
/hoc/ island edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


not a sport

First for Taytay

Virgin thread. Someone make a Chad mountain thread

Second and Third for Taytay

Prefer /hoc/ space station but ok happy Friday everyone what’s your poison? For me, it’s treehouse (purple haze)

Second, Fourth and Sixth for Tay

Literally every feature of this faggot bullshit is hand picked from r/rickandmorty

gotta be up in 8 hours

Thinking about cyanide

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But you’ll miss /hoc/ meet up 2019

And I'm feeling happy. It's like that gay cartoon.

Taking a piss at a house party lads

Been listening to this on repeat all day.

Remember to get consent else you’ll repent

go knights

Reminder /hoc/ island isnt /hoc/ at all

been finding brown and black chicks kinda hot lately

Gonna smoke a bowl then drink 2-6 beers and have a piece of chicken chef and maybe a slice of pizza. Because I'm #1 jets fan. 4 cup. Laine 8x11

You are the gayest op since gay came to gay town. GOD, you're gay.

thinking about hockey fights

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Every day

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just had a burrito and a couple beers lads

You guys are SO fucking lucky I can't attach smells to posts. Using the same shirt for workouts all week and it hasn't been drying since I keep my room at a balmy 24 (windows always closed)

same with my cumrag
it's basically crusted solid in the middle

get off these fucking apps and forums and get to work... if ur sitting around TALKING all day where is the fucking money coming from bro

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I usually wear it for sprints then the rest of the evening. Throw a sweater on when I hit the weights or get some work on the bag in. I stopped sleeping in it

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uh, my allowance bro

look at me i'm sam everything i post is ironic etc

my mom gives me 50-60 every two weeks. sometimes my dad throws me 40-60 as well.
i'm 33 btw

tired schtick

Mountain Chads get in

>they're all actual players except

it really is

look at me i'm sam everything i post is ironic, unfunny, and repeated etc

Imagine being the same everyday

What the fuck do you faggots do that your days are different? Other than going to partys/bars/etc. My days are same same everyday

Brakects gay lol. Inagine agreeing with him lol

My days consist of mainly being a neet at home, but it's getting boring. Gonna get a job soon.
Instead of just sitting on the computer or playing vidya, I practice musical instruments and read books too.

Now roast me.

Dead sport. This is what it deserves for creating an environment that Randy or isles weeb doesn't kill itself in

you’re all really gay just for even being here in july of all fucking months

its fucking july, of course its dead when the sport isnt on you fucking dumbass

relax friend, I don’t want you shooting up any schools over this

Note. They didn't roast me since I literally don't even understand. I'm just angry he said I'm tired. I actually believe that's why the bombers lost. I was tired. I didn't watch the whole game because I took a nap. If I watched they would have won

I bet if the sunbelt was in charge we could have hockey year round, even in the summer.


I guess everyone loves me too much to roast me.

shut up chambers

And we could play it on a floor instead of stupid old ice

Does the spike have pride night?

Every time Sam shows up

That could keep costs down allowing for a more diverse playerbase. Would be good for growing the sport.

I think you meant to type "shut up - chambers". It happens.

Any night that Sam shows up

only the most positive generative forces flowing from leafs nation kill streaks in the hundreds loot boxes gamer time this season utilising fully energised brains at capacity thinking with the season in sight

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Isnt it a gay bar?

boom roasted

shut up chambers you freak

sick monologue

/hoc/ is for 5/5s only

Guys, I could really use some constructive criticism to improve everyone's /hoc/ experience. So please, don't be shy.

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Xheattle Dickgirls

You smell like a nigger. Take a bath.

rangeban ontario and california

Tfw only 1/5

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And you’ll never be a proper holy 5/5 so fuck off

Sorry guys but reddit bought exclusive rights to all my good posts. I can only shitpost in /hoc/

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>good posts
almost had me there

What are they paying you? I’ll double their offer.

Ok, I must be doing a good job then. Peace.

so true

more of a soliloquy /hoc/ is my audience leafs nation are my performers

just fapped to a tranny named daisy taylor

Thanks user :3
t. daisy

i once fapped to that one tranny named veronica mars or something

>official pet /cric/

more like official best mates lads

what’s a leafs nation? some kind of nancy boy club?

