
ufc 240 is tomorrow.
stop posting max's dick

Attached: 1474259043506.png (500x251, 217K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>jannies can't handle the GOAT-sized hogs

Who's going to the Anaheim card?

wew ladds

Official Hog Power Rankings

1. Randy
2. Yoel
3. Tito
4. Max

Am I missing any?

yoels is much bigger then randy tho mousasi's is supposed to be the size of a water bottle

how much are tixs?

I mentioned nothing about my grading criteria, Randy has a nice hog.


Fuck's sake

Attached: file.png (534x331, 326K)

looks like a shaved rat

For the user that reminded me of Bonnar's tweet lol

Attached: tito_dick.jpg (600x1003, 79K)

>only 11 fights tomorrow

I have decent seats and they were $714 for the pair.

Post slips

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-26 at 12.45.24 PM.png (614x648, 59K)

he literally looks like a dick. It's a small dick is attached to a big one

thats not bad

Tito's got a pretty decent hog, god bless him.

For comparison, my 194 tickets were $1273 and my 199 tickets were $524


I liek Fwonkie. Who same?

Attached: 1556371302400.jpg (540x960, 124K)

yeah even ricos next fight for glory is 400euros for pretty good seats

She's 18 now, right? My god I would give her the most disappointing 30 seconds of her life.

Good lord this sport really is for semen slurpers

Nothing gay about admiring another guy's hog.

Lost my roll. Gonna have to borrow from my mum to bet this weekend.

these were $235 after all the fees

Attached: IMG_20170729_154322.jpg (2221x1666, 3.05M)


Damn you got to see Jon beat the shit out of DC. Jealous.


Buy me a ticket broski

>implying you can see anything from there

By looking at Max's wife i know now that dicklets have the best wifes so there is still hope for the 99,9% here

Attached: image.jpg (479x720, 116K)

Max's dick? No thanks, I'll take T-city's delicious ass :p

Attached: proper.jpg (998x830, 184K)


The jaws on these girls.

Also, no one has said it so I will say it: Felicia Spencer is j-j-j-jacked son.

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It was worth it

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I want her to j-j-j-jackme off with her feet

Which fighter is Schaub talking about here?


This is the angle from which I saw Joe-Zay's head clatter off the canvas

Attached: 20151212_181108.jpg (709x1260, 159K)

who's laughing now

Attached: franklin.jpg (1080x607, 55K)

Absolutely Based.

Please sum1 link mini blessed

How'd he lose /heem/?

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idnt his wife leave him?

he felt sorry for the little guy


>*sneaks into weigh-in room and jumps on scale whilst pushing buttons*

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Max had superior boxing didn't give him the opportunity to pull a triangle out of his ass

Call me crazy but I just spent 15 seconds looking at Felicia's record on sherdog and I think she can beat Cyborg

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-26 at 1.13.21 PM.png (636x446, 45K)

thank u

Attached: E1D343E1-EB49-4F12-A44D-E3F57E1C273F.jpg (1068x1444, 130K)

Thawlts on this cheeky fiver parlay?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-26 at 1.14.38 PM.png (652x610, 50K)

>hog thread gets deleted


Attached: 1562887239216.jpg (618x410, 40K)


+425 is not a bad line we don't know if Nunes permaflushed Cyborg she might not be the same.

heem any here

Attached: 1562715152959.webm (480x720, 2.8M)

remember scat threads = okay
hog threads = delete

Hope that you win, but you will lose

Attached: bisbong and wife.jpg (890x850, 132K)

>How you want your hair, senpai?
>Put F and E in it
>F e?
>Okay.... here it is
>Does it say F E? For Frankie Edgar?
>Err.... yeah

Attached: 15064561485724.png (1101x527, 409K)

aubin mercier loses, otherwise good bet

Obviously it's for Iron

The Canadian gangster is going to kill it. I would be very surprised if he wins

It's a grappler vs grappler match and OAB is gonna be the hometown favorite. He wins a decision.

Is that Frankie's nickname? I never knew.

His dick was too big and couldnt move as well as max's small dick headass

I can tell just by looking at her that Felicia hasn't taken enough steroids to beat Cyborg.

That's my favourite embedded ending.

Attached: 15064561485724.png (893x655, 630K)

you'd be surpised

Watch her fight against Megan on Youtube, she’s getting viciously heemed

I don't know The Answer to that

Frankie's team is called the Iron Army after his initials

I work at a bar with many pool tables and apparently Joe Rogan showed up here last night
. He probably wanted to play pool and his consierge probably told him to come here. It was right after I left too.

>you won your debut! Now here's your title shot!

Well why the fuck else would he put Fe in his head? Is that a trend? Shaving element symbols into your head? Ass.

Attached: 64991205_2365303093792281_566022241007016322_n.jpg (474x315, 36K)

QRD on the weigh-ins? Did someone's towel fall down?


It's spelt concierge you absolute fucking peasant.

Obviously it's a tribute to Ol' Ironhead Kazuyuki Fujita.

Photographer caught Max's peepee on camera.

Holy shit, Holloway has literally no dick.

Attached: file.png (960x448, 1.17M)

Max got exposed for being a dicklet

What did Schaub have to say about Max's weigh-in gaff?

I saw Joe Rogan at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face.

*snif snif*

No red squiggly line under it

OAM got destroyed by Hernandez and Tsarukyan's base is grappling but he is a Tiger Muay Thai guy as well

In der heutigen abendländischen Welt sind die Italiener als Nachkommen des antiken Rom und wir Deutsche als Nachfahren der damaligen Germanen die ältesten und damit am längsten miteinander in Berührung stehenden Völker. Ich habe in meiner Ansprache im Palazzo Venezia in Rom anläßlich meines Besuches in Italien schon erklärt, daß es wohl ein Unglück war, daß gerade das gewaltigste Kulturvolk der alten Welt und das junge Volk einer neuen sich bildenden, durch das Fehlen einer natürlichen Trennung und durch viele andere Umstände bedingt, in jahrhundertelange und fruchtlose Konflikte geraten mußten. Allein aus dieser tausendjährigen Berührung erwuchs eine Gemeinschaft, die nicht nur blutmäßig durch zahlreiche Bande miteinander verknüpft ist, sondern vor allem geschichtlich und kulturell von unübersehbarer Bedeutung wurde.

