You are not a real Joshi fan if you don't know who is that

you are not a real Joshi fan if you don't know who is that.

Attached: Jaguar.jpg (180x254, 7K)

Attached: FUCK YOU FAGS.png (1920x1080, 870K)

Why is one eye higher than the other?

Yoko Ono?

Rocky Mavia?

Toyota Carolla right?


Attached: EQ2_2j6U4AA64Uk.jpg (921x1080, 189K)

Based Manami Toyota


Is that the guy that originally voiced him?

go away Pajeet

hj freaks?

Of Course I know Mitsubishi Honda!

Sorry but pre-00s joshi is non-canon to me. Get with the times boomer.

Attached: IMG_20191230_213243.jpg (3178x4096, 1.25M)

Jaguar Yokota

Attached: Jaguar-Yokota-Topless.jpg (305x482, 110K)


>those nipples

Attached: 323F7970-814B-4254-92AC-D4001C1C56AB.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Back when joshis looked like adult woman

Attached: 1toshimi-kinoshita.jpg (1193x1901, 221K)

>that face

Low t pedo


I want to suck on those nips.

Reminder that there is a very high chance this woman has been DAVED

Attached: Meltz.jpg (425x669, 150K)

Based if true

breh look at those milk duds

Her nipples are bigger than her tits. Nice bush though. Keep em coming, user.

Attached: 1578709645068.png (644x472, 244K)

Nice filename falsie

Might as well dumb them

Attached: Jaguar-Yokota-Naked.jpg (480x741, 30K)


Attached: 9898fb10.jpg (545x800, 69K)

Attached: Jaguar-Yokota-Nude.jpg (474x965, 86K)


Attached: Jaguar-Yokota-Sex-Scene-736x1024.jpg (736x1024, 123K)

Jaguar YoGOATa

big bush

Attached: Jaguar-Yokota-Nipples.jpg (305x369, 72K)

God damn I just want to suck on those titties so bad.

One of my favorites

Attached: JaguaraYokota9.jpg (305x474, 25K)

I dont have any feet pics of her, sorry user

Attached: JaguarYokota12.jpg (305x482, 36K)

Attached: YaguarYokota13.jpg (1305x874, 159K)

Why was she posing nude? How did she get away with it?

Bumping this joshi thread

Didn’t he hang with manami a lot when he was in Japan in the 80s?


care to elaborate?

who is that?


Attached: ER_gJ5-UwAAarDD.jpg (1536x2048, 504K)

Holy dimes

Of all the joshis it's fucking Jaguar Yokota that did nudes.
Why is life like this?

Can we get some similiar pics but with manami toyota please

Can I get some similar pics but with Rina please

I hope you're not talking about Rina from Stardom.

Attached: mayu.jpg (576x559, 86K)

That'd inoki

I doubt it

That is sexy