Based Skip

Based Skip.

>"I am not, and never have been, a member of the 'White Establishment.' The 'White Establishment' never liked me. I have worked for 'White Establishment' newspapers and television networks.The one I just left (ESPN)? That's 'White Establishment,' man. And they never really liked me," Bayless, 65, said. "I don't fit. I'm a communist, man. I'm going to break the rules."

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Other urls found in this thread:

Post yfw Skip ends up leading the uprising of the proletariat in the US.

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clown world

>Tfw you will never experience the black and latinx only commie utopia

Imagine all of those beautiful people and their brilliant minds, coupled with their propensity for low crime rates... society would be perfect. A true utopia, far away from the leeches of the white establishment. For too long, the wypepo have been taking tax dollars from hard working People of Color. Enough is enough.

s-skip? wtf i hate skip now

Ah yes the (((white))) media establishment

this but unironically

>he's not ready for the queer, caramel, commie future
shiggory diggory dock

>is white
>has multiple nationally broadcast shows
>currently works for Fox

>I am not a member of the 'White Establishment.' The 'White Establishment' never liked me.

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skip, we get it. you really really love people of color and you don't want to lose your cushy tv gig. it's okay, just be a little more subtle about it

unironic this

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t. White Establishment bootlicker

>t. whitey

>t. Huxtable Charles Wilmington IX



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There's a nice little place called Reddit where you can LARP as a communist otherkin all you want and you'll get a lot of asspats for it. Why don't you check it out?

*Bayless nodes* you know, I know, Jenny knows, that you have to SEIZE IT through violent revolution. *looks back and forth* only AFTERWARDS can we debate whether it should be worldwide or within one country.

>t. James Thadrick Jefferson III

>Skip Bayless net worth:
$13 Million
>Skip Bayless' Salary
$5 Million


>Skip, you gonna have to let me loose on this one, I gots to have a little rant-
>Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is a question of the first importance for the revolution. The basic reason why all previous revolutionary struggles achieved so little was their failure to unite with real friends in order to attack real enemies.
>Our enemies are all those in league with imperialism: the warlords, the bureaucrats, the comprador class, the big landlords, and the reactionary section of the intelligentsia attached to them. The leading force in our revolution is the industrial proletariat. Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie. As for the vacillating middle bourgeoisie, their right wing may become our enemy and their left wing may become our friend - but we must be constantly on our guard and not let them create confusion within our ranks.

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Wtf that's based?!!


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Yeah I'm thinking he's based.

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watching espn early this morning and that golic show is ridiculous. his son literally acts and sounds exactly like him. unwatchable. it's just parroting one another over and over again

There’s always Zimbabwe or Angola user

>is a Communist
>isn't a Stalinist but also isn't a Titoist
yeah, I'm thinking Skip is based

i laughed out loud
good one fren

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Skip follows the one true heir to Lenin

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SEETHING boot licker

Skip is gonna smash the fash like a modern Zhukov

baysed and baylesspilled

Trotsky was a pussy

Based comrade Skip!

why didn't we listen

Angola is one of the heaviest capitalist nations on earth. Please kill yourself immediately.

>Makes millions working for one of the paragons of American capitalism (Disney).
>I'm a communist

What did he mean by this?

This but without the sarcasm and irony.

They are commies

>tfw no mountain man anarchy because gov will creep up on you a la unibomber

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It's time my friends. Time to turn Yea Forums into a safe space for all anarchists, socialists, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community. Time to kick all of the knuckle dragging neanderthals off and over to infinity chan where they can live their donald trump filled conspiracy theories in peace.

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I was with you up until the homosexual part.

Name even two worker co-ops that exist in the country.....go ahead, I'll wait.

Gulag for you.

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Who knew skip was a pinkie all along

trotsky singlehandedly won the russian civil war

no one would have given a shit about ted fucking around in the woods if he didn't mount an ineffective and pathetic bombing "campaign" that did absolutely nothing to further his supposed aims.

imagine being this bluepilled

the State cannot tolerate the existence of non-State peoples, otherwise people will flee to unadministered areas to escape the class structure enforced on them

does this autist know that 99% of commies are white?

that's unironically how Yea Forums was until swaglord forced moot to invite retards in and let them rot each other's brains on /pol/

>China makes up 1/8 of the world population
even if every white person were communist, this still wouldn't add up


I always like Stephen A. better.

there's also millions of communists in india and nepal

China isn't communist

I know you're being ironic but not nobody takes that "latinx" shit seriously no regular Pablo cares about what buzzwords their fringe marxist niece at a state school in California, Texas or Florida makes up. Also we hate each other.

and Portuguese aren't white

>(((white))) establishment

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>Trotsky was a pussy
No. Trotsky was insane. He unironically want to march across the Europe for one big Workers Revolution and he was buddy-buddy with Military. That was why the bureaucrat and moderate support Stalin.