Was das Germanentum auf dem Gebiet seiner staatlichen Gestaltung und damit auch seiner volklichen Entwicklung sowie auf dem Gebiet der allgemeinen Kultur der Antike verdankt, ist im einzelnen gar nicht abmeßbar, im gesamten ungeheuer. Seitdem sind nun fast zwei Jahrtausende vergangen. Auch wir haben nunmehr unseren Beitrag zur Kultur in reichlichem Maße geleistet. Immer aber blieben wir in geistiger enger Verbundenheit mit dem italienischen Volk, seiner kulturellen und geschichtlichen Vergangenheit.

Das 19. Jahrhundert brachte einen staunenswert gleichen staatlichen Einigungsprozeß. Die deutschen Stämme einten sich im Deutschen Reich, die italienischen Staaten im Königreich Italien. In einem Jahre, 1866, hat das Schicksal beide Völker sogar miteinander für ihre staatliche Neugestaltung zum Kampf antreten lassen.

Heute erleben wir zum zweitenmal diese gleichartige Entwicklung. Ein Mann von säkularem Ausmaß hat es als Erster unternommen, der in seinem Volke unfruchtbar gewordenen demokratischen Geisteswelt erfolgreich eine neue Idee entgegenzusetzen und in wenigen Jahren zum Siege zu führen.

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Fwonkie PEDgar gets a titleshot after being Swanson

Do you see this? Do you see this definition I just grabbed for you? Do you see how it is spelt? Do you see that fucking C? A FUCKING C. NOT A FUCKING S. ASS.

Attached: 15064561485724.png (701x343, 34K)

they could never heem me, I wear my pants with a belt.

Are there any fights tonight?

Welcome to the Frankie Edgar Era

Attached: scared max.jpg (1310x873, 134K)

Wer wird nicht niedergezwungen bei einer Wanderung durch Rom oder Florenz von dem Gedanken, welches Schicksal diesen einmaligen Dokumenten menschlicher Kunst und menschlicher Kultur zugestoßen sein würde, wenn es Mussolini und seinem Faschismus nicht gelungen wäre, Italien vor dem Bolschewismus zu retten.

Deutschland stand vor dieser selben Gefahr. Hier hat der Nationalsozialismus das Wunder der Rettung vollbracht. An diese beiden Staaten klammert sich nun in der geistigen Vorstellung unzähliger Menschen aller Rassen der Glaube an eine neue Renaissance unserer Zeit.

Die Solidarität dieser beiden Regime ist daher mehr als eine Angelegenheit egoistischer Zweckmäßigkeit. In dieser Solidarität liegt die Rettung Europas vor der drohenden bolschewistischen Vernichtung begründet.

Als Italien seinen heroischen Kampf um sein Lebensrecht in Abessinien durchstritt, stand ihm Deutschland deshalb als Freund zur Seite. Im Jahre 1938 hat das faschistische Italien uns diese Freundschaft in reichlichem Maße wieder vergolten. Möge sich niemand in der Welt über den Entschluß irren, den das nationalsozialistische Deutschland diesem Freunde gegenüber gefaßt hat.

Es kann dem Frieden nur nützlich sein, wenn es darüber keinen Zweifel gibt, daß ein Krieg gegen das heutige Italien, ganz gleich aus welchen Motiven vom Zaune gebrochen, Deutschland an die Seite des Freundes rufen wird.

Man lasse sich vor allem nicht von jenen anders beraten, die in jedem Lande als vereinzelte bürgerliche Schwächlinge vegetieren und nicht verstehen können, daß es im Völkerleben als Ratgeber der Klugheit außer der Feigheit sehr wohl auch den Mut und die Ehre geben kann. Was das nationalsozialistische Deutschland betrifft, so weiß es, welches Schicksal ihm beschieden wäre, wenn es jemals einer internationalen Gewalt gelingen würde, das faschistische Italien, ganz gleich unter welchen Motivierungen, niederzuzwingen.

Attached: zr.jpg (2400x1600, 1012K)

hes fugging models now

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Attached: Holloway_weigh-in_gaffe.webm (1146x718, 2.86M)


Vor allem aber, daß wir vor erpresserischen Drohungen unter keinen Umständen jemals zurückweichen werden!

So ist auch unser Verhältnis zu Japan bestimmt von der Erkenntnis und dem Entschluß, der drohenden Bolschewisierung einer blindgewordenen Welt mit äußerster Entschlossenheit Einhalt zu gebieten. Der Antikominternvertrag wird vielleicht einmal zum Kristallisationspunkt einer Mächtegruppe werden, deren oberstes Ziel kein anderes ist, als die Bedrohung des Friedens und der Kultur der Welt durch eine satanische Erscheinung zu parieren.

Das japanische Volk, das uns in diesen zwei letzten Jahren so viele Beispiele eines glänzenden Heldentums gegeben hat, ist an einem Ende der Welt ohne Zweifel ein Fechter im Dienste der menschlichen Zivilisation.

Sein Zusammenbruch würde nicht den europäischen oder übrigen Kulturnationen zugute kommen, sondern nur zur sicheren Bolschewisierung Ostasiens führen. Außer dem daran interessierten internationalen Judentum kann kein Volk eine solche Entwicklung wünschen.

Wenn im vergangenen Jahre die gewaltigen Anstrengungen am Ende friedlich ihr Ziel erreichten, dann wollen wir, wie schon eingangs versichert, ohne weiteres unserem Dank an Mussolini den an die anderen beiden Staatsmänner anschließen, die in den kritischen Stunden den Wert des Friedens höher einschätzten als die Aufrechterhaltung eines Unrechts. Deutschland hat gegen England und Frankreich keine territorialen Forderungen außer der nach Wiedergabe unserer Kolonien. So sehr eine Lösung dieser Frage zur Beruhigung der Welt beitragen würde, so wenig handelt es sich dabei um Probleme, die allein eine kriegerische Auseinandersetzung bedingen könnten.

Wenn überhaupt heute in Europa Spannungen bestehen, so ist dies in erster Linie dem unverantwortlichen Treiben einer gewissenlosen Presse zuzuschreiben, die kaum einen Tag vergehen läßt, ohne durch ebenso dumme wie verlogene Alarmnachrichten die Menschheit in Unruhe zu versetzen.

