speak spanish
>wow what a monkey nigger stupid retard
mental illness.
no seriously you guys need medical assistance
Shut up you faggot,I was out partying just yesterday with the lads.
The difference is Berliners do this shit everyday,it is legit the only capitol that loses money because it is such a shithole.
I spent new year's at Berlin. It was pretty great.
The place is littered with graffiti and drugs though.
>le didn't learn spanish meme
No, that's not the reason. Bale is just always injured and thus completely unreliable. He's lost a lot of his pace and explosiveness, his main weapon, so he's not nearly as dangerous as he used to be. So you've got a decently fast but usually injured and unfit player on ludicrous wages. Zidane is absolutely correct to get rid of him. He'll be good in China. That's his level now.
tbf Real Madrid is to blame by loading him with roids and making him play through existing injuries
You sound like a raging jealous suburbanite
You need to stop thinking about Messi lad.
Didn't Beckham speak basic Spanish?
Not learning a foreign language is alpha, why would he want to interact with inferior non-Anglos?
You can call me all you want Waffleboy.I lived in the Netherlands,London and have been alot of other countries.I can party every weekend in Cologne or Bonn,nearly no City is like Berlin.
Berlin is truly unique in the fact that is a city that gets nothing done.It truly is a waste of resources.They could party 24/7 if they would actually get something done from my perspective,but they don't.
It really is just a drug infested partyhellhole that has some of our political structures located in it.
Capitol is the building.
Capital is the city.
basic as in "hola" and "adios"
You seem to be holding a peremptory opinion on Berlin solely based on "partying" not taking into account the cultural importance of Berlin in terms of visual arts, theaters, music, food, fashion.
I'd rather live in Berlin than in Bonn
thank you
>No wonder the rest of Europe hates us.
Don't know a single person that hates the British, most people don't care either way and the ones that have a bit of historic knowledge and aren't fanny flustered appreciate British cultural influence across the world far more than burger flipper cultural export. Never met a British person here in Germany that wasn't nice and well-behaved, whether or not it was an act is irrelevant as long as the people behave and don't make problems. That stands in stark contrast to the constant stream of Southern and Eastern Europeans that absolutely never behave at all.
based Scot
Massive IQ post
bullshit, I've seen videos on Beckham talking in spanish
welcome to america vlad, where the majority bends to the advertised minority
shut up you egg. won't tell you again.
English is not even the language of the US
I befriended an English girl through Interpals and I can tell she tries really hard to learn Spanish everytime we speak... I think Spanish as a whole is difficult for Anglo people to learn, as opposed to learning English at an early age while being a native Spanish speaker.
>>Doesn't even attempt to learn one word of Spanish
He doesn't have to, faggot, he's just there to play a sport
reminder, 10 years ago
>caring this much about a comment on a hentai website
Can't wait for brexit to happen so all you soft cunts leave.
>bale as a left back
>5 years in Spain and Bale doesn't speak a word of Spanish
>Based Moyes was fluent in a couple weeks
I bought him as a left back in a fm back in the day. He was great
British people don't learn languages full stop. They "study" a compulsory couple of years of French beginning at 12, of which they remember nothing. Because they don't start young, it's literally not in their mental capacity.
Fucking based
>bothering to speak a language spoken by third world monkeys and waiters in London.
Only spic phrase one should learn is "Una cerveza por favor" and "Rapido rapido Manuel!".
>third world monkeys
kys faggot
What? Beckham spoke Spanish. Trippier is learning Spanish. There's a few Bongs/Lads who have lived here a long time in China learning Chinese. You're talking trash.
Except, friend, they offered him a new contract last year for £600k a week. There could have been a stipulation of 'You must learn basic Spanish' or 'You'll get £100,000 if you learn Spanish' or something. But no, they didn't do that. They signed a guy who has been with that, what, 6 years? 8 years? Who they know doesn't learn Spanish and now you're saying its Bale's fault? He is lazy, he doesn't care, he's from a scummy low social class family and his wife is too, literally a family of drug dealers. But it isn't all Bale's fault. This meme about 'waah he didn't come to the team meal' never reports that Kroos turned it down too in order to go to bed at a certain time.
The issue is that Zidane said he was leaving and then when he is about leave, the transfer is canned because they want a big dollop of cash. Or is it because Ascensio is injured for the rest of the season? Who knows!
Stop making sweeping statements. Lots of places have early language stuff and parents do teach their kids secondary languages. As for 'learn French', it can be German, Spanish or Russian or loads of other languages. After that it is up to you if you want to do language courses. Yes, starting young is good, but there is no real incentive to do it. You learn English because the world uses English and knowing English is good. There is no real need to learn Spanish unless you want to live in Spain. I dunno man. It isn't so simple.
>muh fringe exceptions
go home Ali
The only reason anybody remembers that slaphead sandniggers time as a footballer is because he headbutted Materazzi.
>Some shit 3rd world team offers to pay you £500,000 a week to play for them.
>Carry them to major trophies and get no gratitude from retarded fans
>Continue to score the most important goals in the clubs history
>Retarded fans insist you learn their pygmy language so you can converse with low IQ negro teammates
>Ask you to leave because shit tier players are jealous
Bale unironically did nothing wrong
Siempre es lindo ver al maestro
>brexit means brexit
Imagine being this delusional. Your country will literally get fucked by everyone with the clout of the EU to protect you. Indians are literally laughing at your backs and how much more pull they will have negotiating with England, since the UK will depend a lot on the Commonwealth.
Your excolonies will rape you, including my country lol
T. Guardian reader
Less form of government and regulation is always a good thing
Absolutely and unequivocally based
Is he retarded? This genuinely made me feel bad for him.
Pretty much nothing, Bale speaks basic Spanish tho, with a thick British accent but you can pefectly understand him
That was 4 years ago, he got better
also with many spanish players