For me? It's the Ruy Lopez
For me? It's the Ruy Lopez
Other urls found in this thread:
what now motherfucker
Until I gadoosh you with the Caro-Kann and your hillbilly ass """king""" gets gambited onto the I file
Queen to F6
>not "lose weight"
What's going on bro
for me, it's the petrov
literally the most boring opening ever
>le you have to do this stupid little dance with the knights and pawns or else you're busted meme
seething lopezfag
bet you're a mexican too
the patrician's choice
>3...a6 4.Bxc6
Made you waste a tempo. ha. Lopez!
you may wanna back down now
3) Qe1++
a chad like me would play 1.Nf6
chads play the najdorf
Check out black he's like a lil' chess gnome
4. Bxc6 bxc6
5. Nxe5?
The image or the tactic
Is chess a racist sport?
no but it is sexist
I don't think the tempo is wasted when black gains the bishop pair
i used to play a little trick of my own making against it before
you go bird defense nd4
white exchanges knights
and then f5??
if white takes on f5 black has a very nice position
if white pushes e5 u basically lose the game as black
The image, I'm aware of the tactic :D