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What's interesting is the camera man started zooming in when he realized that dick shot was on the line.

Was sich hier verschiedene Organe an Weltbrunnenvergiftung erlauben, kann nur als kriminelles Verbrechen gewertet werden. In letzter Zeit wird versucht, auch den Rundfunk in den Dienst dieser internationalen Hetze zu stellen. Ich möchte hier eine Warnung aussprechen:

Wenn die Rundfunksendungen aus gewissen Ländern nach Deutschland nicht aufhören, werden wir sie demnächst beantworten. Hoffentlich kommen dann nicht die Staatsmänner dieser Länder in kurzer Zeit mit dem dringenden Wunsch, zum normalen Zustand wieder zurückzukehren.

Denn ich glaube nach wie vor, daß unsere Aufklärung wirksamer sein wird als die Lügenkampagne dieser jüdischen Völkerverhetzer. Auch die Ankündigung amerikanischer Filmgesellschaften, antinazistische, d. h. antideutsche Filme zu drehen, kann uns höchstens bewegen, in unserer deutschen Produktion in Zukunft antisemitische Filme herstellen zu lassen. Auch hier soll man sich nicht über die Wirkung täuschen. Es wird sehr viele Staaten und Völker geben, die für eine so zusätzliche Belehrung auf einem so wichtigen Gebiet großes Verständnis besitzen werden!

Ich glaube, daß, wenn es gelänge, der jüdischen internationalen Presse- und Propagandahetze Einhalt zu gebieten, die Verständigung unter den Völkern sehr schnell hergestellt sein würde. Nur diese Elemente hoffen unentwegt auf einen Krieg. Ich aber glaube an einen langen Frieden.

Denn welche Interessengegensätze bestehen z. B. zwischen England und Deutschland? Ich habe mehr als oft genug erklärt, daß es keinen Deutschen und vor allem keinen Nationalsozialisten gibt, der auch nur in Gedanken die Absicht besäße, dem englischen Weltreich Schwierigkeiten bereiten zu wollen. Und wir vernehmen auch aus England Stimmen vernünftig und ruhig denkender Menschen, die die gleiche Einstellung Deutschland gegenüber zum Ausdruck bringen.

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In diesen Tagen jährt sich zum fünftenmal der Abschluß unseres Nichtangriffspaktes mit Polen. Über den Wert dieser Vereinbarung gibt es heute unter allen wirklichen Friedensfreunden wohl kaum eine Meinungsverschiedenheit. Man braucht sich nur die Frage vorzulegen, wohin vielleicht Europa gekommen sein würde, wenn diese wahrhaft erlösende Abmachung vor fünf Jahren unterblieben wäre. Der große polnische Marschall und Patriot [Pilsudski] hat seinem Volk damit einen genau so großen Dienst erwiesen wie die nationalsozialistische Staatsführung dem deutschen. Auch in den unruhigen Monaten des vergangenen Jahres war die deutsch-polnische Freundschaft eine der beruhigenden Erscheinungen des europäischen politischen Lebens.

Unser Verhältnis zu Ungarn basiert auf einer lang erprobten Freundschaft, auf gemeinsamen Interessen und auf einer traditionellen gegenseitigen Hochschätzung. Deutschland hat es mit Freude unternommen, seinerseits mitzuwirken an der Wiedergutmachung des Ungarn einst zugefügten Unglücks.

Ein Staat, der seit dem großen Kriege zunehmend in das Blickfeld unseres Volkes getreten war, ist Jugoslawien. Die Hochachtung, die einst die deutschen Soldaten vor diesem tapferen Volk empfunden haben, hat sich seitdem vertieft und zu einer aufrichtigen Freundschaft entwickelt. Unsere wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen sind hier genau so wie zu dem befreundeten Bulgarien, Griechenland, Rumänien und der Türkei in einer steigenden Aufwärtsentwicklung begriffen. Der wesentlichste Grund hierfür ist in der naturgegebenen Ergänzungsmöglichkeit dieser Länder mit Deutschland zu suchen.

Deutschland ist glücklich, heute im Westen, Süden und Norden befriedete Grenzen besitzen zu dürfen.

Unsere Verhältnisse zu den Staaten des Westens und des Nordens, also der Schweiz, Belgien, Holland, Dänemark, Norwegen, Schweden, Finnland und den Baltischen Staaten, sind um so erfreulicher, je mehr sich gerade in diesen Ländern die Tendenzen einer Abkehr von gewissen...

Attached: TWUTCH.jpg (1200x800, 307K)

Blessed? More like Max "Cursed with a micropenis lmao" Holloway eheh

Attached: b-blessed.jpg (1080x1349, 288K)

Attached: file.png (376x482, 340K)

Ohne Blutopfer ist es uns gelungen, das große Reich des deutschen Volkes endlich aufzurichten. Dennoch wollen wir nicht vergessen, daß auch dieser Prozeß für manche mit schmerzlichen Verzichten verbunden war. Viele liebgewordene Traditionen, manche teuren Erinnerungen und Symbole mußten von uns beseitigt werden. Länder wurden ausgelöscht, ihre Fahnen eingezogen, ihre Traditionen haben an Bedeutung verloren, allein es mag für alle die Erkenntnis zur Beruhigung beitragen, daß keiner Generation, die an Deutschland in unserer Geschichte gearbeitet hat, ähnlich schmerzliche Empfindungen erspart geblieben sind.

Seit die ersten deutschen Herzoge sich bemühten, aus wilden Stämmen höhere Einheiten zu bilden, mußte dieses ihr Streben über liebgewordene Einrichtungen, teure Erinnerungen, männliche Treueverpflichtungen usw. hinwegschreiten.

Fast 2000 Jahre dauerte dieser Prozeß, bis aus verstreuten Stämmen ein Volk, aus unzähligen Ländern und Staaten ein Reich wurde. Nun darf dieser Werdegang der deutschen Nation im wesentlichen als beendet gelten. Damit aber umschließt das Großdeutsche Reich den ganzen tausendjährigen Lebenskampf unseres Volkes.

So wie in ihm alle Ströme des deutschen Blutes münden, so einen sich in ihm alle vergangenen Traditionen, ihre Symbole und Standarten, vor allem aber alle die großen Männer, auf die deutsche Menschen einst Grund hatten, stolz zu sein.

