A decade of Spanish domination will be followed by a decade of Portuguese domination

>a decade of Spanish domination will be followed by a decade of Portuguese domination
t-they are too powerful bros, how do we stop them?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png (1200x800, 86K)

Tactics domination as well

Attached: FORTNITE XI.png (1372x833, 1.8M)

distract them by bringing anglo dick. they can't stop sucking it.

>a decade of Spanish domination
1 euro and 1 wc
that's pretty normal

2 euros and 1 WC in 4 years, that's an achievement

this, they never dominated shit aside from these 2 cups, and we even meme'd on them in the 2013 confederations cup

Says the French dick sucker

>Eliminated by Uruguay

Embarassing desu

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>0-0'd an euro where every top dog spilled their spaghetti
>won a friendly cup
>var enters scene and the goat suddenly stops being the goat
how is this dominating a sport?

>Porto wins the Youth League with mostly Portuguese players
>Benfica has some good prospects
>Good guys like Danilo, Bernardo Silva and Bruno Fernandes
Good future

fuck that guy for saying that and fuck you for replying to it but most importantly and I can't stress this enough fuck the french

le r*ddit goat messoy stopped being relevant long before var
>last time he scored in a cl final it was 2011
>8 years ago
>TSU won 4 CLs since then
nice goat you have there

>fuck the french
>exactly when the french emmigrants are back here, driving like maniacs, competing over who can speak the loudest in public, and bragging about how everything is oh so much better in France and how we're such retards for not following them
That we can agree on

TSU could win 6 WCs and 20 CLs and Messi would still be better

I honestly think this is the year we have been invaded by the largest Number of avecs ever

Something has to been done. They are getting invaded by niggers and arabs so they invade us instead

if your standard for being better is who can lose more national team finals then yes, even with 20 CLs Ronaldo wouldn't be close to this weak minded worm

Attached: chau.png (600x333, 543K)

>Portugal-related thread
>hurr Messi durr
don't you get tired of this m8?
can't have a healthy discussion without you showing up and ruining the thread with your faggotry

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you mean french domination

i hate cheating midgets and their delusional fans, and it was a portugese flag that started the shit anyway

fuck divegrass

we're a handball nation now

Attached: andebol-tuga.jpg (680x340, 63K)

not to mention all their achievements in club football and youth international football

>dominate CL
>dominate EL
>dominate u21
>dominate u19

neck yourself, marcelinho junior

Power of iberian friendship

>iberian friendship

Attached: iberian friendship.jpg (4608x3456, 3.6M)

You guys think Felix will make it?

God damn /int/ is fucking degenerate

I hate /int/ so much

probably will. kid's got the feet to do it.

hope so

Fuck you too my arab neighbours

/int/ was a mistake

our ancestors died for dis

I would fuck both back into heterosexuality and catholic virtues.
t. big boy

name a better team

Attached: lineupPT.png (480x600, 95K)

Eder for Ronaldo
wew that was easy


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Grand Blue - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.40_[2019.01.17_03.11.28].jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

and fucking stay there

>they're h*nd h*lding
how is that not illegal???

Attached: three kingdoms shock.png (494x342, 189K)

>cristiano ronaldo
stopped right there lol.