I watch NFL

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I secretly think Messi is the goat

very based, my (monte)negro

i wish all europeans would die except for luxembourgers

I don't watch sports.

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I watched AAF. Lifelong /flelite/.

I'm black.

I'm Batman


>not apollos

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I really don't hate soccer, I just say it here because Europeans and South Americans getting triggered so fucking easy and it's fun

I sometimes watch MLS

I whupped Batman's ass

I've fingered a 15 year old girl.

Flag checks out.

I did too, but i was Also 15 myself

you should lose weight anyways burgerbro

I actually do sports irl

Jim Jones was killed by the CIA

im gay


we know

I regularly have sex
>fell for the meme

I want to get into NFL, NHL and maybe even MLB but I don’t have anyone to watch them with.

i saved this webm

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I’ll watch them with you fren

>tfw dumped my gf because we were almost living together long enough to be common law married
>get 8 digit inheritance
>she moves in with some retard working in the oil industry in Alberta
>in 2014
>when the oil industry damn near collapsed never to recover
>never talked to her again
>still posting on spee
>just jacked off to a japanese girl ive been jacking it to for years
>finally look up her age last week
>she only just turned 18

I dont have a gf

I still wish I was a professional football player

I bang my cousin when I meet her at our town

Hots hots 4 life. Never forget who ruined your perfect record lel.

t. went to all home games

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It was consensual and she initiated it.
I was in my 20s.
Disgusting pedo.

I like soccer more than football.

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unironically downloaded a proxy a few months back and shitposted as an american asking the most stupid shit abour football

Now the real confession is i just made that up and if you thought it was true that tell us about the absolute state of american posters

he should be holding red wine not champagne.

I'm a messi fan that enjoys passing as a Tsufag just to fuck with insecure messoyfags

Messi is clearly superior but I always pretend TSU is better because I can't resist triggering the faggots on Yea Forums



I support arsenal and hamilgoat


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i bump /fs/ threads


pic related, that sounds too good to believe

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I've watched apehoop over 10 times

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based lose weight poster


I am married.

I also started to root for Bayern in international competitions ever since coming on here, because the banter after Bayern losses always gets directed at Germans overally, because you foreigners assume we all are fans of those Bavarian fucks.
I normally despise Bayern.


>I am married.
hows that. are you cucked?

I fantasize about Hope Solo face sitting me

No my American friend, we have a traditional marriage, not the modern American cuck marriage you guys over there are so into.

i gave my nephew a bag of edible grasshoppers back in the day as a gag gift before i was woke on bug protein and thanks to it he started eating them on the regular. It's been about 5 years now since then.

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My nose hair is growing out of control

he swole?

I have been depressed since 2014 because I left football to focus in studies because I thought it was better listen to my fathers. Today, I still depressed, broken and I failed in studies. I'm nothing.


He's only 11. His doting mom has been giving him insects ever since that gag gift. Oh good God i ruined that poor kid.

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I believe there should be a white ethnostate and also a black ethnostate seperate to the rest of each country. Anyone else can live mixed but each race should be given a chance to live amongst their own race.

wtf literally me

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Based and real football pilled

i cant wait for all wh*Te ""men"" to die and BLACKS to rule the world as it should be

Watch them with us fren

i barely watch any sports and when i do it, i support the contrarian choice. when i'm 'successful' in my choice, i like to watch the sadness of everyone around

Lots of people root for the Yankees and Cowboys user.

I think golf and tennis are the most patrician sports

I only watch American sports but still have to pretend I give a fuck about the prem just to make conversation

I'm actually a "professional" footballer in 2nd division team with no hopes of achieving anything

I think many Yanks here have great reading of Football

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Don't give up, Egyptian fren! We all believe in your

Tsu is better than Messi

I watched 10 games of spicswing last summer

women are a disease affecting men. only the weakest and dumbest males actually seek out this disease. the rest are simply unable to avoid it

I'm a semi professional athlete competing in the biggest events of the sport but 99% of you have never heard about it and never will.