Denn in welchem Lager sie auch zu ihren Zeiten standen, die kühnen Herzöge und großen Könige, die Feldherren und gewaltigen Kaiser und um sie die erleuchteten Geister und Heroen der Vergangenheit, sie alle waren nur die Werkzeuge der Vorsehung im Entstehungsprozeß einer Nation.

Indem wir sie in diesem großen Reich in dankbarer Ehrfurcht umfangen, erschließt sich uns der herrliche Reichtum deutscher Geschichte.

Danken wir Gott, dem Allmächtigen, daß er unsere Generation und uns gesegnet hat, diese Zeit und diese Stunde zu erleben.

Attached: gr.jpg (1752x1168, 408K)

man I hate to make fun of him but that thing is fuckin TINY, like not just length its girth is miniscule... poor lad, at least hes famous and gets hella monies

Hey guys I was hoping you could help me with some MMA history because I'm a bit lost and I heard you guys know your stuff

Who was the first person to win the story of the fight?

Attached: 1517573571538.png (951x679, 205K)

Art Jimmerson

immune to low blows

henry cejudo when he won his gold medal, and then it was the sumo vs the savate guy in UFC 1. Change my mind.

Attached: B1035AC6-4250-42AF-845B-5CEF89139E65.jpg (1310x873, 619K)

Hey guys I'm looking for the general where the Ultimate Farting Championship is discussed. I was told /heem/ is the place. Am I in the right place?


striking doesn't work in the streets cazzie


Attached: 1528479982792.png (894x699, 1005K)

Helio but he rigged it


Attached: file.png (711x1064, 126K)

I always knew watching mma was a faggot thing

>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:39:26 No.94445683▶
>File: B1035AC6-4250-42AF-845B-5(...).jpg (619 KB, 1310x873)
>619 KB
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:39:35 No.94445687▶
> Hey guys I'm looking for the general where the Ultimate Farting Championship is discussed. I was told /heem/ is the place. Am I in the right place?
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:40:00 No.94445691▶
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:40:27 No.94445700▶
> striking doesn't work in the streets cazzie
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:40:54 No.94445708▶
>File: 1528479982792.png (1005 KB, 894x699)
>1005 KB
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:41:02 No.94445710▶
> Helio but he rigged it
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:41:29 No.94445718▶
> no
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:42:01 No.94445727▶
>File: file.png (126 KB, 711x1064)
>126 KB

How fucking TINY is that thing?

It's a grower not a shower

Attached: norml.jpg (1310x873, 95K)


except Holloways dick

any other news from the weigh ins

Somebody enhance that shit no homo

>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)22:54:56 No.94444997▶
>File: IMG_20170729_154322.jpg (3.05 MB, 2221x1666)
>3.05 MB
> these were $235 after all the fees
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)22:57:45 No.94445030▶
> christ
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:01:17 No.94445077▶
> Damn you got to see Jon beat the shit out of DC. Jealous.
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:01:20 No.94445078▶
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:01:25 No.94445081▶
> Buy me a ticket broski
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:01:56 No.94445091▶
> >implying you can see anything from there
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:03:22 No.94445111▶
>File: image.jpg (116 KB, 479x720)
>116 KB
> By looking at Max's wife i know now that dicklets have the best wifes so there is still hope for the 99,9% here
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:03:31 No.94445115▶
>File: proper.jpg (184 KB, 998x830)
>184 KB
> Max's dick? No thanks, I'll take T-city's delicious ass :p
>Anonymous 07/26/19(Fri)23:04:59 No.94445134▶


(This post is Fart Piano-approved.)

Attached: 64991205_2365303093792281_566022241007016322_n.jpg (1500x1457, 274K)


Derek Schott
Jul 20

8 in the morning and it's already 91 out there with 80% humidity. Assholes who say global warming is a myth should be forced to do without AC for a week during one of these heat waves and see if their (wrong) belief changes.
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

it’s obviously it’s the camera angle and even if he had a small dick he still fuck horse and have a kid, thing mos of you pathetic incels will never achieve.

heem more like /peen/


Have you achieved fuck horse?

Why have all the recent ppv cards been so shit?

Because UFC is shit

239 was dope bro watchutalmbout?


It is what it is

How do you guys fucking remember which card was which? Like if you tell me "Hey bro do you remember UFC 224?" I'm like "Fuck no" even if I watched it. I don't remember what fucking fights were on a particular fucking card, even if I remember the fights.

nobody remembers that shit from memory you skunk, you just google the card number

only oldfags remember 214

aren't all autists good with numbers?

No talent, Dana it's too much of a greedy fuck to invest in new or his current fighters

>using google
I'm was gonna tell you about how bad google is but instead I'll just say HAHAHahahahhah

My brain is bad at being good and good at being bad.

i could break you in half with 1 arm you frail vitamin D deficient tea drinking soccer watching faggot

They need to bring back those meme names they used to give cards

sup heem im drunk whats up

does the sun set where you live

about 3 hours ago, got drunk on the beach with some boomers

I guess bisping really is blind

Attached: file.png (1042x1200, 2.39M)

finlandia has beaches??

Bookies love you guys.
What's all this talk about max's dong? is it in the embedded's?

Based Max always giving us good fights, always stand and bang and no wrestlefucking.

yes the most based beaches. just got drunk and swam and stared at grils asses

A reminder that you have to heem the pussy and leave before the pussy heems you and takes half your shit

Attached: 1472577755660.jpg (649x794, 126K)

Felicia spencer is only 5'6 but looks like an absolute unit.

Reminder that Curtis Blaydes is a can and a fraud

Attached: hunt vs blaydes.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

the fuck man height is weird, frankie is 5'6 and looks like a midget but shes 5'6 and looks big af

How is he a fraud lmao
Nobody actually thinks he's good

Unironically why would you give two shits about accidentally seeing another man's dong. I would get it if it gave you a slight chuckle like 'heh..that's pretty funny' but to actually sperg out like this is VERY disheartening and it seriously makes me question why you watch this sport in the first place. I thought football was supposed to be the semen slurping sport.

