Been a fan since I was born

>been a fan since I was born
>upcoming season yet have zero interest
What went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

One of three things: Either you got burnt out on ads, only like run up the middle plays, or you're a dumb hick assblasted that some black people kneeled for a minute before the game.

It's all the gay ads and bullshit from zebras. The league feels like some Serie A mafia right now.

>thinking niggercollide is a sport
Have sex.

3/4 of the teams are uncompetitive and the AFC Championship has already been decided. There's literally no reason to watch until the playoffs.

Like most, you're probably tired of the Patriots always winning and your team always losing. Keep coping, faggot.


niggers kneeling and seeing the same 8 commercials all day long

You found out the NFL was scripted like how you found out Santa wasn't real.

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there are no stars, all the good players get injured or retire too early to make some real name recognition

Patriots are gud easy shekels and when Brady and Belichick finally retire out of old age. It will become the Goof/Mcvay show with the best market in the USA that is LA with that flashy new stadium next year.

Owl 55 will be Rams vs Jets. Best markets in USA and both QBs will reach peak mode after seasons of blunders.

Once they outlawed defense the game became nonsensical and unwatchable.

>USC bust qb
>super bowl
That's some jew york delusion right there

You forget the NFL is ran by Jews. So it's gonna happen if you like or not.



But bro don't you like 150 point games? Aren't they so fun and cool and good?

How fortunate you live in one of, if not the most, financially profitable markets for a team to win in

You do live in New England, right? I know the Patriots attract bandwagoners like flies to shit

so we're just going to ignore the fact that last year's superbowl only had 16 points scored? doesn't exactly seem like a "shootout"


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Because the script was screwy thanks to that bad saints/rams game. They couldnt figure out a winner until the last 5 mins when they figured Avengers was still popular, so lets give Brady the infinity gauntlet of rings to give this superbowl something.

user how does that show the NFL is scripted in any way

The date that post was made and deleted after the pats won their game. Official NFL post mind you. Had to go damage control on that vikings/eagles game since Vikes were suppose to go and win the owl at Minneapolis

And lets be real, how the fuck was Eagles team who barely beat almost the same falcons team from 2017s owl, suddenly not only murdered the heavily favored vikings, but also the even more heavily favored patriots as well? A team that was battered on most positions except RB/Ertz and Cox

if your team won the superbowl you would not be saying anything about a "script"
this happens all the time, you know how they print champion t shirts for both teams? they do the same with press packages and media. the most reasonable explanation is that whoever was running the account fat-fingered it and posted the wrong thing.

alternatively, you can believe whatever butthurt conspiracy theory you want. god damn I love the patriots, they literally cause people's brains to break

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Wow one game out of a thousand had a low score in a weird game with a zillion commercials to break up rhythm and high nerves everywhere. You really cracked the code.

Good riddance OP. Another beta cringelord for the mls onions army
you would be correct if you were posting in a time machine in 1947. why do you even watch the NFL if you think it's scripted? or bother posting about it if you don't watch it? out of curiosity, which team are you a fan of?

You came out of the closet

Wont be loving them when the script is finally no longer in your favor. You are about to be like John Cena as you are replaced by the Roman Reigns Rams.

Ironic is he is also from Boston and Brady like in the Entertainment world.

>Pats fag
>Thinks NFL is not scripted
Grass is green, water is wet, and Pats fag living in the scripted world given to him.

okay so you're just a mandrama mouthbreather, nevermind

>Implying Pats fags are not mouthbreathing söyboys
Yeah you need to go back.

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The draft of this year has been pretty shite 2bh. We don't have the Mayfields, the Darnolds, the Lamemes, the Saquons, the Leonards, etc.

>Because of an Facebook post you believe they changed the script completely so the Eagles, who weren't even going to the Super Bowl under your theory, would now be winning

I thought we were alcoholic racists? you have to choose one

Then why did they delete it the moment the pats won the championship game and people were calling them out on that then genius? Plus they even had the balls to cover it up with a even shitter photoshop to cover the leaked blunder after the Eagles won. Then again, arguing with a pats fag like yourself is like trying to get liberals to clean up the shit and needles off the sidewalks of SF. Enjoy those 6 rings as they will be our last the moment Brady goes off the script priority when he retires like all good WWE Entertainers do.

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Only one of them is an alcoholic racist that got punched by a literal shit eater from Boston. Philly is more of the alcoholic racist than Boston is.

the league has become unwatchable after becoming a meme quarterback obsessed shithole. the game used to have balance but now it's all about having a top tier quarterback.
t. cowboys boomer who misses run offense

>getting this mad at handegg
holy shit nigger it's just a sport lol

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What is the best city in the United States, for a man who hates baseball, hates football (American football) hates basketball and hates ice hockey?

portland so you can be a faggy MLS supporter

Who said I was getting mad at the sport. I'm more laughing at it that pats fags like yourself refuse to think it's not scripted. Keep smelling your farts while you still can you delusional söy.