My favorite is blondelashes. She did one where she farts out a hot dog then eats it haha


Where my 5/5 niggas
>residence North of the Mason-Dixon

that’s not even it you newfaggot manlet piece of shit

t. Christian manlet


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it's spelled favourite pajeet demon scum stay the FUCK out of anywhere but T*ronto SCUM

are the blue bombers overrated?

good idea

Who can skate

Literally everything else is meme tier

I wish that gal would squat on my face and make me lick her nether area shining tidy

>using the unneeded and European U
Fuck off commie scum

STEEL TOWN is just that strong winnipeegars simply cannot compete with strong steelsmiths and great lakes mariners

Watch where you're walking I almost stepped on you.

If you spell words with a u you're a faggot. God's favorite nationdoesnt and that's all that matters.
No. Still best in the league

everyone get the fuck out before the archbishop is made aware

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Watch where your walking or I'll punch you square in the nuts ya lanky bastard

Arch bishop was a faggot and I'm glad hes dead


Two and a half men is so funny haha

you're all so fucking retarded, i would kick all of your asses at the same time if we were in the same location

that better be the charlie chase version

you would try

Nothing good happens during real pacific hours.

huomenta taas

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I would find the archbishop shit a hell of a lot less cringe if it wasn't a American. I mean seriously. So fucking bad at hockey you use part of your giving to Israel money to pay big Canadian and Finnish bulls to come win you Stanley Cups

Sam and I would hit you with the Dudley Death Drop aka 3D within seconds

It's cute when the serfs pretend we dont take thier children as payment for living on our planet


absolute ding-dong diddly retard

i'd very much like that too

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Boomers are so cringe. "Hard work old story from the 50s" this "Nazis" this "moon landing" that


I have insider information the Archbishop is actually Gary. Don’t ask questions. He’s using jewish tricks to play both sides.

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The one featuring a coke addict that had strong ties to child sexual abuse? Thanks but no thanks.

Ah the great leaf cuck is back

By the way I’m Bubba Ray and Sam is D-Von because Sam isn’t white and neither is D-Von

grew up in the prairies only knew hard work sun up to sun set. the fields were my church, the chirps of distant birds and the sound of farm machinery my organs and hymns, hard labour my prayer, sweat, sores and callouses my penance.


Whoever gets Risto loses the trade automatically

>the retarded stuttering obese blind white selfmark
sounds about right

>he didn’t see bubba turn heel and cut the best promos the business has ever seen

I think my dream fight. 4 on 4. No rules. Dudleyz, dreamer, rhyno VS Nick Gage, Shlak, Marko Stunt, and me. You win when all four of the other team are knocked out at the same time

is ice cube hoc approved nigga?

yes, every other member of nwa are faggots. even dj yella and mc ren

no, but maybe because he was in the shark movie deep blue sea

is veronica mars a good show

Tommy won’t ever fall down I’ll take that

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gotta be up in 6.5 hours

those bastards

>no Acolytes
Farooq and Bradshaw were the best tag team. Why? Because they needed beer money.

this post is pure


Sam and Pete tag team would be as over as late 80s Demolition and Road Warriors combined

The >laffs will be swept in the 2nd round next year. Screencap this.

They get acolytes then I get Foley and Cactus jack if I can pick a second Foley, Janela if I can't

>getting past first round

which players have sucked dick, but only as a joke?

Seattle ______

janela is legitimately awful

>Pete, Sam, Gage, Cactus Jack and Terry Funk
War Games

Well lads, I finished the 26 episodes of NGE earlier, gonna watch the the End of Evangelion now.

Kill yourself when it ends anime faggot

They gotta make it out eventually. Just like Columbus...


think i'm gonna just sleep in my balcony tonight

I’m taking the pin and putting Hal over
t. Pete

What do you mean? Im wearing my night robe.

*runs back to the ring*
*shake hals hand*
*smash him with the belt*

Based Sam keeping our heat best heel faction in the business

el basado mi amigo

Saints row power rankings

Sam what’s your finish? I use a roaring elbow for a strike but also use a cloverleaf for a submission

haven't watched mandrama in years, but a long time ago when i did watch it, it was this motherfucker right here

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about to make more coffee and then will do some mobility excercises

No shoes, no shirt, no problems

ehhh pretentious at best. it died for a reason

Hi r****t

I slept with a fan running on next to me

0:28 brodin (23) Smith, spooner
7:06 Vesalainen (39) caggiula, larkin
10:07 fighting Giordano (w. Me) Joel ward (l)

good thing you arent gook

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I drive a rincoln continenter

No shoes, no shirt, no service Randy

where was the fan running?