Sheesh there's nothing wrong with being gay no matter the memes just don't go denying it and pivot around the fact by focusing on another man's schlong you morons


She's wearing heels in every event/faceoff in the embedded's, alongside her thick frame, she looks like a unit. Cyborg is a legit 5'8 i think and felicia looked 1.5-2 inches taller in the face off, heels...

She is pretty wide. You can see how much fat accumulates around her waist

He wore a scarf while he was talking shit to Max. That should have let you know he was a bum.



Hunt couldn't even finish a can


Curtis Blaydes is two takedowns away from breaking Cain's total career takedowns record for a ufc heavyweight lol do what you will with this information

Is PVZ trans-racial?

>try to be elite womens fighter
>get heemed and realize you're a can
>Get fake tits and become instathot
talentless whore

reminder to keep young women far AWAY from christianity

based Jones still hasn't married his fiancee

>Toilet Till
>Latrine Ladd aka Asspain Lard aka 6head
>Urinal Urijah aka Chinballs aka team Omega Manlets
>Outhouse Ortega aka T-CTE aka Roidtega
>Gent's room Gustafsson aka Anus Gus
>Restroom Rockhold aka Flushed Puke aka Cockhold
>Washroom Woodley aka Tyreese Snoozley aka Tyreke Stoolsley
>Men's room McGregor aka Gab Gooby
>Potty Poirier aka Pissoir Poirier aka Dustbin Poorier
>Loo Lee aka Gevin-up Pee
>Cesspool Cerrone aka Clogboy Cerrone
>Diaper Dodson
>Kakalina Krapperkevich aka Dookie Kookie
>Bathroom Borg
>Portajon jones aka Junkheap Jones aka Pulsating Janni
>Scat Zingano aka Alpha Can-of-guano
>GloryHoley Holm
>W.C. D.C. aka Drainpipe Daniel
>Ben Rotsmell
>Blendin Shart aka Sexuality Hybrid
>Commody Garbrandt
>Diarrhea Dos Santos aka Face Plantos
>Robert Shittaker akd Doobby Wheetkaker
>Valentina Shitchunko aka Foul Bullet
>Stinkpee Miocic ake Sleepe Stenchic
>Rose Namurinas aka Thud Rose
>Alistair Diarrheem aka Pottychair Odorstream aka Garbagepail Urinestream
>Shitter Shogun
>TakePee Sperguson aka El Cacuy
>Soil Stack Smith aka LyingTurd
>Kenny Bathroomfloorian
>Crap Barry
>Wandiarrhlei Silva aka Uma C-T-Eicia
>Farticio Werdum aka Febrezetheroom Offumes
>NateCan Diarrhiaz

she only turned to it after her brother's arrest

Reminde Id lose a rather wide decision to every clown itt

What a freaking thot.

This post smells like Thrace

KohlerCowicz is a much higher IQ fighter name and we can all agree high IQ fighter names is what we're striving for with this. Which fight of Karolina's is your favorite?

Could anybody at 170 heem prime Alex "Drones" Jones?

Attached: GUhokbfD39VB02bpsOlFu3gqGwGuphJAsCfNJtd6qFI[1].png (960x589, 530K)

yes, just squirt some faucet gay frog on him

>Soil Stack Smith aka LyingTurd

Attached: 1551888064737.jpg (316x315, 17K)


>Tyron finally gets dethroned
>new Woodleyweight champ is another guy who'd rather tour the belt around while injured than choose a fight

Edgar already won. Even if Max wins. That's an embarrassment no amount of fights can fix.

Someone post it, i'm late to the party.

Tsarukyan ragdolls Mercer. The fact that Tsarukyan managed to not get wrestlefucked TOO badly by Islam speaks volumes about his skill.

I missed it, did Max's dick get leaked?
How big is it?

I've seen vagina lips floppier than that. Does he have a micropenis?

Is this unprecedented where the fighter loses the story before the fight even began?

Max will never recover from this.

Youl've hurled it bawlth waze, B?

khabib lost the story weeks before the conor fight

Brendan “The Hybrid” Schaub



Oh shit, i wonder if he knows this is out there now? Might put some money on frankie

I’ll be rooting for Frankie Edgar this Saturday. Wops are part black so you already know he has a bigger hog than Max Smalloway

Can I get a quick rundown, lads? How small are we talking?

only legendaryfags remember 213

is this pic insinuating that Khabib fans are pedos or that Mini Khabib enjoys 12 inchers

We’re talking baby carrot small b.


It's a grower not a shower


Ken Doll non-existent big

Can only see his pubes-tier.

Fuck everything about this stupid attention whoring cunt and her fake good little christian girl act.


Why did he take his pants off if he had half a pound to spare?

where'd the webm go?

Paige Vanzant has fake cans.

Why do women get fake cans?

half way between ryan gosling and boris johnson

it's flaccid bros, and mine flaccid is like half of that

you're talking about a girl who after that stupid shave your head for cancer thing she made a tweet saying she "missed her hair" after cutting off about 4 inches

Pax Smalloway is going to get owned by a 36 year old washed up can.

Before today I felt bad for Max's son for different reasons.


for sure my man, same with Ismail Naurdiev he beat Prazeres what a munster

for his sake, I hope you're right

Fake cans for a real can

Can the weight cut affect it? Maybe losing all that water dehydrates your dick, making it look tiny.


Dumb cazzie still failing to realize that Islam is a better technical grappler than Khabib.

I don't think it can get that tiny. It looks like pussy flaps, there is no swing on it whatsoever.

isst meine stick Bimbo

I expected people in warm climates to be packing, what went wrong

Lax Smalloway

Well, gaining weight makes it look smaller so losing weight should make it look bigger

>Pax Smalloway

Attached: 3CC2572F-999C-40EF-85F0-EA7FC92863AA.jpg (680x680, 45K)

What website is this b?

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max divorcee
lax fiance

Attached: 36kdgb.jpg (500x604, 62K)

She better fight at 125 again. Her bunda looks much better at that weight.

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why the fuck it seemed like if max had a hairy pussy? if max had a vagina would you fuck her?

Wow Paige VanZant looking thicc these days!

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he got punched a thousand times?

