Powerful sports images
Powerful sports images
the MOST powerful image
that is really cute tho, happy for her she's a good ump
wait i thought girls on west are ugly wtf
She's a wog m8.
moar cute stuff
i love this image
imagine this were two women. wouldn't that be funny haha
Smart man, not trying to get metood
Say whatever you want about the USA but at least they know how to control the masses.
i hate pop culture so goddamned much
who are these people even? i recognize will smith and fucking iron man lmao but what is the rest?
really makes you think
What the fuck is the context behind this picture?
also forgive me for forgetting tom cruise
I also recognize Pusylick, that Nazi Barbie and the chick who got raped by posting nude pictures of herself on the internet.
>putting based Baker and Kobr in this trash
Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Brie Larson, Simone Biles, Venus Williams, Billie Jean King, Angelina Jolie
Oprah, Christian Pulisic, cast of Friends, Jennifer Lawrence, Steve Carell
Brad Pitt, Kobe Bryant, L3-6ron James, Ellen, Beyonce, Jay Z, Zac Efron, cast of Modern Family
Alex Morgan, Megan Rapinoe
Don't know the rest.
What about Taylor Swift, Will Ferrel, Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey, the cast of Friends, Jennifer Lawrence, Steve Carrel, Brad Pitt, Kobre Bryant, Lebron James, Ellen Degeneress, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, Zac Effron, J Cole?
Oh no no no no
no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no no no no no
oh no, no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no no no
oh no
good lord america is awful
What the fuck even is this
What the FUCK is wrong with Americ*ns?
>the no ump gf to propose to
>Friends>Game Of Thrones
Bree Larson has the ugliest feet ever seen on a woman.
>Finland praising the most autistic man in American sports
It is
hola cabron
Based Nick keeping it modest
Is that ana foxx?
Messi literally wearing clown shoes.
the power of aussie butthurt
>wow it’s coated in penaldo’s tears
This is the worst image i've seen in my life
oh dog please be true!
This probably prevented millions of Australians from embracing divegrass. It was a good thing all things considered.
cute. CUTE!
girl on the left looks like that guy from the missax videos
who are these people
Mate pretending to not know pop culture references doesn't make you smart, it just makes people think you are an autistic german
To be fair this was heavily mocked
Didn't know Matthew Perry is Canadian, only good thing to come out of this
bronze wog goddesses >>>>> pink anglo pigs
>getting on your knee and begging a girl to take half your money
fucking usa lmao
bizarro messi is best messi
Somebody made this and thought it was cool
>they put kobr in a pic celebrating women
jeeeesus fucking christ
the most redd*t image I have ever seen, by far.
this is peak Yea Forums right here
based autist only wearing neutral clothes
Why did they do this? Why can't they just win?
supposedly MJ is a pretty legit golfer. He'd stay up all night and party and play 18 holes the next day.
stop marrying bad people
it's just that easy
kek, how did I not see this before?
god bless
This image is so unbelievably cursed
I want to know the thought process behind this
Have to guess it is a collage of people that have stated “orange man bad” at least once in their career
>"Mateo better not be fucking with my PES career mode."
Assumed this would be 2 chicks.
I don't understand this image at all
Imagine marrying a whore that's taken dick from at least 10 guys and has sucked off random dudes at clubs
which clubs exactly?
asking for a friend.
I just don’t understand
Night clubs full of whores sucking guys off left right and center (your mom's bedroom)
That's cute, why does it trigger all the unironic incels so much?
me in the center desu
Who's the guy next to big Lenny?
I hope this girl has not gotten blacked
Yoel Romero, Cuban MMA fighter and Olympic wrestler.
At least Messi doesn't look like a retard as Alves does
He's a big guy
that has nothing to do with sports you cringelord
c'est quoi le rapport?
to be fair, everyone here also wondered what the fuck this was about, it's probably intentionally retarded to create buzz like the "USA WINS 1-1" headline
only the one on the right is dressed nicely
she looks like she likes asian guys
messi the accountant
>implying dealing with a wife isn't the most mentally and physically tasking challenge a man can face
>implying trophy wives aren't a competitive sport
I hate liberals
Based Dani
What a fucking simp.
>stop marrying bad people
top kek
Spanish women are super nice. Especially with Garcia surname
are south americans gay or just retarded
imagine if he clocked her
imagine how stinky her socks must be after a game!!
she looks like she knows a lot about sports
He is probably hiding an erection
>Negro Whiteball player standing up to racist Umpire bigot
In awe at the size of this lad.
>no Kanye
hmmm, i wonder why...
You honestly need to try sex mate, it works wonders
>nothing to do with sports
They're AFL umpires sweetie.
t. bachelor
>Joey Tribbiani
>mutt kid from Stranger Things
>J Cole
Goddamn, she is 6'8 and can barely dunk, and she is a professional athlete wtf.
I know that wamen are physically weaker, but what exactly makes their vertical jump so short?
we need another civil war desu
Fucking hate mutts so much
Shocked this is still up
Media overdose
USA wins 1-1 was based and made englards seeth. An English kid in my school raged so hard my friend had to put him in an arm bar and submit him at a party
Are you white?
/seagullchase/ isn't a sport, dickhead.
Horan a cute!