How many stars will this match get? 5 is the absolute floor obviously, but can it get 6? 7?
How many stars will this match get? 5 is the absolute floor obviously, but can it get 6? 7?
I feel like I've seen this thread 100 times since yesterday.
Memeltzer said it was the best tag match he had ever seen so expect at least 6
I hope he gives it 10 stars for maximum seethe
I expect 5 1/2* at most because they don't have the Tokyo Dome bonus nor aren't called Osprey.
He gave that shitty YB/LB ladder meme match *****1/4. Assume at least a *****1/2 as the floor.
Who cares?
0 because kenny and the bucks are incel beta faggots just like all of you that worship them
Dave literally had a stroke watching this match that is why no one has really heard from him
4.99999999999999999999999999 because its not njpw
>I feel like I've seen this thread 100 times since yesterday.
/cult/ists are welcome here
If those shitty Cole vs Gargano matches got 5+ this should get about 9
why didn't page turn
It was worse than those God awful Cole/Gargano matches
He likes AEW the most now. If anything, AEW's ratings would usually be higher than New Japan's
8 stars
Better than 6/9/95 (LOL)
Six is guaranteed. It will be the highest rated tag match from Dave and honestly for good reason
He said state side and he rates everything on a scale, it's getting higher than any other tag match that's been wrestled in america. Probably getting a 6.
Who gives a shit about stars, when i can drink a cold beer.
The argument he had with Bryan over this was hilarious.
>This was.. one of the best matches I've ever seen
>Umm, Misawa vs. K-Ke-K-Ke*COUGH COUGH* Kenta K-Kobash*wheeze*eee was better
>Caring about Meltzer stars
The dude doesn't even watch the matches. On WOR he pointed out Darby Allin's cool new move and was marking out about it, explaining it in detail - the move he does in every single match, all of which Meltzer has "watched" and "rated".
He has made similar comments about Jay White, specifically in the last G1 where he was amazed at his falling down to avoid moves spot that he does in EVERY MATCH, that he had done in every match of the tournament. All of those matches were reviewed by Meltzer, but he somehow had never seen this spot before. Most of the matches revolved around him doing that spot.
You have to have no IQ to take Meltzer stars seriously.
>>Umm, Misawa vs. K-Ke-K-Ke*COUGH COUGH* Kenta K-Kobash*wheeze*eee was better
Are you retarded? He was talking about how it was the anniversary of the last Kobashi vs Misawa match. He then said the tag match was better than it. While coughing. No one argued about any of that.
Is Dave still alive????
He literally said that this match was better than the last Misawa Kobashi. Expect 6
Corny literally knows 5 Jap Wrestlers names before his hepatitis cough kicks in
I could picture going slowly from being moderately worked to a full-on frothing stroke the longer that match went.
There is no way even in Death, Big Dave isn't giving this a 6 out of 5 MOTY recommend