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10:49 burmistrov (45) bjorkstrand
18:54 alcock (1) scherbak
Up 4-0 after 1

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>working construction down in Raleigh

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pretty bored

At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, what would Jimmy Buffett do?

>Dominik Hasek may run for president of Czech Republic


Pour me something tall and strong

Una mas cerveza? Por favor, Seniorita

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As annoying as box score is for you, it's a pain in the ass for me. 9-0 after 2

All I want to do is eat muffins and drink coffee and listen to my old country CDs and smoke darts in my truck. Everything that isn't one of those four, watching hockey, playing hockey, or drinking? NO USE

John 8:12
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

What time we mowing tomorrow?

Final score 12-0 win. 1-0 in fights. 37-5 hits. Merzlikins 14 save shutout

My two closest neighbors are 94 (blind) and late 70s (dementia) and they both mow their lawns and I wish I could post a webm with sound here so you guys could hear them run over hand tools and old cords and stones

I did a franchise and started as the 32nd team and Bailey should've been on my team but I sent him to the AHL because I didn't know he was black when I selected him

Luke 16
10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. 11 So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? 12 And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own? 13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”


This is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen.

Just finished it, you should check it out mate.

The penguins and flyers rivalry is literally the hammer and the nail. They’re obsessed with us. Just like the capitals. Just seethe and obsession. They hate our team more than they like their own team.

aihl starting soon


anything equivalent to pic in /hoc/

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Goodnight, dorks

not a fan of the offseason

Good night. user.

we should play custom skribble or something. make it /hoc/ related

first goal scored 13 mins in 1st period

/hoc/ island is located in the ocean of /mlb/

no it's located off the coast of faggotry in the ocean of gay faggottry

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kek his jowls are gonna be insane in a couple years

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This team is ruining my life

what does /hoc/ think of Steve, personally I think he's alright

>spontaneous 12:30 am rainshower
>everything cools down
feels good

bye dweebs

>the smell of long awaited rain

live in the sun belt now and getting genuinely tired of the same weather

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this just won't do.

Super cozy

Huh. I expected off-season 4 am est hoc to be an autist hellscape. Comfy thread though

have you all seen bulju's new look ?

john deeres going to be firing up in a few hours every one is sound asleep

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Oh boy! Good morning

Girl I work with Goldberg me she's in birth control guess my favorite team



zoomer faggot cuck imho

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bulju boy looks good with the bleach blonde hair

bretty hot

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comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Morning reminder that if you drink co*fee you are weak gene'd and don't deserve life.

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attrocious post

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Why the hell am I awake at 4am

Just snoze lads.

you snoze, you loze

>posts an nigger
>calls a post atrocious
What did he mean by this?

good morning leafs nation

Ah yes morning we meet again



Do like the meese - stay hydrated

Goddamn house hippos were making noise all night.

Stop leaving your peanut butter toast crumbs everywhere you slob

holy shit

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Hereby declare Finland to be my groom of the stool on /hoc/ island.

>/hoc/wants to be an island instead of a landlocked prairie or mountain range
I knew you people were autistic.

nigger can't play

>blue bombers lost
sam must have drank himself into a coma

Think it's safe to say that with climate change hockey won't exist in the future. Cricket is the sport of tomorrow. The sooner you accept this, the sooner we can do away with /hoc/ and all post in /cric/ instead.

looking good

>/hoc/ is an island, the worst market for a hockey team
Fucking sunbelters don't know what a comfy winter is like

They're making big strides in the fields of artificial- and enhanced ice. There's a lab in Czech Republic that have successfully produced ice with a melting point as high as 18C (64F), and this isn't believed to be anywhere near the theoretical limit. In a decade there's a good chance you'll be able to play hockey on actual ice in the deserts of Australia!

>produced ice with a melting point as high as 18C
Not by the grace of God. Ice is frozen water. You don't produce water and it don't freeze above 0 degrees. Don't talk like that in/hoc/ you eurotrash pagan commie fucking queer

North african here
, and 30 degs is hell even if it is the norm.

