When did you find your team?

When did you find your team?
I've been watching football (soccer) for 5 years, still can't find my team.
also my local town doesn't have a team.
desu I kinda envy people who has the team to support.
should I be a eternal neutral footbal fan?

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why even have a team? just enjoy sport

I do, but its more fun when you have a team isnit

Not really. Sport is an art to be appreciated. If a director you enjoy releases a film and an actor you respect gets a role in another, you don't then get arsey about which one performs better at the box office. You enjoy the merits of both productions.

Just support teams with Japanese players? (If you're actually Japanese and not a Western sex tourist, that is.) That's what I would do if I was from an irrelevant footballing nation

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I support NYC teams because I grew up on Long Island. Simple as

One has not seen Yea Forums

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come support the first world champion, lad

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Where do you live?

There are not local teams where you live J/a/panese friend?

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One has and it is a cringeworthy shithole. I imagine that's how non-Yea Forums people view sports fans. (Except for during the olympics or internationals because normies into the equally cringeworthy patriotism)

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I find sport boring as fuck if I don’t care about the result.

my mom made me root for my team

This. Without emotional investment it's just random dudes jogging about.

>whole family supports Boca
>went to the stadium for the first time when I was 6
>afterwards on-and-off live near La Bombonera
>first memories are of Boca winning la Intercontinental against Real Madrid and Milan afterwards
It was a no brainer for me, you support your local club/family club. For me it was both

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Shut the fuck about your mickey mouse cup already, palmeme is the only delusional club that try to credit that as a club world cup, its pathetic

hot take: I mostly agree with this post

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>has the proof shoved in your face
>still doesn't believe it

at least it wasn't a food analogy


Support Eintracht Frankfurt to immediately become based and redpilled.

You are born into your team lad. The team you support is either the family team or where you are from.

dont worry la, everyone knows its true, it just rustles their jimmies a little too hard



plebs filtered


>being this delusional
yall are literally a national joke at this point
before we (paulistas) used to make fun of curintia for not having a libertadores
now you can even see pretos mulambos fudidos flamenguistas and vaxcainos making fun of your stupid asses

>Sport is an art to be appreciated

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unironically this but i'm just going to laugh at you anyways lmao what a nerd

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a fedora on a stick typed this post

I did one of those epl flowcharts after the 2014 WC

kill me

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shut up autismo. the true enjoyment comes from passionately supporting a club.

My dad used to take me and my brother when I was about 8, followed them since. Just pick your closest team that you can go and watch.