Austin Texas

Salt Lake City

Nah I just think you're nuts because they have these posts ready beforehand just in case either scenario happens
Either way if it's true that social media poster would be based af

reasons why would Austin FC be my ideal team in Major League Soccer?

And is it worth waiting for 2021?

>Nah I just think you're nuts because they have these posts ready beforehand just in case either scenario happens
Gee, Tuesday was a little early to post a promotional add which outright states *Your team the Minnasota Vikings, and the New England Patriots are going to the Super Bowl*. You dont see the MLB posting shit like *Come win free tickets to see the Redsox open the world series against the Brewers* or the NBA advertising *free tickets to see the Rockets vs the Raptors *. Only the NFL did that and you still think that's not the least suspect? I know Pats fags are full of themselves, but holy shit man.

You do know that pats fan is just troll right? He knows the league is rigged and just trying to get a reaction out of you. Welcome to Yea Forums new user!

>NE has wicked smat people and shit so they are a betta team and shit
Dude just accept they’re a better team on levels you don’t even account for. They could have the budget of a varsity team and play at the level they do

Sounds pretty nice desu. I'd take it

That's up to you, but I say them because
>No major league teams to compete with
>Only sporting competitions in the area would be University of Texas athletics, which runs on a different schedule then MLS and can also give you a ton of sports that aren't the ones you mentioned
>Its culture means a MLS team will be a immediate success

Of course the NFL is rigged in favour of the Pats. Because they have more supporters than any other team, a global army of glory hunting fags, having them in the SB and winning it brings in more ratings/revenue/money than any other team. Ever wonder why they really get flagged? And the opponents always get flagged at just the inconvient time?

I still enjoy the sport but its rigged for the Pats, they want Brady to get 7 rings so they can say he's better than Jordan and the greatest sportsman ever. Its literally WWE shit.

Warranty will be voided after this season and will go the the Rams for a decade or so.

>Because they have more supporters than any other team
That's still the Cowboys. By a wide margin.

I think OP's first mistake was supporting some trash franchise like the Bills or Bengals

Because there's only one good team in the entire league and the rest are full of dumb fuck coaches and owners. Fuck John Mara. He would be working at a pizzeria if he didn't plop out the right vagina.

No worldwide. Pats glory fags are everywhere. When I went to Brazil all I saw was fucking Pats jerseys.

Yes, worldwide too. The Cowboys are the biggest team in the world, all sports.

Anyone getting the new madden? I'm not sure if I want it.

nah i think some soccer teams are bigger than the cowboys. but american sports wise, yes cowboys are biggest.

I mean shit, the pats are only the third biggest team in boston after the sox and bruins. And anyone that disagrees doesnt know shit about boston

Without actually polling people or accepting absolute bullshit as evidence, the only thing we can really go off of is value. The Cowboys outpace everyone. The 3 biggest soccer teams are Barca, Madrid, and Man U. Cowboys are worth more than all three by a substantial amount.

the cowboys are trash. literally riding on the old glory days. i mean they have fuckin' dak preskot throwing ducks. turned me off since they literally get all the national tv games

>watching football for any other reason than to see niggers destroy each other for your amusement

I've tried, many times, to get into NFL but I just can't. The constant ads and drawn-out stoppages fucking kill me. It's unwatchable. Which sucks because I love watching football as a sport. I can only muster enough care to watch my alma mater's team and then just watch soccer for the rest of the year.

just watch redzone. or wait a day later and watch the games with the breaks and ads when its condensed for you

NFL needs round robin system with no playoffs

>no playoffs
Never comment on American sports again.

Fucking kys Fernando

Fer, I thought you already supported El Tree? (Vamos Austin FC!)

Based BEWD

>my proof that everything is fixed is that the team the league would prefer lost

imagine being this dumb

everyone is already on the Browns bandwagon and ready to be bitterly disappointed again and again.

>Owl 55 will be Rams Vs Jets.

Probably because you have better things to do than spend 4 hours watching one game, most of which is ads and intermissions.

Almost zero interest as a Packers fan, much more excited for the Bucks to start than I am for the NFL which I never thought I'd say.

>god tier
baseball, hockey
>shit tier
handegg, apehoop, and divegrass. It's that simple

>he’s not hyped to see the Browns tear the league up this year
The fuck is wrong with you