Shouldn't bear repeating as frequently as it does, but hockeys not for you. I'm not even sure why you're here

For me, it's Youngblood and Laine traded to the Habs

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does /hoc/ have a crew of friends they go to games with? or do you guys just go by yourselves

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>Laine to Habs for Price (Montreal retains 50% of salary)
>Hellebuyck to isles for Barzal
Jets cup easy, plus Montreal is my Eastern Canadian team

Laine for Petry Juulsen and Suzuki

Deals off. Just got off the line with Boston. They offered debrusk, senshyn, and rask. Laines gonna be a bruin and Hellebuycks going to carolina for Sebe

>can't speak English properly
Guessing this guy was a Ducks fan

Laddies and gentlemen your Stanley Cup winning Winnipeg Jets

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Imagine them without Buff in a few years

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Buff is caca

The case for Laine getting an 8 year deal now is that after a two year bridge deal there's the possibility that he'd be the GOAT in franchise history at TWENTY THREE

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the jest don't have a ``franchise'' ergo they don't have a ``history''

Have a good weekend anons and no bad energy

Sorry the league stole the team that won 3 World cups, invented white out, invented European hockey players, teemu, street party, etc. And gave back literal dog chit. A team from the literal gay nigger capital of the southern United States, which in itself is the gay nigger capital of the regular United States. The jets have history in my heart. In a just world the league wouldn't have stolen the GOAT hockey franchise and plopped them in the middle of the fucking dessert to run at a loss. Seriously. The entire southwest is all the same to me. Are they looking for injuns down there? Is Glendale near New Mexico? The NHL even cheated Winnipeg when we entered. How the FUCK were we supposed to stay competitive when they forced our players into a disbursement draft. They didn't do it to Edmonton and SURPRISE the Oilers remained relevant. More so than Winnipeg even, even after we spent 9 years wiping the fucking floor with Wayne gretzkys com rag of a jersey. Canadian hero my ass. Kurri babby. Selanne was a real man's man. Face of the game. More canadian than gretzky will ever be. Played with integrity. Gretzky can't even raise a daughter. She's a fucking WHORE

Fuck you

I support the REAL Jets aka the Arizona Coyotes

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Love it when I have dreams in which I'm not a massive loser

I swear it feels like the last few nights we been every where and back but

from the thumbnail it looks like he is flashing his big ass and mooning everybody

That's pretty awesome actually

For me, its giving a stinky smelly finn a hug and telling him its not his fault hes finnish

all I need is one mic


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Holy shit the next getzbald

jack hughes bust extraordinaire

Three syringes and two rocks

What's a good movie on Netflix, lads?

big trade today

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Galchenyuk - Crosby - Puljujarvi

Literally who would stop them?

Thank you for reminding us!

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>Literally who would stop them?

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Iran still throws them off roofs

For me, it's Suomi

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oh no byfuglien please dont! leave the kid alone oh no no no nooooOOooOOOoooooooo....

jack are u ok??? jack is die

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I support the REAL Coyotes aka the Winnipeg Jets

Playing D&D today lads. SHALL be using my Finnish autistic dwarf named Pekka

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*has a healthy career and beats the shit out of kakko*

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>thinking this will happen when subban and simmonds can nog out to protect jack

Why he always wearin a tie

>ayo, you aight white boy

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thats his draft day photo

I feel like I've seen others though

then this happens: healthy career till his team faces wpg. He will not even get a chance to play against kakko

>tfw binns endlessly meme yet another prospect of theirs into busting

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Jets are based Finland is based Iran is based anime is based traps aren't gay hockeys not for sunbelters laines worth 10 mil a year Byfuglien is honorary white garys a satanist trips are faggots.
There. I've made my posts for the thread

Not trading Kreider to Colorado without Makar coming back.

Is the reetus fetus Binland in this scenario?

>he's from the New York metropolitan area
>even worse, he's from Poo Jersey or Lawnguyland
laffin at you rags/debbies/islels fans

pekka from helsinki you need to let it go


Yeah fuck that

better than the >rags.