I always shit on cr7 in public, saying that he's a fraud etc, but for some reason I get happy whenever he scores or accomplishes something big

I liked the 7-1 because I couldn't stand people shilling the seleção 24/7 like it was stacked af

I have been harassing my ex for quite some time now. Not because I'm still in love with her but because I'm angry at the certain things she's done and she has never taken any form of responsibility. Police have interfered several times, yet I'm still too stubborn and too angry to quit. I'm afraid I might actually do something crazy one day. Sometimes I think that's the only logical way things could end

I bet money that germany wouldn't make it out of the group in the world cup 2018

No I lost hope a long time ago

Let me guess it’s that weird German sport which is like volleyball

Not even close. It's the swiss national sport Schwingen.
I would love to shill the bigger events here a bit but sadly that's when I'm also competing.

I have fantasies about my entire family getting killed in a car accident, and being completely free.

I bet against my teams all the time and make a killing. if I just stuck to my teams games and didn't junkie out to other shit I'd be retired by now

it's basically a swiss version of wrestling

quite gay desu

I support mercedes and i like hamilton

why don't you stop?

I'm afraid this would be me if I started a family

Im a schizophrenic manlet

I don't know how to ice skate

>I pray fr the sweet release of Death

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I watch American football, soccer, basketball, and baseball but troll all their fans on spee for (You)s

>When you know she's no high climber then you find your only friend
>In a room with your two timer, and you're sure you're near the end
>Then you love a little wild one, and she brings you only sorrow
>All the time you know she's smilin'; you'll be on your knees tomorrow

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I piss in the sink. Invariably. My roommate has no idea. I fucked my best friends ex. He has no idea. As Bayern customer I secretly and outrightly hate dirtmund, but I like their playing style a lot more than bayerns. Reus is based too I guess

I rooted for germany because i was a edgy teen

I'm Martin Liberman

I rate Zidane

I unironically like Argentina and want them to win things

I shitpost about American sports being irrelevant even though American Football is my second favourite sport

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I admit that I LARP as Fernando Fernandez sometimes in the american generals to get (You)s, taking advantage of my flag

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i don't watch liga MX

I watched as a thot got a friend of mine drunk and high at a party and did nothing when she led him into a bedroom where I later learned he was raped and she got pregnant from it.
In the ensuing drama I claimed to have seen nothing and nobody else either knew or saw or cared and she now takes half his paycheck in child support.
To be perfectly honest, I had long since grown tired of being his friend and thought him getting his life ruined might lead to him moving away or killing himself instead of me having to go through the awkwardness of telling him the truth.

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>I watched as a thot got a friend of mine drunk and high at a party and did nothing when she led him into a bedroom where I later learned he was raped and she got pregnant from it.
That's only rape if it was a girl.

I disagree. Female on male rape is rare but it exists and I just couldn’t bring myself to stop it.

I only watch sports matches when I put money on it

Basterd bitch ban chod.

Your something user one day at a time

I watched the last 2 minutes of the nba finals so I didn’t seem clueless at work

I'm balding at 28.

Propecia my guy. But stop taking it if you get any weird symptoms.

come to /mlb/, fren
we'll teach you the game

I fondled a passed out girl at a party in high school and basically now I can’t become a celebrity

MLS is aiite

You dont have to lie to kick it man.

Got me lad

post bod

>got your really young relative to start eating insects
yeah you fucked up

Im a liverpool fan and I unironically enjoyed the last few seasons more than this season

>made this because Apollos were my team.

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>post bod
what? Could you elaborate?

*ruins your streak*

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I want to die but i dont want to make my cat sad. But if he dies it will be the trigger for my death. It will be impossible to recover if he dies, hes my only family left. The world is too cruel for me.
I also hate souf niggers so much it makes my blood boil. Before i die i want to purge every souf cunt in Portugal. Only then i will take my life. A portuense nail is worth 100000 lisboeta souls. Viva á monarquia

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I don't mind black people in my country but I absolutely abhor european niggers, they should be fucking exterminated.

Hola colorado, lindo programa hacés, seguí así.

I larp as nazi on 4chin but each day I found myself becoming more and more communist

this post is incomprehensible to non-Yea Forums users

Propecia isn't something you can just stop taking if you get weird symptoms. It sometimes makes your dick stop working. Permanently. There is no undoing it or stopping it by stopping the medication. If you're insecure enough that you're willing to castrate yourself, you might just be a huge faggot. Just go for one of the other hair options if you're really that insecure about it. I'd rather use that spraypaint shit or get a hair transplant than take shit that could permanently fuck up my dick.

