All Ireland Semi-Finals

Limerick vs Kilkenny 16:00
Wexford vs Tipperary 14:30

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Fuck, got the times wrong

Hoping for a Kilkenny-Tipperary final. They always put on a good show.

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Limerick - Wexford is the most Kino final

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I'm already sick of Limerick and their bandwagon of supporters. Wexford are a good team that play nice hurling, but I think Limerick would slaughter them.

Yeah probably wouldn't be the most competitive final. Limerick fans are the antithesis of bandwagon supporters. Through years of little success we consistently drew some of the biggest crowds
As with Munster rugby, Limerick people are loyal and passionate. Something special about us.

>Limerick fans are the antithesis of bandwagon supporters
I can't say that's been my experience.



What time is throw-in for the Limerick game?


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kek, no jobs in mayo i suppose

6pm. Ignore the times at the top of the thread, I got too cocky about my 24 hour clocks. Shit is difficult.


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how do watch?

let the thread die and we'll come back at 6

This. It's going to slip again

suit yourself. The thread will be here anyway

i can't see a thing. gaa sucks

Big game isn't on until 6. If you have Sky Sports, then it's on that, otherwise someone will hopefully post a stream before the game.

There's nothing on yet.

Are there minor games today?

Yeah Limerick Kilkenny minor on tg4 at 4

>already the semi finals
i’ve missed everything
Also, Corcaigh

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hurling semis and spa 24hr on tonight what a night lads

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>As with Munster rugby, Limerick people are loyal and passionate. Something special about us.

reckon kilkenny will give limerick a scare today but they won't win

It's the truth though

Some special looking players for Limerick in this minor game, really should be winning.

There's a black fella playing in the backline for Kilkenny in the minor game. This is the future.

and Rhasidat Adeleke won the 100m at baku. good to see us successful for a change.

I think it's really cool how immigrants come here and get involved in our native sports and are also accepted into them and the community. Though I'd hope the latter would happen without having to be involved in the GAA.

Even though there can be a decent bit of racism at club level, I know Lee Chin has been on the receiving end of some, it's satisfying to see how accepting we can be and how progressive the GAA and attitudes in Ireland and rural areas has become.

hear hear

Bit weird they broadcast this in the UK on Sky too and not give another event precedence.
I wonder how many Brits are tempted to watch it.

good. we watch their sports all the time.

cody needs to be replaced he's shite

Limerick by 5

Their main audience is likely the diaspora. Maybe the odd brit watches out of curiosity in the same way during the Olympics you'd watch one of those sports you never heard of until that day.

Why's he shite? And who'd replace him?

Which team is reddit?

fuck that, gaa has always been associated with irish nationalism.


I don't see how that is incongruous with what I said

hello r/Ireland

Fuck the cats, desu

hate this episode

Ireland could be really good at sport if you didn’t mess around with these silly “sports”.

we are

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What the fuck Limerick

TJ Reid is a nerd


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At least the score line isn’t a total fucking embarrassment now

Limerick can't fucking score

Fucking Ref

Dubs and Limerick will win.

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Lims and Dublin will win.


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>As with Munster rugby
Rugby culture is painful. Bunch of middle-aged customers acting like there's some kind of tribal camaraderie to their weekly visit to the pub for three pints and to watch the match.


dont have a clue what half these frees are for

Great game

I feel like Kilkenny are overplaying the ball too much

hon limerick

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Ye we're as wide as a Loughrae one hard luck

Late night post for Wexford winning tomorrow



shall be cheering for the Yellowbellies

COME ON WEXFORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How good is he?

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The real question is, if Wexford wins the final will dancing at the crossroads be remade

Anyone got a stream? And up Tipp!

Tipp's a kip

Wexford is sex lord

Once got food poisoning off of a hotel in Tipperary.

it's on the RTE player

Yes let's have the same two teams in the final we've had a hundred times before.

come on Tipp

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Rate my clubs hurling kit.

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But that's a camogie user...

I'm in Englandstan it's geoblocked coz Sky.

Not great but watchable:




Good start

Fucking hate Tipp, lads

>Sky sports gives you the points total

Lel brainlets

its going to be a draw isn't it

Listening to RTE radio but thanks. Did see that nice goal though.

Wexford are based. Based big Davy Fitz. Tipp are so beta

Going for the obvious question: Why Dublin sucks?

Shouldnt they win, like, all the fucking time?

state of the nails on your Tipp one

Based Una is from Tipp

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inferior genes

thank you for ruining the thread with that question

Based Tipp allowing Wexford a lead to make a game of it

Gee these guys sure are good athletes, they must be paid a lot of money right?

