WWE Super Showdown 2020 is number three on the list of the worst wrestling shows ever, do you agree?
WWE Super Showdown 2020 is number three on the list of the worst wrestling shows ever, do you agree?
>nxt #1
im not an NPC so i don't care
Worst according to who?
>Heroes of Wrestling
Does anyone have an opinion on the promo Jake Roberts cut that night?
>Votes: 10
To the fine users of Cagematch.net
Its 134 votes
Don't get too excited tranny
This was the game show NXT that replaced ECW
>E-Cuck seething so hard he's going blind
this is the one with THAT Kaitlyn/Maxine match isn't it
Truth's last stand was based
Tag Team Match was based
Womeme was horrible
Ricochet vs Brock was horrible
Fiend was straight cancer (Like the result though)
Mansoor vs Dolph was ok
OC vs Viking was a slightly better RAW match
If there is any other match then I forgot it genuinely.
Worst of all time? No, it was passable. It was average and easy to digest.
>no WCW PPVs at all
Zoomers should be forced to watch Fall Brawl 98, then they'll know what a shit PPV is.
tremendous headcanon
is this a cat or a baby tiger
It should be the worst.
I can think of shows that are shit, I can't think of any other show that's shit and made the entire current and future full time roster forever look like shit.
Even the worst WCW PPVs had at least one standout match
Probably idk
If the date lines up then yes
merely aewtist bandwagoning
>Votes: 7
>Votes: 5
It doesn't matter, if the show got rated even lower than Super Showdown 2019 i would assume its beyond terrible.
What are the worst puro shows listed on there?
Most of them are small shows so they didn't get a lot of votes
no you are an NPC LMAO
le wut le you le mean? X-ddddddddddddddddddd