No wonder he's such a cunt

Even less surprising is how popular he is nowadays

>He unironically want to march across the Europe for one big Workers Revolution
we would have colonized Mars by now if that had happened

>the two greatest men who ever lived
We didn’t deserve them bros

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>likes cuckhoop
>the nose

makes sense.....

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i may not agree with much of what they say, but the commie is the enemy of the jew, and therefore based

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>commie is the enemy of the jew

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the saddest words of pen or tongue are these
/pol/ was right again

Helicopter rides for all of you. Absolutely disgusting..


What did he mean by this?

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>All neckbeards and ugly skanks
War, war never changes

Eveyone knows newspapers and media news is jewish establishment.

Communism is the same as fascism.

This. Fuck all of you pinko faggots


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>normal posting hours (ie Commute Hours, After Work Hours, Evening)
>well adjusted people posting about the rights of the workers and the injustice of capitalism

>Incel Hours (ie middle of the night on a Friday/early morning weekends)
>a bunch of asspained meme fascists screeching at each other

really makes me think

Words prove you wrong. We use different words for different things. We use different words because different words have different meanings.
I also could say capitalism is the same as fascism and it would be equally correct, so not really at all.
>American education

hahaha just kidding
Now Mr. LeShannon Sharpe... I'M GONNA SAY IT

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ahahaha what the fuck
the shit redditors make up is hilarious

Dirty kike sellout

Find a difference.

I really do miss old Yea Forums. people would say racist shit and the thread would ignore it or tell em to go back to Yea Forums. Containment boards are a meme and /pol/ should be deleted today.

Nice bait nigger boy :)))))

American commies are all white yuppies from the west coast.

>muh chocolate chip cookies
fucking amerifats lmao

t. non-white

>that's unironically how Yea Forums was
Nice historic revisionism.

/pol/ is just a reaction to the increasingly communist society we have today desu. There was less shitposting back then because there was less of an existential threat.

>"white establishment"
arent most of the people in power in newspapers and tv networks jewish?

based skip going to redistribute his wealth amongst the plebs

>people would say racist shit and the thread would ignore it or tell em to go back to Yea Forums
Things that never happened.

>increasingly communist society
increasingly liberal idpol society**

>There was less shitposting back then
I don't know about this, it seems that way because there were less users back then. A lot of the best shitposts and memes on Yea Forums were pre-2010.

Same shit

Exactly. This cunt is sucking kike cock by claiming these kike studios are white.

it's not the same shit. One just wants to get rid of private property so that people are freed from economic shackles and constant worry about being swept up into poverty. The other wants your son to cut off his dick before he even hits puberty.

>posts about the injustice of capitalism
>on his way back home from the job that capitalism gave him

>capitalism "gives" jobs

oh thank you benevolent Capital, thank you for forcing me to sell my labor to you so that you may profit from it, thank you for giving me the jobs without which I would be homeless and starving despite the vast tracts of unused land and vast stores of food all around me, thank you thank you dear Captial

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Based SKEEUP. The proletariat shall rise again.


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nigga what threat, /pol/ managed to meme brexit and trump in 2016

>I'm a communist and hated by the white establishment
>receives multi-million dollar salaries from major media conglomerates

What did he mean by this?

>The white establishment is communist

Republicans are weird

>he knows what reddit is like
looks like you have to go back

I don't think he means he's a literal communist. He's saying that as a thing that "white establishment" wouldn't accept.

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>ywn lose faith in all Western Capital due to watching Jerry Jones fail to put together a functional playoff team season after season

And Brits wonder shy Corbyn supports Arsenal


>tfw up at 5:00 am on a Saturday for work
>tfw couldn’t fuck last night cause work this morning
>got 1.5 L coffee

yep, capitalism time!

>people are non ironically communist in here

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tbf it’s probably not stupid to call yourself communist right now, with the dire state of Anglo Liberalism and mostly debt addled kids already planning a raid on Area 51, one economic contraction and this shit’s finished. like in 1789 you gotta wear that tricolor so the Sans-Culottes don’t kick your ass

>leftist faggot "hated" by leftist faggot network
>moves to a more conservative network and likes it
REALLY makes ya think

>tfw believe in eugenics (wtf u nazi)
>but i know it's applicable to all races equally (wtf u sjw)
>tfw a high virtue high iq society would be communist (wtf u commie)
>tfw a high virtue high iq society wouldn't be degenerate (wtf islamist retard)
none of that shit matters though, since AI is coming and it can potentially change everything

But not only does the white establishment accept him, they fight over him. He works for Fox for millions of dollars, they having won a bidding war with ESPN for his services.

about as communist as rage against the machine

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Just move to Cuba