How can Wexford even compete?

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Based ref, fuck Tipp


its an honest question, im a complete casual to hurling and GA

Strawberries and Rissoles, lad

They do in the football. Just not much of a Hurling county

Dublin is more a Gaelic football county, they've won alot of that

Whats the point in being Irish if you aren't from based Tipp or based Mayo?

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>Leinster referee today and yesterday
>Limerick and Tipp on the wrong side of multiple decisions
Makes one think...

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Dublin are a dual county in that they play hurling and football to a decent level historically but they have never been a very strong hurling county.
Why do you think they should be winning everything anyway?

The reason I thought it'd ruin the thread is because there's a lot of controversy surrounding Dublin footballers who dominate Gaelic at the moment and the whole discussion about it is boring at this stage

I'd give her some Mayo from my Tipp if you know what i mean

The Tipp defence is shit

I’d give her the tip, if you take my meaning

>Why do you think they should be winning everything anyway?


Don't be rude about your Queen you mong

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I'd drink her bath water definitely

Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Thurles once

>married to Ben Foden
What in the everloving fuck?

Population is an insignificant metric when it comes to determining success. Just look at New Zealand in rugby.

>1/3 of the population of Wexford are in Croke Park right now
Weird to think about.

the left wont shut the fuck up if wex win, diversity is a strength and all that shite.

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Been 12 years. They’re keen. I remember a couple years ago about half of Carlow showed up when they were in the Camogie

You're the only one I see bringing that shite up

not even the queen of Tipp, lad

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>tipp one point up
Hon the bois

the fuck is she wearing

they bought look terrifying

what a fucking retard you ruined it

>red cards


Two shit teams in the final.

If Tipp wins, she is queen of the whole world

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t. limpperary


Imagine sending someone off in a semi for flicking the hurl at someone

Imagine being from Tipperary

Why are Tipps such brutes lads

Go play soccer pussy

>Why are Tipps such cutes lads

Fixed it for you lad

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Big strong Wexford chads

wexford have made a balls of this

wtf just play advantage

Ref is mentally impaired

>all these disallowed goals

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wexford should have had this won long ago


state of this ref

Kek what do you think his disability is

I will whereupon conquer this sport.

a draw would be a fair result

Based leaching

Argentina used to play hurling before WWI desu. It died off when the war interrupted the import of ash wood.






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absolute state of wexford
their own fault for losing

another fucking tipp kilkenny final

Fucking Wexford threw it away. Fuck

>bad guys win again

Fucking hate tipp, discount cork mountain retards only good for producing the odd thot and reminding everybody that foetal alcohol syndrome can be a way of life

No it wouldn't wexford are fucking shit and if the ref wasn't shit and John McGrath wasn't retarded Tipp would have won by 7 or 8 points. We're going to batter Kilkenny in the final, it's fucking over. Don't even bother watching the final Johnny Foreigners who're watching because of the thread, it's a done deal.

>Wexford and Limerick beaten
Is this the death of fancy boy hurling?

>"B-but m-muh Purple and Gold!"

comfy golden vale farming life versus living in a tiny box in a city with only the garbage you watch on netflix every night with your whore gf to keep you going, get fucked shoneen wagie scum

He's from Kilkenny.

How does it feel to have your best athletes stolen by the big strong AusGODS?

hope you lose desu and think ye will


Feels good ;)


Australia is a chad country so it makes sense

This. Should've been a Tipp Limerick final. Two actually good teams.

you can have him

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Only hurlers I ever heard of going over were the O'Hailpin brothers and they're half-Fijian so it only makes sense.
Sounds more like hope than expectation.

That would have required Limerick not to shit the bed against Kilkenny

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>hurling is better than the football
>Kilkenny v tipp again lol

>Dublin wins lol

>Football final will probably be Dublin - Mayo again

This is the aesthete's final, a troglodyte will just see Kilkenny vs Tipp, but a hurling purist will see that now Tipp are the strong favourites and Kilkenny are trying to build a new team over the next few years for Cody's last hurrah, it's hurling kino honestly.

Or actually COMPETENT officiating

Bit much of an ask, honestly.


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Kilkenny are finished as soon as Cody dies. They are going to be like Man United without Ferguson.

we could have ended up with the two weakest teams in the semi in the final purely because of shit refereeing. would have been brutal.

Why do they seethe at the draws being the main event?

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fairly haggard fucking picture there mate, she's been round the houses and back again a few times it seems.