I want to impregnate this duck, if you know what I'm saying.

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I make fun of people from different countries on Yea Forums despite being insecure about my flag

I don't even watch sports, I just shitpost and look up when something interesting happens
Based, same.

i've only tried to watch it 2 or 3 times in small doses but i think i'm too dumb to understand cricket

hmm. you should go out more user. that rage makes no sense.

I'm Sam Hyde

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I make both anti-Messi and anti-Ronaldo posts to maximize the amount of (You)s I can get.

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I only watch sports as an excuse to drink heavily, gamble and fill a little bit of the void.

Women never take responsibility for what they do. They always try and shift blame, it's disgusting

Didn’t he get aids?

I never ate grasshopper but I imagine they're just land prawns. They probably nice.

user, you should get another cat so you and your cat have another friend and kittens are lovely.

When will the slaughter end sammy guns

Are you me?

sometimes i pretend to use broken english so i can falseflag chicanos and immigrants

flagposting is based

not at all, unfortunately. animals tend to take on the taste of what they eat, and grasshoppers taste extremely earthy, basically like eating crunchy grass. you can spice them up and douse them in lime juice, but the unsavory taste never fully goes away. i'll eat a handful if offered, but i'd never purchase them for myself

I call myself a huge baseball fan but I've seen like 3 total games this entire season, I mostly just check the score on my phone

I'm extremely lonely, but don't make any effort to change it.

I like Americans , but constantly shitpost about them because they're easy to bait

Football is the only thing that exites me besides alcohol

try drugs mate

lel nice


Lel, me too. I will watch a match of LAFC or LA Galaxy if it's on.

I sometimes reply to my own posts by saying based. I usually wait a few minutes before I do this.


I'm a hardcore ABL. This year for my birthday when I blew out my cake candles, I wished Liverpool would be relegated and become the new Leeds.

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show us what a pro schwingen body looks like bro

I'm married and have two kids. One almost 2 and the other almost 4 months old. I love football but I genuinely hope they'll pick up rugby instead.

I don't like divegrass

im insecure about just getting into the prem so late in my life that i barely post in gamethreads because of my flag. im compassionate about my other sports and watched or try watching every game for my teams since the late 90s. and now i do so for all competitions (FA cup, champions league, carabao cup) for the prem team i follow (saw every match the last two seasons cause NEET). but i just hate being new. you can catch me posting tons in the fan channels or on NBCSN page for certain matches like a total normie faggot on youtube

the reason i dont believe messi is the goat is because he has always played in an evil club full of cheating cunts and divers. also batlant refball to make him win titles and his autistic behavior don't help.


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I’ve only been watching soccer for about 13 years and changed my loyalty for teams quite a few times before I got comfy.

I unironically like the MLS


I would unironically have sex with the Goblina.

23 here and same. Don't care too much about being bald but I feel i'd look too much like my dad. We both have similar looking faces, the same sounding voice, the same height and both wear glasses. Being bald like him as well would be too much at this point in life.

my ex wife was a total bitch and if i hadnt met somebody better i wouldve ended up murdering her in a violent way and be locked up and not able to post this confession also i like cricket

I’ve followed Tottenham for about 10 years now but I’ve become less interested in following them and I didn’t make much of an effort to get off work to watch the Champions League final. I just followed the minute by minute on the BBC’s website.

I legitimately can't look at soccer or soccer players seriously. They are are mega fucking gay and I wonder if they are wearing makeup and lingerie.

It is an obscenely feminine "sport" and only popular because it's the only sport poor countries can afford to play as all you need is one round ball.

Based Fer.

Vamos El Tree!
Austin FC!

I frequently post retarded shit about soccer to get (you)s from euros

Soccer isn't that bad, and it's certainly more entertaining to watch in real life over baseball.

I will never go to a baseball game ever again.

i don't watch eredivisie because i can't stand ajax or psv and the rest is pathetic

I hate dutch mancity faggot.

it was really hard to cum last night, none of my top videos were doing it. i might have been too drunk. eventually a mandy muse scene got it done