Repeat after me. We are individuals.
Repeat after me. We are individuals
what are their pronouns?
That fucking goon in the tie dye hoody kept pissing me off if I was behind him and he kept blocking my view like that I'd of sent the dick over the barricade and down a shoot match on him right there and then
I hate trannies with a passion
>I was behind him
Are you the unathletic looking guy with the beard and glasses?
>receded hairlines
>overly dramatic expressions for the camera
what is it about these things that go together
>That fucking goon in the tie dye hoody kept pissing me off if I was behind him and he kept blocking my view like that I'd of sent the dick over the barricade and down a shoot match on him right there and then
Why does consoomer culture create these people. I share a number of these people’s interests, but thankfully not their neckbeard aesthetic. Is it because I work out?
Why are AEW crowds 90+% male? New Japan and CMLL are 50/50 women and men
If I was behind him I'm 5K miles away but just watching the PPV and see him constantly standing up and blocking everyone's view was pissing me off
Because the men who go to these shows are sexless virgins. What kind of woman would want to go?
I don't understand not sitting down when you're in the front fucking row, you have the best seats in the building and you're still blocking people behind you
And it's not like there was ever anything exciting going on in the ring.
These are not neckbeards, they're numales. A relatively new breed.
Neither than I he literally had one of the most expensive seats in the house and was just an autist and decided to spoil other people's enjoyment to try and sell himself on the camera
Pro wrestling in America is not cool.
Me on the left
I bet if I held up a Tony Khan is a dog fucker sign in the front row I'd have been ejected quicker than you can say Jon Moxleeeeeyyyy
>Because the men who go to these shows are sexless virgins.
Now I know why Yea Forums loves the promotion.
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
That HOSS could do it.
tye dye nigga got AEW carved into his head KWAB
>These are the "people" who call you an E-Drone here
I'll never understand how WWE and AEW should share the same fanbase, but instead AEW attracts all the sad pathetic ugly liberal cucks I've ever seen in my life. I swear, OP's pic even smells like shit.
This image but with wrestling shirts
mmmmm don't wanna mess with those digits
Inferior DNA and low testosterone
Did that ages ago.
calling someone fat doesn't make you thin
says the fatty fatfuck
put me in the screen cap lads
What the fuck is wrong with people and thier fear of shaving?
enjoy your vacation
Beggin them to hit the weights
Ya dingleberry
>gets AEW Code of Contact tattooed on neck
Checked and keked
When will we return to the based crowds of 60's again bros ?. Wrestling crowds have been filled with either disgusting betamales, failures in life or pathetic delusional Subhumans in denial since late 80's. Not to mention all of them probably never take a shower and smell like a literal shit
>receded hairlines
they are literally over 40 and still watch fake fight
sheep with terrible jaws
sheep with shit tier genetics
>overly dramatic expressions for the camera
their fathers didn't bother to teach them how to be men
Are these hipsters evolved? They like wrestling ironically, right?