Has made Jon Moxley feel like guy who could carry a company

>Has made Jon Moxley feel like guy who could carry a company
>Has made Cody a main eventer
>Has got Adam Page over
>Has got Luchasaurus over
>Has got Darby Allin over
>Has got Britt Baker over
>Has made Dustin Rhodes feel important again
>Has made Pac feel like a killer
>Has let Orange Cassidy get over
>Has used Arn Anderson
>Has even gotten Aubrey fucking Edward's over

Why can't WWE do this?

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>carry a company
>get outshined by almost everything else on the card...user...

WWE is catered towards an audience of one, guess who that one person is

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Imagine what they would do with Chad Gable, Ricochet, or Alistair Black

Don Cheadle?

>Cody a main eventer

He was the most over babyface in the business till he came out with that gay tattoo the whole arena went silent when it was shown on the screen kek

Go bankrupt

Over tho whom? Their few hundred thousand cultists?

The shit live band also killed the crowd, just a shitshow of bad decisions from Cody last night, I'm glad MJF went over, Cody can beat him if he ever unjusts himself.

>>Has made Pac feel like a killer
Thank god
It was a fucking travesty how bad the WWE handled "Neville"

Because Vince has attachment issues so no one is allowed to be a star in case they become bigger than the brand and leave. See Hulk, Stone Cold, The Rock, Lesnar, Cena (though he was around a long time anyway).

the man that booking forgot

he's a manlet with an attitude, he got what he deserved lol

Why won't this boomer die?

>Why can't WWE do this?
They're doing exactly the same thing with NXT. Everybody's "over" because only the most hardcore fanboys of an already niche product is watching those shows.

AEW got Aubrey Edwards over

WWE can't get Ricochet over

Let that sink in

1 - only the first three are true.
i watch every week and couldnt tell you what a fucking luchasaurus is or what it means
2- wwe has axtual stars so they don't need to focus on dean ambrose carrying the company - there are a line of legends and better talent to do that better

>i watch every week and couldnt tell you what a fucking luchasaurus is or what it means
It's the guy with the dinosaur mask...

Yeah but wtf is it? Why is he friends w the two midgets what does it even mean? It’s not over, that’s for sure

It just means he's a big guy who wears a mask for fun. Why do luchadores wear masks

>wwe can't get ricochet over
You couldn't have named a worse example. Dude's a finger-sniffin happy to be here gen why shitter

WWE gave PAC his incredibly based king of the cruiserweights run where he was booked liked a monster, tearing up the division. 205 was built entirely around him for quite some time. And the only guy he had to put over was Enzo, who was a draw.

for you

I think you're reading too much into this.

I really liked him in 205. He definitely found his groove there too, he's been doing the same "agitated goblin" thing ever since

Ill start watching again when he dies.

>Why can't WWE do this?
WWE can't make stars. they're running on borrowed time, as all their top guys are approaching 60, and AEWs top guys are in their early 30s, and some in their 20s. AEW has decades on their guys, WWE has a couple years, tops. i don't hate WWE by any means, but if anything is going to take them out, it's this. not AEW, but their own stupidity. AEW is capitalizing on WWEs mistakes, and it's working great.

nobody watches 205, and he knew that. he's better than most on the main roster, and he was delegated to Heat 2.0.

He's literally the only guy who boosts viewing numbers when he's on. Seethe more, drone.

Because their fans are cultists and they still can't crack 1 mil

>Vincel cultist still obsessing over another company

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>some people are starting to not enjoy WWE
>serve your product as the alternative to WWE
>cater to those people exclusively
>bring up multiple times in your shows the fact that you are anti-WWE
>those people cheer for literally anything in your shows
Not surprising really. This strategy will keep the smarks happy for as long as WWE remains shit but it will not help them gain new fans and reach even 10% of WWE's mainstream appeal.

>AEWs top guys
Reminder that Moxley was a WWE top guy. It's not hard to imagine that some future "AEW top guys" like Darby Allin or MJF could sign for WWE when their contracts are up.

