2020 is in 5 months, why dont you have gf yet?

2020 is in 5 months, why dont you have gf yet?

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n-not a sport

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such emotion when no other

>falling for the gf meme

>falling for the feminine jew


Im married.

If you have to say you are going your own way then you aren't going your own way

the amount of work and time needed to get even a bottom barrel girl hardly seems worth it

>tfw the rabbi cut off the good half

have one, convinced her to try and watch football with me

her first game was...

the man shitty - tottenshit CL match this year


I'm content being single.

I have no problem towards jews and I don't believe /pol/'s bullshit, but circumsition is fucking barbaric

for a long time i told myself i am too ugly and thats it. pathetic. now that i know no girls at all the entrance barrier is too high for my lazy ass. at least i am at a point where i admit that finding grill needs work and that she wont fall from the sky into my lap.

The last girl I dated left me unable to trust someone ever again.

real protip: stop thinking "this always happens to me"

i recently got one on a free, but she is unhappy with the transfer

Because ugly retarded nerds still think they deserve at least a 8/10


I'm ugly and autistic neet

CHAD keeps blocking all gf to me transfers on fairplay grounds

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there are ugly autistic neets that own vaginas

I have one, and I love her very much


Because girls can be so mean x


I'm unable to compete with the big spenders who are in violation of Financial Fair Play

every hollidays i keep telling myself that i hate myself and will do everything to get a gf next year but nothing happens

why Yea Forums ?

Im overweight, lack confidence and have low self esteem.

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big tits stink

I don't have a girlfriend for the following reasons.

1. I lack the ultimate confidence to pounce on the opportunities I am presented with and struggle more to create them.
2. My potential dating pool is limited by my looks (quite average) and my height (below average).
3. While I have no problems speaking with women and can make them laugh, I am doing this the easy way with humour that makes them think of me more as a funny person who is great to spend time with rather than someone they want to sleep with.
4. All women are filthy sluts and it's all their fault.

Go running. It's one of those things you get better at really really quickly so it'll make you feel good about yourself.

Being smelly is great

based high-functioning incel

Me too 2bh, i like being able to spend all my check on shit i want

based supreme gentleman

It's hard user, I have been trying. :/

Absolutely untrue

I'm saving myself for a mail order bride. That foreign citizenship will come in handy one day.

Don't do it, bro. It'll only hurt once it's over.

I started a diet about a month ago but havnt lost weight yet. Eating healthier but still eating too much probably. Too fat to run but trying to incorporate jogging into my walks. Walked 5 miles everyday for the last week except Wednesday when I had a family BBQ to attend so had a rest day.

I don’t leave the house that much, and I really have nothing to offer in a relationship right now. When (If) I sort my life out then I will pursue getting a gf.

Had a proper marriage-ready, pretty, smart, funny, virgin gf for three and a half years. She loved me unconditionally but eventually she grew tired of my lack of ambition and left. Can't even blame her for it. If you want such a gf, you better work on it bucko.


good lad. keep it up

im a volcel

Because I like just banging girls and had a gf and we both got fat and lazy. Difference is she’s still lazy and I’m a tan semi-shredded soon to be shredded god once more like I was before throwing that away to date her.

>tfw schizoid

scouting wonderkids as we speak

No, and I just finished uni too
I think I'm doomed

>28th birthday in 5 months

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High end escorts

it's what i did before i hit 25

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>have never had a gf
>just turned down a nice qt girl who wanted to date me because I found her accent slightly annoying


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Fairly accurate, but I am not a virgin. By pure chance I have managed to cobble together some sexual experiences, so I'm not really an incel, just beta as fuck.


37 here

only ever had sex wtih hookers. never had a gf.

touchless virgin when literal whores are removed


Portuguese women are not interested in dating.
Therefore I'm alone

Keep going mate. I've never been overweight as such but I've abused booze, drugs, smoked since 15, and I got into running in April. At first I couldn't go a km without stopping. Now I'm doing a sub 55min 10k and signing up for all these timed events and enjoying it.

same and after a poor preseason she's resigned with her former club

Im also turning 28 in 5 months. Had sex but need a gf before then.

I had one who was keen the join the club but I messed up negotiations by stalling and she left for chad FC.

You guys know that there are literally loads of girls out there RIGHT NOW just waiting for a guy to ask them out right?
It could be you.

top chad right here

>paki turned down a pajeet

I'm married now but I was thinking that maybe I should get a gf as well. I have a couple of them on shortlist but I'm worried that they will come with too much drama desu.

I'm homeless, living off the grid, posting from a phone with no service through public wifi.

Thanks lad. I've still got a long way to go but despite failing to actually lose weight I am feeling more muscular and capable. Wish i'd started running years ago when I was still athletic enough to have done and by now i'd probably be doing marathons which is my eventual aim.

no confidence

Sometimes this can turn quick as a flash from no confidence to not giving a fuck, which comes across as confidence.

I don't leave my room. I go to work, go home, play video games / watch shows, go to bed

You see, you have no confidence because you feel like you have something to lose and you're not confident enough of keeping things together if you get rejected or scared of humiliation. Once you realise that you have little to lose but it all to gain you'll become more expressive and assertive.

Might convert to islam so i can get a free cutie muslim lass

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get 72 of them if you die a martyr

Me too

Take some testosterone. I promise you it will change your life. Get to the gym too

How do we know which ones want bfs and where to find them?

Just don't have the time and the nerves to go on these dates right now. Why do women always expect to be entertained. Just the thought of all this effort makes me exhausted

Inshallah brother

Oh shi-

I always see people complaining about things in these threads but never people trying to address their complaints.

>just gain height bro

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asked this neoprotestant girl at work out once, now i work alone in the office and if i make eye contact with her one more time i'll get fired, so fuck getting a gf, hookers are enough for me

this my Egyptian brethren. Why would you waste time and money on a gf or wife (millions upon millions of Egyptian Pounds if you're planning on getting married here) when you can save that money and live life without constraints. If you're so desperate for affection why not turn to your family and friends?

Because I look like an even more autistic version of Gennaro Gattuso.

Stop giving a fuck. Stop being a nice guy. Get big. Go out your house and do things and they will come

Why is it so difficult to you guys to find gfs? They're literally all around

How do I find a GF who enjoys the same sports as me?

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My sources told me the girl I am having preliminary contact with is in advanced talks with a Belgian side

what? women like what they’re told

Imagine being paid to fuck her in the arse. Jesus christ.

Stop being a manlet and just start being a short man instead. Manlets reek of cope. Short men do not.


sounds like you want a bf mate


I'm a fat loser shut-in with a repulsive personality. What's worse is that I have a decent-sized dick, yet will never get to use it.

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who dis?

Does she like football now?

>4. All women are filthy sluts and it's all their fault.
As long as masturbation is legal, i am good.

>don't let your experiences affect you, pretty easy dude!
You have to be 18 to post here.

don't want one simple as

Your Italian genes are enough for at least 20% of girls just go from there

it's so obvious you're seething lmao


>go out of your house

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