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Attached: holloway 2.jpg (716x760, 124K)

Pure anti-globalist rage will propel him to the top

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i would fuck u Paco

Felecia spencer is so fucking hot.

hes got weight-cut adderall dick

Attached: holloway fleshlight.jpg (480x494, 63K)

le monke

I wouldn't let anybody in this thread get close.

Really can't see shit desu, his hand covers his crotch really quickly

crimson chin looking ass

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this, look at his eyes. boy is yipped up! hes off a bean!

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The soccer ,mom bod gets me hard.

don’t tell me you wouldn’t

Attached: D7040941-2BF0-48A6-9A91-187AFE9397B9.jpg (896x896, 372K)

based post.

they couldn't find anyone better than an algebra teacher to fight cyborg?

Attached: mogging holloway.jpg (1600x900, 255K)

More like Hakeem doodoo

she's so meaty i would be lost where to start

Didn't happen to Yoel.

...Or did it?

Attached: 1561436253070.png (623x696, 550K)

Max Holloway outchea looking like he's on crack

This is really disappointing. I thought she was a Christian.

Mom bod will never fight again.

Attached: pvz1.jpg (700x712, 144K)

dana nearly lost his shit

She's Canadian bruh

Jesus Fuck imagine how hung he is? My mouth is savoring just thinking about it.
Joseph better watch Megan around him

I cannot even fathom that a guy actually gets to stick his penis in that. Sex is so far removed from my comprehension.

OAM with the gyno


who are these bums

Attached: mogging holloway.jpg (1080x1230, 189K)

anderson is enjoying his new american citizenship brehs. tune in and enjoy it with him.


Attached: anderson silva.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

are you simps fucking insane? she looks like an out of shape dumpy whore

Chicks with dicks are gay and so are dudes with pussies

Will place bets tomorrow. Prob gonna play Jotko by Dec +180, OAM +165, Neal-Cyborg-Holloway parlay +100

i guess that's just american standards

Imagine the braps

Is she a definition of the idiom "built like a brick shithouse"?

yeah and american standard toilet

page van zant is fucking ugly every "w""mma" fighter is fucking ugly

Suit yourself, but she's pretty clearly the only girl in the ufc hot enough to have a career from her looks

Attached: kjhg.jpg (1080x1350, 312K)

>collecting another soulstone
is max a warlock?

Attached: Gul'dan_(film)[1].jpg (754x640, 205K)

short lived one

Based BrapChad. I think PVZs braps everytime I see her.

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i, too, thought she was a hot milf, but then I realized she's 25 years old with fake tits. fucking pathetic lmao. creaky 45 year old looking ass bitch. drain the cum from your brain, cumbrain

Anyone else unironically hype for the card? It has zero name power but all of the fights should be decent. Wrestling kino with OAB and that Armenian dude, Price and Neal will have a guaranteed banger, and Max is never in a boring fight. Literally could not care less about Cyborg fighting though, or any woman for that matter.


holy moly

last card was so bad how could this one possibly be worse

>Jenna sucked and fucked that monster cock

Zamn zaddy

How do you get a new UFC contract when you lost every fight on your first contract?

Attached: flush valve veronica.jpg (1080x1223, 188K)

what did she mean by this


You think Schaub will mention Holloway's piece? Or lack thereof.

This card is trash

i just want to see Viviane flushing another girl

Watch Dana shower in a hotel room and weakly jerk off into a potted plant.

the absolute heights of the cameraman and shelby

What has happened to heem? First everyone was saying Jon isn't the goat and now people get excited about fighters dicks and mad at blonde cuties being posted? Did we switch timelines or something?

Attached: ThXD50a.jpg (1920x1280, 455K)

she looks at least 25 years older than she actually is

dickposters and wmma orbiters are all the same

Shes younger than I am

Thank god Im male and we age like wine 75%

would you put her in a soup y/n

>oh wow another fake bimbo blonde whore
>why doesn't this excite you, must be gay

i hate any type of soup so no



Attached: 1564173296870~4.jpg (557x498, 89K)

shes not that hot bro, i think its just social media standards

id have sex with her but shes nothing to be amazed at lol

Only the prelims sucked, the main card was fine. 3 first round heems, a great fight by Arlovski, and super high level shit in the main event. Only snoozer was that Hernandez shitshow.

Trash for a PPV yeah but I'm not fucking buying it

how small do you think it is?

imagine being european and staying up for ufc 240. that's a real fight fan.

Attached: favorite female fighter.jpg (1080x1080, 60K)

cringe kys

could anyone even see it?

her nose looks like a niggers
she must have irish ancestry

a child size dick for a child size boi

Colby Covington vs. Robbie Lawler
Jim Miller vs. Clay Guida
Joaquim Silva vs. Nasrat Haqparast
Trevin Giles vs. Gerald Meerschaert
Scott Holtzman vs. Dong Hyun Ma
Darko Stošić vs. Kennedy Nzechukwu
Mickey Gall vs. Salim Touahri
Antonina Shevchenko vs. Lucie Pudilová
Jordan Espinosa vs. Matt Schnell
Lauren Murphy vs. Mara Romero Borella
Miranda Granger vs. Hannah Goldy
is this a good card?

Attached: favorite female fighter.jpg (1080x1080, 60K)

lol she actually resembles cyborg

one fight ago brian ortega was given a choice

join his family's taco shell empire or fight for his life inside the ufc octagon

Attached: is this a sport.webm (1920x1080, 2.61M)

what the fuck is happening here?

looking more chimpy by the day

frankie has already won the fight bois

max is going to literally kill himself with weight cuts

She has a hiking withdrawal

looks like that lady reaches in to grab her boob

he always looks bad, Fwonkie has no shot

pooping out that last bit of weight

LowTest men can't appreciate thicc bitches

Attached: gyq1Be1.jpg (1280x1920, 305K)

she spent a few hours in the woods with 5 huskies, you do the math

for real though how can you possibly weigh someone like this

dude is adjusting the weights when it never stops bouncing up and down

It's honestly disgusting that she was allowed to fight.

imagine going through this hell and getting gadooshed in 10 seconds

I choose to believe this is what happened. She looks like she takes big poops.

Attached: ladd2.jpg (633x546, 95K)

cutting weight should be against the rules

Cummy 2 bummy 2 Calvin kattars boi nutty

fuck getting hard imagining her thick stinky loads

I thought Max looked much leaner and stronger than he did in the Poirier fight. At 155 he was soft, he looks like a predator at 145. He's only a cutbabby because he balloons up out of camp, his frame is fine for 145.


