>"aha, that david beckham eh? he's a top notch geez, bet he couldnt down as many jaegarbombs as me. isn't that right love?"
"aha, that david beckham eh? he's a top notch geez, bet he couldnt down as many jaegarbombs as me...
i know you're only trying to make us smile, but you should stop
>tfw accidentally smashed a jagar train all over the bar
>english "houses"
these newbuilds of the last 10 years are awful
not to point a finger but theyve took tips from yourselves in building them as wood structures and then wall around it. I know we use brick skin.
newbuilds of the 90s and earlier were built much better
Tell us the tale, lad
went out for a night in wigan and smashed a jager train all over the bar
felt like a dick afterwards
>makes fun of of a flyover bumpkin oilnigger state
>is the beverly hillbilly bumpkin oilnigger of yurope
it's what i get for going out in fucking wigan of all places
How do Anglos pronounce Jägermeister?
yay-ger my-ster
£1.30 for a daily mirror on a saturday
fucking rip off
We have the highest quality of life, best economy, long term prospects, health, fitness, education and we have almost no immigration to boot. Stay mad, mutt.
You don't have Barrett homes tho do you mate? Got you there
I'm not black or spic so I doubt it. You're a one hit wonder flash in the pan ministate
>long term prospects
you were poorshits like two generations ago
they must at least have bellway homes in norway
How are Americans this delusional? Your country is wank. Literally 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health insurance and your country is ran in the interests of corporations and Israel. Its a joke
New-builds here are based on yank houses now you dopey cunt
Give me brick or stone any day
>he buys a newspaper
enjoy it being out of date the second you open it up
>run by a country where the citizens of said country live worse off than mississippi delta niggers here
yeah sure thing. your army was butthurt about how good our quality of life was here when they landed in 1776 kek
i didn't buy one
i just noticed the price when i went and bought a bottle of rubicon
no that looks like some 1950 post ww2 boomer subdivision don't delude yourself. looks like a kids house and no land
>People ITT thinking they wouldn't LOVE to be a DEANO
did barratt build the houses on brookside close?