Not a single thread about Tour de France, the main cycling event of the year

>not a single thread about Tour de France, the main cycling event of the year

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Tour de what?

riding on a bicycle like a french faggot isn't a sport

Nothing is happening anyway


This board is cancer

But there literally is, you niggers

Then why don't you just start one?

There's about 4

Nobody cares about this homosexual """""sport"""""

Commuting is not a sport

>A Colombian is the champion
>Nobody cares

Well, that's expected.

That’s what you get for having a random latino as the maillot jaune.

Captcha: bike

Nobody gives a fuck about the Tour-de-Roids.

>Tour finally gets interesting
>stop the race and shorten the next one

Yeah shit sport desu

forsen posting belgian on suicide watch

Isn't cycling ?

it's actually

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Cycling is for queers

When is some yuro fag leading thetrs always a thread but since they got their asses blasted theyre silent. Fucking based egan

Exactly. Take it to /fit/ or Yea Forums. This is a soccer and gwan ronneh board.

lmao no

Watching cycling it for pleasure is fucking homosexual as it gets. Fucking gay porno is more straight than that

More like Tour de Bore, you have to be right retarded to enjoy a sport more boring than baseball

love the cope

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Fucking idiot theres a daily 2000 post thread.

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based ColombianChads

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>the main cycling event
there's your answer, Gijs-Jan

I didn't even know a sudaca won some boring race until you started spamming it everywhere on the board. I mean who cares?

Cyclists are fags and they deserve to be ran over by cars

TdF is over
the only interesting thing coming will be the parade of Bernal the day he's back in Colombia

Mate we have a thread called /tdf/ that has been posted every single day that the Tour has been on. Obviously you haven't been here while the Tour has been on.

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Enjoy seething.

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>take up the whole road
>run red lights, pedestrian when it suits them and vehicle when they feel like it
>super slow compared to things with engines

Motorcycles is the best of both worlds.

>Motorcycles is the best of both worlds.
>dies in a horrible accident

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>take up the whole road
>run red lights, pedestrian when it suits them and vehicle when they feel like it
For my response to that see the attached picture.

>super slow compared to things with engines
Not in the middle of a big city. Cycling is faster than anything else. Faster than vehicles, faster than the tube (subway in American). You can cut through traffic while all the vehicles are stuck.

I like driving too. Obviously in some situations a car is more convenient. But in some situations a bike is better. And a bike costs way less money. And gives you exercise. And is fun.

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>electric shifters and earpieces
cycling is dead

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1) Why do you object to electronic shifting? You don't want them to shift precisely? Why? What's wrong with you?
2) Earpieces have been a thing for a very long time, I don't know how long, but I would guess the technology would have been available at least in the '90s and possibly the '80s. And I would guess that team orders in cycling are even older than that but I don't know for sure.

You're an idiot.

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1) Bicycles have been technologically obsolete since the invention of motorcycles. Cycling tech should advance but always within clear boundaries, that is: no engines allowed.
2) Team orders from the car and chalkboard updates are peak soul, that's why they still do it for show

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This is what a cyclist actually looks like. Look at the size of his head!!

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>no engines
Electronic derailleurs aren't "engines" you fucking idiot. You have no idea how a bike works do you?

>Team orders from the car and chalkboard updates are peak soul
Go to bed grandpa.

Meanwhile you and most other cagers look like the Michelin man. Kek.

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They are. I don't even need to look at an electronic derailleur to know it is powered by an tiny engine with a shaft, coils and all that stuff that doesn't belong on a bike. I am THAT smart.

This sport died with Armstrongs balls