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It's Teemu from Tampere

Jesse from Bakersfield

Kreider to Mild for Brodin, Gary sent me the script last week

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About to open my first beer lads

just woke up

Just broke up

Just got drunk

That was fast

just trimmed my nipple hair

law abiding citizen is pretty good

>Randy from esh pee on the line. G'head Randy

Might go pub

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me too
nothing better than going back to bed two hours into the day

relaxing in /hoc/ with my /hoc/bros

About to open my second beer lads

havent drank alcohol in two weeks lads

Pouring a rum and coke lads

Gonna throw some beer in the fridge, go for a smoke, then turn on the Sinatra and pretend I'm important

t. Julian

sounds like a glass of whiskey would go great with all of that

Sam's too much of a bitch to drink whiskey

Whiskey was my hard drink of choice for most of high school. Drinks have phases

>Be with gf for 6 years
>Had kid 3 years in
>1st year with kid was fine
>2nd she becomes lazy
>3rd, kid now at nursery, she sits around the house all day and gets pissy if I don't come home to do the dishes and make dinner after working 8 hours
When the kid is in elementary school, I'm leaving.

BUF @ PHI, 7 pm
MTL @ DET, 7:30
MIN @ WPG, 8 pm (7 pm Central)
FLA @ ARZ, 9 pm (7 pm Mountain)
DAL @ VGK, 10 pm (7 pm Pacific)

my favourite american

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forced meme


Buy felicia


she doesn't have a job? why is the kid at the nursery if she's at home all day

She's boning the entire neighborhood copious amounts of coitus


And I wonder
If you know
What it means
What it means

to fiiiiiind your dreams

I eat ass

hey sam guess what buddy you were wrong and I was right. the blue bombers lost last night just like I said they would. suck on that one bud


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Say my name.

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>2 full days of +30 celcius
>even at night its +22

I don't know if I can make through this night.

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i will post benis if i want

oi m8, yer a cunt...
>best cunts

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t. tedalainen

fortunately, winter is coming next week

Merican beer has gotten rather good lately

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You are not a very good poster

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

no u

He's a dreadful faggot, but nothing anyone says to him changes anything, so just fucking ignore him.


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this trippingballs person doesn't exists

You're all getting catphished by trolls and "russian" spies

the whole idea that one person could infiltrate /hoc/ and install himself while willfully breaking board protocol is ridiculous
>the janitors and moderators are all in on it

Again, simply or "It".. it's not a him, it's a them

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Shut up. No one gives a fuck

Go the fuck away wojaknigger

Based balls guy making the incel zoomers boil

You cant spell frick without cric

Rumor has it that hockey


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yes you can look


kinda want a spunky zoomer gf


People born in 2001 are 18 now, gramps. Get with the times.

Nice work if you can get it
And you can get it, if you try

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Why does anyone even watch that thing, alongside golf and road race bicycling it has to be the most boring sports there is.

>there are now zoomers that are 18+

What is the unironic zoomer year cutoff? Everyone in 95 and after?

i like cumming while i'm stoned as fuck lads

why is /hoc/'s taste in women so shit

I thought 2000 was the first year of the zoom

I say 2000, it's cleaner. Although 97 I think is probably the biggest cultural shift.

It's some weird cult-like thing where their dads got them into following baseball, just like their dads before them, and now they just have to follow it and there's no escape for them.
So since they can't escape, they try to spread their misery around. But nobody cares about baseball if they don't have to, so those guys are usually just screaming into the void..

Wish I could have sex stoned

isnt a millennial someone who remember doing kid things in the year 2000? I dont think anyone really remembers anything until the age of 5 or so

5/5 jos totta

>I dont think anyone really remembers anything until the age of 5 or so
Speak for yourself.
I unironically remember shit from when I was 2.

but of course, stoned sex (or masturbation), highly recommended

Did you have to testify to them in court?

If you can remember 9/11, you're a millennial.

Women shorter than 5'5" aren't real women. They're children, no matter how old they are.
Even then, women shorter than 5'8" aren't truly worthy of your respect.

