What's Yea Forums's best meme and why is it mmmmmposting?
What's Yea Forums's best meme and why is it mmmmmposting?
Mmmm, because mmmmmposting is badd ass.
mmmmmmm based
Mmmmmm gets me every time, the based big dog working the obese smarks too.
based big dog working the obese smarks jumped the shark years ago
The undisputed GOAT. Sorry oldfags, nothing comes close
I don't know but the current crop is among the all time worst and makes me wish for the days of undercooked bagels.
All cringe
forgot yummy
Based hotshotting undercooked bagel self inserting his own yummy headcannon
all /woo/ shit
I don't think yummy is Yea Forums exclusive
yowie wowie
summer of 92 and mmmmmposting are based
I literally have no idea what the fuck any of these mean, or where they came from. I took a couple of days off from being here and then these memes were just there all of a sudden and make no sense to me at all.
It was great before when there was OC being created and everyone participated
Then the tranny made it cringe by trying to turn it into a cult
I find it almost as stale as SO92 at this point
I've got like 75% of the board hidden so woo and reddit need to fuck back off.
You're 100% correct
That seems extreme. Don't take Takertranny so seriously, friend.
BBDposting and KWAUMFBNposting are guaranteed to work at least one guy into a seething samefagging shoot so I find them entertaining
Other memes can't get a reaction
But if we are talking about the best meme of all tike it's gotta be the Summer of 92 at it's peak
Speaking of Taker related memes, I really miss the threads that went something like "are you having a good day today, if not let carder know why mmmmm". Those were funny as fucking hell to me along with wrestlers court posting.
I laugh at the frog guy.
Dollfag is weird but entertaining.
I get a kek from “this board does not allow racism” guy.
He did the same thing to Taker what Wolfcuck did to Nash so I don’t like him. It’s a shame because I used to like mmmmposting and even had a Taker folder before /baddass/ was formed and it slowly started going down down the shitter by becoming a waifu thread, especially when taker tranny went public and it turned out that it was just one mentally ill guy spamming him everywhere and having 150+ replies per thread
If I were to guess Hotshotting I think came from posters mocking AEW saying they're hotshotting everything.
Headcannon comes from a thread that was posted on Yea Forums at least once recently mocking how NJPW fans will create the story themselves much like how Chris Charlton or the YouTube channel showbuckle does.
Self-insert I have no clue
Hotshotting was during the Jericho Cruise
>triphammer got based big dog working the smarks marked as spam
>carter got Ding-Dong Diddlyturned into ding-dong diddly
>wolfie's autism spawned the summer of 92 and KWAB
When will we have megastar shitposters again?