Cork is just discount Tipperary with discount Kerry on the side.

good, give someone else a chance

>implying Kerry aren't gonna stop the 5 in a row

Burger here, how far is it to Tipperary?

seething wextrannies mad their favourite kpop star choked

From me? about 15 miles

Not far enough

it's currently 0 miles from me to Tipperary.

Nice seethe there mate

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limerick got a joke of a penalty so they cant complain about the officiating

Plenty of footballers go for Australian rules though, I think that's what he was referring to.

i'm from tipp mate, just saying she looks fairly rough round the edges at this point.

Not sure what will be more delicious
>Wexford seethe right now
>Tipp seethe if Kilkenny win

If Kerry don't it's suicide time. I'm sick of Dubs parading around the place like they're the shit because they can get lucky

are you retarded, ref went completely wexford's way, tipp had a daft red card and you still choked. nowhere near good enough.


kilkenny just dismantled the best team in the country
dont know where this cockiness is coming from tipp

Limerick aren't good. They got lucky in 2018. So did Galway in the semi-finals. That deserved to be a Clare-Limerick final and in that case Limerick's luck wouldn't have worked.
Modern Hurling is a load of bollocks.

Demonstrably untrue, besides she's 37 anyway

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>every other county funds a football and a hurling team
>Kilkenny spend all of their allowance and focus entirely on hurling

Why is this allowed?

>Limerick aren't good
Don't you have a Littlewoods ad to be posing for Jackie? Fuck off.

I remember when I was in Dublin riding the DART to Bray and some teen slags were taking pictures of me and speaking about my uglyness as if I didn't understood them. Why are the Irish so rude?

Kilkenny are shit and Limerick dismantled themselves. Tipp will beat the shit out of them if they play like they did today.

that's shopped to pieces mate.

>1 point
>Best team in the country
Limerick were running off high moral and don't have a big hurling culture. I live about 2 miles away from Limerick and I'm there alot, no one had a Limerick flag up before 2018 and most people were playing Rugby and Soccer. They're not lasting and the fight will be gone out of them by next year. Jump off the fucking bandwagon.
get out of here you coping treatyite

feral slags can smell fear, if you weren't such a beta they would have left you alone, ugly or not.


Anyone have any hurling webms? I've been considering making some of my own.

That sounds horrific. I'm sorry you experienced that. Dublin has it's only special breed of scumbag, still though that's seems particularly harsh, maybe you didn't understand them properly?


>don't have a big hurling culture
If they don't have a big hurling culture then neither do Clare, Waterford or Galway.
>no one had a Limerick flag up before 2018
Yes, nevermind attendance at actual matches, it's the flags that matter...

Tipperary are shit and Wexford dismantled themselves. Kilkenny will beat the shit out of them if they play like they did today.

christ you're a dope if you think any of that is true
hurling is huge in limerick county

god bless our slags

Kilkenny are a one man team nowadays. Mark TJ Reid out of the game and you are fucked.

They don't have a big enough hurling culture to sustain their current reputation. It's another 45 years after this.
This come out for the entertainment, most of the Limerick supporters are braindead Knackers or Culchies who go home after the matches disappointing but ultimately don't care

Nah, they were mostly speaking to themselves and trying to hide the phone, and I was speaking portuguese to a friend of mine so they probably tought that I couldn't understand english but I did and it hurt me real bad, struggled to not cry tbqh.

based Dubs

>don't have a big hurling culture
Yeah we do. Limerick city doesn't. Hurling is more popular in certain pockets though.

Not even remotely true. Kilkenny threw away a 9 point lead. Tipp had two disallowed goals and a man sent off and 4 points down yet they still battered their way through. You are delusional if you don't think that performance by Tipp was one of the best in history by any team.

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what a creep filming little girls

Limerick city is 84k out of 194,899, a few thousand culchies don't matter. It's why the rural areas have the biggest success like Tipperary and Kilkenny.

Forgot to say that the third Wexford goal shouldn't have been allowed.

Hurling dominates the east of the county and pockets in the west. And Limerick city has one of the best club teams in the country.
He's just stirring shit.

Because they literally can't get enough people interested in forming a football team. They tried a few years back and barely anyone showed up to try out.

nice delusional post lol

Rural Limerick is nearly as populous as all of Tipp, what are you even talking about?

>le Tipp vs Kilkenny again xddd

First time either team have been in a final in three years. Meanwhile, Dublin are going to fucking win again because they have a population of 1 million and tens of millions poured into their GAA.

Seething. Maybe next year.