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Im not feeling so well physically nor mentally. I think it's the heat.

how many football fields is 5'5?

gonna take a freezing shower

women over 5 feet are just manlets in drag

jump into a lake

need some rain lads my lawn is going brown

love me some tall women in heels, a nice outfit that shows off their slender legs, and a short haircut
There's this 6'2" or so tall female french model with short blonde hair that people keep posting gifs of everywhere, she's basically my kind of 10/10

>Your honor, I vividly remember sitting in my crib and watching the sunlight coming through my windows and lighting up my walls. I then proceeded to climb over the bars and out of my crib to explore my room on my own, doing so on multiple separate occasions, though I cannot recall the exact dates. Knowing that my crib was finally sold when I turned three, your honor, I can be certain that these memories came from when I was two years old.

6'2" is too tall for a woman.
The body proportions start to get fucked up by 5'11" or 6'0".

i did earlier today

Eliabeth Debicki, 10/10

me too

>tfw no giant bird gf

wheres this dude gona end up?

leafs nation

hes gonna stay as a laff but hold out like kneelander

snes with bulju

Bulju is trapped in Edmonton, sorry Finland

Holy shit you're such a fucking dork haha

Laine to Habs

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I dunno, they'd probably have to pay someone like Kotkaniemi and more for him.


Sam's FW

how i feel right now

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I want minimum armia, kotka, and a 1st that WILL be used 1rd overall (after Laine invetibaly does when he leaves Winnipeg) to select Anton Lundell. Center from Binlan

Laying down under feather blanky thinking about Jets win Stanley Cup:)

>Finland is now Sunbelt
Gary couldn't write a better script

Thinking about lafrenniere

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I can feel my heartbeat on the upper part of my back

Gonna have to second this, I always last a good long while too.

Blue bombers lost XD

'cuz his team his ruining his life

Fuck off nigger

U mad? U mad bro?? XDD

He was fun when leafs were doing bad and he was going full spastic. But after he started really monetizing himself and leafs didn't do as bad it wasn't as entertaining.

Would love a glass of Pepsi Max but I've alread had two

pussy nigga can't handle his pepsi max 'n shiet

Ya boil


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sammy where you @ bitch I'm not done talking to you yet


ted vs tedalainen hell in a cell match

I know how to get him back.



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*gives shitty sam some sweet chin music*


not even once

got a thought provoking post saved for next thread

Do norf americans listen to 90s/00s drum n bass?

Only the gay ones

hit me up with some of your gay friends, friend


Okay haha I have lots of friends including gay ones haha

when i was in highschool i knew a guy who liked luke vibert/boc/aphex twin stuff like that but hes like the only person ive ever met to listen to that kind of music

Yes but it's cause I grew up in Yurop

jungle is massive
guess you've heard a lot of Goldie too then, right?

Suck my asstitties



My favorite team is the Vegas Golden Knights :)

Mark Stone is my favorite player for the Vegas Golden Knights :)

Who is your favorite Golden Knights player? :)


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for me its Reilly "Reddit-spacing" Smith

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What was /hoc/ like during the 2012 ploffs?

what a waste binland, i am disappoint

my first quint-get, be nice

How will wh*tebois ever recover



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>you can watch older games on LazyMan again
aaaaaaaa hell yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah

For me, it is Vegas Golden Knights legend David Clarkson

we did it reddit!

I'm half man, half sweat. What am I?

Wayne Newton

/hoc/ poster

fuck me, is that a Harvey's bag?

apparently not

im doing it right now

I fuck with it sometimes.
Usually I trend more towards Chicago/Detroit house though

if you ever have the audacity to reply to me again, i swear to god i will stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry
me too

I'll help

i think norway sucks.

i tried watching games from the start of the season. i guess that's too far back



Who is Rand

always nice to hear the leaf anthem sung the right way before a game.


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Is he Randy's brother


half man, half animal
all dead

Prepping an explosive new thread rn

>fukcing Doyers
nothing of value resides anywhere near LA, with there stolen franchises

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fucking based

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you better have the next thread ready to go, user.

Sorry something just came up, someone else will have to do it

me 3 days after i eat a entire dominos pan pizza (extra cheese)

should I do it?

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I'll make the next one

dont worry im prepping the bull

I want that new thread on my desk now, the commissioner is up my ass about this. You only have this one last chance or your gone /hoc/

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so no one is going to post?

*sigh* alright fren.

Still 5 posts to go faggot

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>early as fuck

this shit had better be good, no foolin


sorry but no

>brown people
>nothing to do with hockey
Again, SHAN'T.

okay, okay, HERE'S the real thread