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She should have tried to brap or poop on her opponent last match instead of being willing to stand and trade. She may have actually won.

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Unironically one of the top 5 worst cards in modern Ufc history.

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Cyborg to win via tko/ko round 1 is 2.25 odds, what the fuck? obviously placed wrong, jumping on it asap. How's my parlay boys? Cyborg to win via tko/ko Round 1, Holloway via decision/technical decision/ geoff/niko not to go the distance @ 7.25

nunes flushed cyborg, spencer gonna end "her" career tomorrow

At least its not a ppv. That ppv with Silva and Memebender main eventing with a three round sparring session was my personal pick for woat. Didn't even bother watching it.

This card has spice potential, I dont care much for the undercard but the main card is decent enough and Max is always a great watch. Next weeks card is unironically awful

fuck it i would

what would happen if her and bigfoot had a kid

easter island bruce campbell?

Yeah a ton of people have been doing it lately. I actually read somewhere that Frankie's grandmother or something had an iron deficiency so it's to raise awareness. I can't ever keep up with these trends, though.

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what chemical symbol would you shave into your head heem

for me it's Pb

Cm cause it looks like cum lol

Pt for Platinum

is there even a symbol for platinum the fuck I know

if spencer gets the upset she belongs to florida. if she loses she's canadian.

Hm for Heemium

Nickel germanium

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for you dummies you didnt pay attention in school

Attached: elements.jpg (1379x827, 206K)



Best song ever produced by a russian artist?
For me it has to be the 1996 rehearsal version of this song, legendary band
Many amazing moments in this but 1:46 in particular

Attached: Anthony-Smith-UFC-MMA-MMAnytt-1000x652-1000x652.jpg (1000x652, 77K)

Au because it's gold and it looks cool. In the same time very few people know it's gold. Dicey dicey


Am for Americum and it's not even close

the elements name was jamaal B

Attached: schlob comedy.webm (610x676, 2.81M)

Yair vs Stephens will probably be real similar to the Zabit fight right? Yair just edges out the rounds with kicks and circling away.

That isn't tATu

I see Yair backing himself onto the fence like he does in every fight and eating some shots. He doesn't have the defensive footwork of Zabit, nor the wrestling threat to keep Stephens off him. Stephens may struggle with lateral movement but when an opportunity is there that his small skillset can actually seize, he usually takes it, and Yair might leave himself too exposed or get too sloppy. That being said, Yair should still take it.

which mma girl gives the best brap jobs?

He for Heem obviously

Lads life truly is stranger than fiction. Here I am checking out new movie releases and I come across this. I'm pretty sure the universe is telling me to bet the house on Yoel.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-CompressToSize-UeU2FUOOJMndSn.jpg (3008x3403, 1.13M)

for me, its dubnium
p.s. check em

>Card features 6 Canadian fighters
>Embedded basically only follows Max and Felicia
I was curious about what OAM, Dawodu and Barriault were up to. I guess seeing the main/co-mains being bored while hanging out in the hotel is more important...

Triple potassium

Wow post this on reddit Im sure it will get a gorillion upvotes lollll xd :L


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This fight does nothing for me

I want to see KZ/Zabit

Ortega is ducking every person on the roster

>Ortega is ducking every person on the roster

claudia is ducking his sick

Attached: Gina+Carano+AFI+Film+Festival+Secret+Screening+Zc0-0KudlLul.jpg (420x594, 64K)

imagine the taste

I wanna see KZ heem Ortega then get the title shot. He's not the best in the division by any means but his skillset matches up really well with the top guys.

Don't care about karma at all, rmma is only good for lurking for news and cool clips. But you gotta admit that's a pretty wild coincidence.

Zabit used a lot of his grappling and Yair isnt as chin durable. But he has even more memeshit up his sleeve. It should be a lot more fun especially if Stephens doesnt go retard and just headhunt

>Best song ever produced by a russian artist?

Based leaf. Russian """men""" can't sing for shit.

Attached: pepeheadphones.gif (354x286, 53K)

claudia isnt into men

Probably tastes like hot wing and ranch braps

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Max Holloway vs. Frankie Edgar
Cris Cyborg vs. Felicia Spencer
Geoff Neal vs. Niko Price
Olivier Aubin-Mercier vs. Arman Tsarukyan
Marc-André Barriault vs. Krzysztof Jotko

Attached: ufc 240.jpg (3000x3000, 962K)



Hello frens. MMA casual here (football is my sport). It's been following Greg Hardy he's been killing it. My question is how come you don't see more super athletes in MMA like Hardy? It'd be sick to see Ray Lewis murder a nigga legally.

Sounds pretty good. I can't name a song really. There are so many of them.

youtu.be/mp9VBZJt70s You guys just missed a rap battle and 4 natty fights. Actually watch MMA instead of sperging on Heem.


Attached: Bethe Correia.jpg (448x668, 52K)

Hardy is basedpilled but he's been fed absolute cans while also training at the best mma gym available

>Rap battle
>4 natty fights
Glad I missed it sounds terrible

been a while since i dug up this one

Attached: betche.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)


Mma is for faggots and criminals only. You either sign up to hug a dude on the cage for X amount of minutes or you sign up to legally maim a faggot.


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She's the definition of a butter face. Top tier bunda though.

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Based BrapChad

Attached: 1523086929928.jpg (737x1098, 61K)

Needs a proper rimming.

Frankie Edgar
Felicia Spencer
Niko Price
Arman Tsarukyan
Krzysztof Jotko


Attached: untitled.png (225x225, 70K)

Niko the nigger killer Price

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Frankie Edgar
Felicia Spencer
Niko Price
Arman Tsarukyan
Marc-André Barriault

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I feel be an iconic fighter much like soccer you need a unique aesthetic name. Who has the best name in this sport /heem/?

For me, it's Lyoto Machida.

Attached: 1557059451414.jpg (634x518, 69K)


>hello I'm here for the job interview

>be 5'11 manlet
>born in an island only known for tourism and Pearl Harbor
>can only beat up >men who weigh 145
>get destroyed by anyone near your natural weight
>beg Dana to let you fight at home
>have a penis so small you may as well get a sex change

Roosevelt Roberts

Ken Shamrock

Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua is always great fun to say.