>It's not hard to imagine
it's very hard to imagine, as they all see the writing on the wall. why would they sign a mark contract, to be booked as a funny clown man that loses to your grandpa?

Because WWE pays jobbers crazy money, let alone established stars.

>enzo a draw

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I’ve been saying it for a while. It’ll be hilarious the day the first time someone leaves AEW for WWE. It’s inevitable and the butthurt will be amazing.

>brings up wwe for no reason
>says others are obsessing over another company
makin it too easy to btfo of you, cultist

Enzo was a proven draw. Even Meltz confirmed his quarterly ratings were almost always increases, and he boosted 205 viewership.

Only Vincels seethe this hard over AEW. Just admit it, buddy.

>doubles down
>btfos himself more

>boosted 205 viewership
From 100 people to 105?

Failed top guy*

>says he's seething
>took his bait and responded within a minute with a post letting wwe live in his head rent free
embarrassing, as expected of a frogposter

The guy burying himself in the dumbest way possible will remain in the history books

>Vincels get absolutely bootyblasted and sperg out when someone calls them out for being incels
Every time kek.

>It's not hard to imagine that some future "AEW top guys" like Darby Allin
>Now his name is just Darby

His name would be Tony Eagle and he would be Tony Hawk's biggest fan.

none of that is true. and the 800k incels who watch every week think its the "hottest" thing in the business. if it was you'd have more viewers faggots

Chad Gable is the only one there with any dimes potential

No you won't. It'll be like current NXT, except with the whole fucking roster.

Getting "over" now simply means "having a match" to zoomers.

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He turned 205 bearable, and he asked for a main show run a bit (not even main eventer) and they said no.

PAC is based, and could have steadily grown to a great heel if WWE just gave him an IC or US title run. Now he's likely going to be built steadily until he's challenging for the AEW championship, and likely could win it

>triples down
>btfos himself more

Really they made part owner a main eventer? That's crazy. It's like he's booking it himself or something.



What about trying to get the following people over and failing hard:
>Nyla Rose
>every women not named Awesome Kong
>any joshi not named Riho
>heel Brandi Rhodes
>Japanese Deathmatch Legend Luther
>The Butcher
>The Blade
>The Bunny
>anyone from the Dark Order
>Joey Janela
>Jimmy Havoc
>The Librarians
>Shawn Spears

Because wwe actively keep guys from getting over. Vince only wants his guys getting over, but his idea of a guy is 40 years out of date.

Jackie Chan?

they were good as champs to start things off and scorpio has a future singles run in him
>every women not named Awesome Kong
objectively wrong.
>heel Brandi Rhodes
correct, but at least they shitcanned the failed angle instead of being stubborn
are based what are you talking about
>dark order
also based
he needs better angles, but I enjoy his matches
>jimimy havoc
he sucks who cares
their gimmick is to suck
>shawn spears
he sucks

What kills me is how he avoided WWE and turned down their offers for YEARS. I remember seeing the photos of Triple H showing up personally to indie shows in 2015 trying to get this guy. Then he finally comes to the E after years of teasing them, and BAM!
Irrelevant nigga no one cares about.


They're still sub 1 mil. Who cares if they're over to AEW's audience?

>trying to get nyla "big fat man" rose over
>not even over with the progressive crowd
i'm telling you, if you want to get a tranny over, she needs to be bailey jay hot.

All I want in life is Chad Gable in BOSJ

>Hey uuhh join up with the big leagues uhhh
>>Just wrestling our style uhhh and pay your dues in the PC NXT then jobbing to Corbin uhh
>>and change your Gimmick to a guy happy to be here-uh
>>We should have you over as a midcard-uuh
>>In about 8 years uuuh
>>Getting paid the same money too uuhh
>Hey where ya going uhh come back I AM THE GAME DAMN IT

>everybody got over
>ratings drop every single week

>ratings drop every single week
>confusing Dynamite with SmackDown