Ironically enough DJ Carey is one of the main people spearheading it, he manages the minor team, and I think he played for the footballers after retiring from hurling when they tried to put a team together.

How come Cork went from one of the best to absolute shit? They haven't won an all Ireland in 15 years.

>That big black woman running on RTE 2 right now

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>complaining that the capital pours millions into GAA

That's a good thing you idiot. At the end of day the numbers are equal on the pitch so if you can't beat Dublin tough shit.

It's funny because of spee I adquired the taste of slags because of slagposting and all the foreigners I met there would make fun these kind of girls and I had to hide the fact that I loved these trashy slags.

Why do I even care about hurling anymore? It's been the fucking darkages since Kilkenny's rampage.

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You probably shouldn't watch it anymore if you are this retarded because the 2018 championship was the best in history.

I don't know, but it's a good thing anyway, If Tipperary and Kilkenny fell of for about 20 years and let smaller counties go wild that would be fucking great. Those bastards have just been beating

not seething at all
quite enjoying the tipp arrogance

and just to point out wexford were just about dominating the game until they reverted to their typical over-hurling after the sending off which they've done before in the past since they thought it was in the bag
fair play to tipp for getting the finger out and getting over the line with 14 men but youre delusional if you think they just played their way back into the game and the wexford performance didnt drop

Limerick had 18 wides to Kilkenny's 8. Kilkenny are completely fucked against a team like Tipp who can actually shoot.

>best in history
1981, 1994,1995, 1996, 1997, 2013 and 2017 would like to have a word with you

Hurling is finished good luck

dublin are about to win five in a row you nonce.

>have a word with you
And me, and loads of other commentators.

Back in the late 90's they tried out a lot of techniques that no one else had considered. For example, short puck outs really weren't a thing until then. The Cork management examined their games and realised that they actually lost possession more often than not when firing long. After a few years, the other counties adopted their methods and thus Cork lost their unique upper hand.

It is.
This time there's no Ger Loughnane or Liam Griffin to save us.

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Football is finished good luck

Football was finished a decade ago. Too much focus on blanket defense and too much investment in Dublin.

>hurling becomes Kilkenny's and Tip's playground to throw shit at each other
>Gaelic Football becomes Kerry and Dublin's playground to throw shit at each other
can the GAA please fucking fix their structure Jesus Christ.

At this point do we have anything to lose by trying to professionalise the sport? Or would that just dig a deeper hole?

Did Davey give an interview?

guess he'll have to find another county to be mercenary for

Jesus man, that sounds rough. But it would be weird for someone to be that rude in public. Sometimes our perception of an event is different than what really happened, that why we should assume the best of past incidents.
Sometimes the alternative explanations for these events are just as likely but we ignore them.

Na he's in beating the lads up for bottling it

haven't been in ireland since june so i don't hear the gaa ska the whole time

do i shout for limerick or cork? (or in other words, who is winning?)

they're both knocked out you gobshite

grand, one less bandwagoner eh

It was a penalty, it was a 65 and those cunts should've got a red card in the first half.
Good night, God bless and we'll be back again next year!!!

Think Limerick still have the best panel in the country

Think Galway are still the best team in Leinster

Think it was a tactical masterclass from Cody and his on-field lieutenant TJ Reid and even though a marginally worse team than Tipp they'll still beat them in the final

Think Wexford, though not having a fantastic panel can still be a very good team, if they stop the uncompromising Davy approach towards their style of play

Think Laois are NOT a better team than Dooblin

Think Davy is the spiritual reincarnation of a manic Al Capone

That is all!

Good thread despite all the shitposting, lads. Just a pity we didn't have any earlier in the season.

>Think Limerick still have the best panel in the country
Probably, but on a man for man basis I think Tipperary have better individual players on average. Tipperary have a lot of superstars on their starting team, and yesterday's game demonstrated that they've finally got a decent bench available to them. Tipp's downfall is their woeful inconsistency.

>Think Galway are still the best team in Leinster
I think people are severely underrating this Kilkenny team. And Galway were woeful this year.

>and even though a marginally worse team than Tipp they'll still beat them in the final
It all depends on whether Tipperary show up in form or not. Personally I think playing Kilkenny in a final is a much more palatable prospect for Tipp than facing Limerick. As we saw in the Munster final, Tipp struggle to contain Limerick when the latter is playing well. Whereas Kilkenny play a style of hurling that I think Tipperary would be more comfortable countering. Many of the players on the Tipp team were on the team for the 2016 final.

>Think Laois are NOT a better team than Dooblin
They clearly are, if only by virtue of Eddie Brennan's clearly excellent managerial skills.