Cooner McGoober


Brock Lesnar

Alistair overeem

Aljamain Sterling

English name/surname + jamaican name/surname seems to make pretty aesthetic combos


Chael Sonnen
Bas Rutten
Urijah Faber
Vitor Belfort
Fedor Emelianenko
Khabib Nurmagomedov
Israel Adesanya

Attached: 1544686108878.jpg (1080x1196, 131K)

>Bork Laser

Attached: 1.gif (462x460, 100K)

she's an actual goddess

Rafael dos Anjos is aesthetic as fuck.

Attached: EAbDLecUEAAYpXZ.jfif.jpg (1200x1200, 458K)

He looks exactly like his name.



umm sweatie... THIS is what a goddess looks like

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Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza

Attached: lotr-boromir-1280jpg-b6a4d5_1280w.jpg (596x390, 40K)

aesthetic as fuck

Attached: nunes.jpg (1811x984, 156K)

my dick is bigger than max's hahaha

>finally learn how to spell karolina kowalkiewicz and joanna jedrzejczyk
>they're irrelevant shitters

Attached: kk.jpg (1080x899, 89K)

Give her a pair of tusks and you got a powerful female orc lead for the next WoW motion picture



Attached: 668950264.0.jpg (1200x800, 76K)

Jokes aside she looks exactly how you would imagine an orc looks

Attached: 1560100650530.png (759x1428, 1.19M)

The good old days before the Reebokalypse

she looks like an ms-13 member here

Jon Jones
Rafael Dos Anjos
Mike Perry
Vitor Belfort
Andrei Arlovski

Ya'all think max got bullied because of his tiny pecker?

Randy Couture is a pretty good one

>ears bigger than your dick

Attached: firefox_2019-07-27_03-15-16.png (586x746, 700K)

edgar isnt even gonna fight him he's just gonna whip his dick out instead of touching gloves and max will forfeit

Faydor a Million Ankles

Which fighter gives the best blowjobs? My guess is Israel Adesanya


Welterweight is soap opera kino.

Lmao Colby is getting better at this

Rockhold hands down, he literally likes to keep his hands down and just impale himself

Original ATT OGs
about time

My wife Shinju is pretty good, but don't get any ideas guys she's taken haha

Attached: 1563135769890.jpg (276x300, 15K)

that's probably what got him started fighting.

Robin Black loves it

Come back when somebody else's mouth lands them a successful career in comedy and one peach of a podcast (and by "mouth" I certainly don't mean his rhetoric abilities iykwim)

Attached: 1559042312433.jpg (1080x1283, 230K)

heard she loves the bbc

Any MMA tonight? Bellator? Combate? Anything???????

I bet Angie sucks a mean dick

Attached: 1560032029122.jpg (1200x1200, 286K)

CES is live , trailer park bitch just face cranked a chink


Grey Manyard

Attached: Steve_Irwin.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

hope you use ublock

how has she not popped?

Not gonna lie my man you sound like a fag real talk. No hard feelings bro just telling you straight up

What happened to the Nico "Nico Nii" Price poster?

Get Fight Pass you cheap fuck.

on the real b you sound like you have a small hog. I think you'd be surprised what would happen if you keep replying

3" max .. probably 5" erect
sad really

if you cant sling your hog over your wrist and confidently ask a girl to check the time then water u even doin here b

Attached: bateman.jpg (801x600, 149K)

Which ref would you trust the most to separate these heavyweights?

Attached: g32.gif (450x250, 3.61M)

Dude you're embarrassing yourself

Yamasaki but they don't need refs, they are warriors.


Attached: 35813918-0DA1-4B9C-9B12-2E6C239A8A67.jpg (1125x1405, 732K)

toughts on max Holloway?


his heart shaped hand gesture would calm them right down

Mike cernovich

Attached: gorilla-mindset-book.png (800x926, 520K)

Song Yadong

On the real b you're weak. go home

Masvidal back on the McDonald's. He got chunky real quick

I'm a pretty hardcore rebel bro, I don't give a frickin' darn

Based BlowJob Pennis stacking up that highlight reel. Both Yair and Ryan Hall losses were juicy af, pure kino.

Attached: bj penn.jpg (1040x572, 106K)

I pray with every fiber of my being that penn gets starched in spectacular fashion, just for the memes

ummmmmmmm wtf

Shiiiit! Why don't they give him some can; he's going to lose again isn't he

so Nik Lentz -1500 or what lads

microballer hawaiians like travis browne and max holloway just do the damn thing
didn't dana say he would refuse to give him another fight?

BJ Penn vs CM Punk is the fight to make

You would be hard pressed to find a bigger can than Nik Lentz

more like minimum holloway

A lot of pressure on Lentz here
Imagine losing to BlowJob

Ryan McDonald or Darrel horcher. Nick Lentz can still bang, he only loses to legit guys

Where did all go wrong for BJ?

mfw heem is gonna start calling Max "Min Holloway"

This is it chief

>40 years old
>7 losses in a row
>lost custody of his kids
>still getting into bar fights
motivated penn can still drag anyone into deep waters

fuck jews and jannies as well

Attached: ahem.gif (900x900, 2.02M)

Max "Every vagina is a" Holloway

Is your mum a fighter?

dare i say ... based?

he's the posterchild for regret


done 'em

*blocks your path in hebrew*

Attached: 1553989861485.png (426x479, 370K)

What's up with Max Holloway's benis?

frankie edgar was champion last time penn won a fight


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the last time penn won a fight max still thought his dick would grow a little

Attached: 1428268227532.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

how does cro cop deal with having lost to that faggot

Here's a recent picture for you.

Attached: de96da1276464034.jpg (2420x3600, 934K)

W-w-what the fuck


Attached: 1539569847862.png (268x325, 87K)

thicc gina still hot as hell

Attached: gina weigh in.webm (720x480, 2.81M)

wasn't her dad like an NFL quarterback?


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I'd quart HER back, ifyouknowwhatImean.

my guy boston salmon

Is Jotko a legit prospect or is everyone picking him because they dont want to spell the other guy's name? Curious because in many ways thats why i chose him.

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the latter desu


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