Biggest underachievers in the sport?

Biggest underachievers in the sport?

>10th most populated country in the world
>Obsessed with the sport
>No current world class players
>Farthest they’ve ever made it was a World Cup quarterfinal more than 30 years ago

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Should Mexico cancel football? I think they should and institute more boxing academies with the support of big promotions

>325M people
>obsessed with soccer
>lose to T&T

Who are you talking about


You, you retarded mutt

Shut up CHI. Go back to Mexico. Oh wait. They dont want you there either.

>TOP 10 Most populous countries in the world (as of June 2019):

1.39 billion people

1.35 billion people

329.6 million people

268.1 million people

210.2 million people

205.3 million people

200.9 million people

166.9 million people

146.8 million people

126.6 million people

Besides Brazil, ALL of those countries suck in relation to their pooulation desu

Why is that?

Most of them don’t care about football

The US of A are pretty bad for a country of 330 millions of people.

As far as soccer goes the league in MX is shit and they dont get paid well so they end up getting poached to random teams outside MX. Doesnt MX actually have a few Costa Ricans in their league?

Poached by*


Liga MX is pretty shit. There are international players in Liga MX from all over, I think Andre Gignac played there for awhile even Landon Donovan and Ronaldinho played in Liga MX.

As bad as Liga MX is MLS is worse, not even making it up they've lost consistently against Liga MX in the Americas equivalent of Champions League.

I thought it was the opposite... don't they overpay Mexican players, ruining whatever chances they had to go abroad and get better training in Europe? Similar to how the MLS is starting to fuck the US team?

I heard they won a Gold Cup recently, I'd say that was an achievement

From what I remember the Mexican clubs make it almost impossible for Mexican players to leave to international clubs which is why you rarely see any MX players abroad, unless they are good enough to merit the price.

The second best team in the competition was the USMNT. So, yeah ....

A country with double the population, more wealth, better facilities...who was this thread about again?

most do actually

>obsessed with soccer

t. Muslim

old news, fake germany

we just beat them

>better facilities

please stop drinking Don Garber's kool-aid

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*turks your path*

>insanely passionate about the sport
>government that both props up the big clubs and invests in the grassroots
>80 million people, young population
>similar socioeconomic profile to latin america
>diaspora with players trained in top-level german and dutch academies - gives them free players, basically the same as croatia and bosnia

Attached: turkey.jpg (3302x2201, 776K)

They already beat the shit out of everyone in box just by investing what they invest, they should change to basketball.

If he was CHI he would be sucking Mexico off

You are absolutely wrong. Liga MX pays too much for the quality of the players. Kinda like the spic poor Premier League.
Liga MX is loaded with cash due to the chicano bux flooding in. Liga MX is more popular in the US than MLS is, kek.

They did finish 3rd in 2002, somehow. And also have had some good euros, like in 2008.
But them playing in Europe limits their chances to play international competitions regularly.

I suggest we stack them on top of the wall one by one. Hopefully nobody falls off

Basically only Brazil and Mexico. Nigeria too I guess? The rest it's at best the #2 sport.

and Russia

in China it's also the most wachted sport afaik

Every country on that list is a shithole

Honestly besides Mexico, the biggest surprise there is how bad Nigeria are. They should be dominating African football but keep choking hard.

we're not obsessed with mens soccer. we kind of hate it, in fact.

immature pro sports industry and infrastructure. also the nigeria team is not as good as senegal's

They have had good teams in the past. But mostly at "youth" level.

Russia is weird about football. It's widely played as an amateur sport and plenty of Russians watch the game, but they have fewer registered professionals than Iceland.

At least the Nigerian NT fields real Nigerians, Senegal and other Francophone african countries rely on their european born diaspora kids aka chicanegros that arent good enough for their birth country team but still went thru the french soccer academy system, shit Plastic as fuck

We should cancel football and further the development of American football to piss off the rest of latin América, i like boxing but we already very good at it not really much of a need of an investment there, maybe Just to start producing heavyweights althoug its a dying weight class

>mexico has better facilities than US

In which alternate reality?

>chicano bux

Did you mean ameri-hipster bux?

>american football

Dying sport. Basketball is the future both US and international. E!SPN said so.

USA, Mexico and Russia have a decent team.

China is shit.

India are minnows.

We already have a bigger following for american football than basketball and participation in the sport is Also huge, its easier that we turn into a handegg country than an apehoop one

>third world kids able to afford pad and helmets

Dont think so, amigou.

Our college league is 90 years old and its televised, albeit is not NCAA football by any meassure but yeah its popular, the sport is indeed expensive but thats Why most clubs and/or schools had the gear and lend it to players each season, i never owned a helmet or pads nsither most of my teammates

the opposite, liga MX pays well but they don't promote mexican players (lack of talent? dunno) and so you see a ton of colombians/ argies/ uruguayans

Chivas has a lot to do with it, they have a policy of only using mexican players, to remain competitive they pay more for national players inflating the market value so its cheaper to bring southamericans for the rest of the teams

>Why most clubs and/or schools had the gear and lend it to players each season, i never owned a helmet or pads neither most of my teammates
That's how it is here, too. When I played in high school, the only thing we bought were cleats and some players bought gloves.

Does mentality play a factor as well? Are Mexican players too comfortable staying home and don't want to have to go abroad where they have to get used to a new language and culture?

You gotta remember, most of these kids aren't taltented enough to get picked up by foreign countries so they get farmed by Liga MX, and once time comes for them to go pro they are already indentured to the clubs they've been with since they were kids.

Same here plus the integrations for the pants (dont know the name in english we call them fundas) anything else was depending on if you wanted to use it and buy it on your own

Mentality in México and the rest of latinamerica is not that diferent to be honest and every kid playing football at any level dreams on being called to play in europe but only the very Best in the World get to do that, argies specifically have an advantage because a lot of them can claim european citizenships so they dont count for the foreign players count, simple fact is we dont produce that many good Players for a Wide variety of reasons and the ones we do get sometimes too expensive for foreign clubs un less they are poached very early in their career or are an extraordinary talent

If the top players in Liga MX are too expensive to leave, is that ultimately good or bad for the leauge? I'm sure its good for the league for the best players to not leave all the time, but doesn't this hold back the profile of the league internationally?

Doubt liga mx gives a shit one way or the other, the profile of a league is not that dependent on the players they send abroad, is not like the argue and brazilian leagues have a widespread international appeal because lots of players come from those countries at most people Will have some passing knowledge of the existence of River and Boca, Also as time goes less and less "foreign" players Will enter top european leagues coming from their countries senior profesional squads, it Just makes more sense to bring them as 10-15 year olds and develope them within their academies like they did with messi

DESU they have a best ligue than the rest of South America

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Nah, it Just have a bigger market and more money

Ya vente José, te extraña tu familia.

>No current world class players
let me hit you with a hot speculatory take
>Cartels own all the teams
>See talent
>Keep talent playing for their team, using threats if necessary
>Good players never get any international recognition

all the spics come here but end up getting overlooked because muh height abuse

Small world, OP.

I have a friend whose mom is from Chihuahua and his dad's from Ontario, and today I was asking him what happened to Chicharito.

Tl;dr imo Mexico plays much slower paced, methodical footy whereas most of their competitors on the global stage are playing on par with the status quo of what's to be expected - fast paced, fast moving, more mechanical types of football. Even watching the ICC today with ACM and Benfica I was thinking about how Sarriball isn't even inherently Sarri, it's just Italian football. I think Mexico has underachieved because their playstyle doesn't benefit them on the global stage in comparison to more domestic leagues.

Russians have Hockey, and Basketball is bigger than Soccer in China.