Water handball
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or american gridiron
how could you cheat at this?
Acqua Volley
More like gordoiron
dem backs no homo
We settled this years ago, its flash-splash
Poo in pool until the opponent withdraws.
lmao. dives are a part of the game because you can get away with literally anything in water polo. i've been kicked punched and choked with no whistle. you need to be a total diva to get a call. refs will call phantom bullshit but 80% of shit doesn't get called in my experience.
they constantly cheat, constant knees in the stomachs, grabbing legs and shit
Doesn't work against Indians.
How exactly did a game played by bored rich kids and people on vacation with nothing better to do become an Olympic sport?
tfw this is considered a rich sport in the usa because it onvolves swimmingg and only white know how to swim
its the most physically arduous sport imo
*team sport, I think combat sports are harder
it's actually tit splash and yes we did settle this year ago it's now a 9gag tier meme
So is comparative butt blasting, but you don't see that in the Olympics. Water handball is a boring sport that nobody really plays.
no, combat sport have weight categories, in waterpolo you are either a beast or you can't compete
>really tough physically intense sport
>illegal methods of enhancing physical performance, stamina and recovery exist and the most modern ones are practically untraceable
mmmh, its not really a question of "how", not even of "if", but rather "who is not" that would be interesting to discover.
Not only do you need a pool, you need one you can close off from all other activities. My high school did water polo and the pool was always fucking closed for practice. Even the swim and dive teams were pissed.
so much reddit in that pic
why is chess girl fear?
magnet ball
Dick grabs and fingers up the ass
it's impossible to play chess and not be a virgin
played it in college. the sport sucked. the lads were great
Japanese man booked for filming FINA athletes secretly
>being this new
That's Yea Forums 10 years ago.