Rapid Vienna vs RB Salzburg Official Game Thread

Game starts in 40 bings.
Rapid have had a horrible previous season and rebuilt a little over the summer break while Salzburg won the League (again). But now they go into the season with an almost completely revamped squad.

Today, everything can happen.

Attached: rapid.jpg (1000x567, 130K)

no thanks

you mean yes please

Gonna post formations now. Rapid first

Attached: Rapidformations.jpg (960x960, 113K)

Salzburg's lineup

Attached: salzburgformations.png (960x540, 614K)

Rapid's final lineup

Attached: rapidlineup.png (602x361, 233K)

Steffen Hofmann? He's still playing? The guy is like 40
Also user, there's another Austrian league thread:

Nah, he retired in 2018. That's Maximilian Hofmann. Decent center back

Rapid finna boutta get dabbed on

Ah makes sense, it would be weird if he still played. I'll watch if I can find the stream once Steyr game ends. Do you think Barišić can turn it around for Rapid? They were poor the last few seasons

>having an american as head coach


For me, it's FK Austria Wien.

...where are they? (._. )

I hope. Only time will tell

>The Austrian league is back already
It's not even August

Attached: 7nhd3Z5.png (785x757, 123K)

>Names team after energy drink
I thought Europe wasn't corporate?

While you get 10 minutes of ads-breaks every 5 minutes, euro jerseys are plastered with Ads

You do realise RB is from Austria right? It's hardly worse from PSV and Wolfsburg

Not at all.
Wolfsburg was founded by citizens and had to earn the support of VW. RB was artificially made to promote a product

I thought Wolfsburg was founded by VW for their workers? I guess RB is worse for just buying a club and renaming it, but from all RB clubs Salzburg is the least bad in my opinion

>t. VW employee

