How do we fix the so.yboy problem, lads

>Northwestern Ontario OPP have issued a public safety alert as a national search continues for two British Columbia murder suspects last seen in Manitoba, and believed to be travelling eastward.

>Kam McLeod, 19, and Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, are suspects in the shooting deaths of Lucas Fowler, 23, and Chynna Dease, 24, whose bodies were found in northern British Columbia, along the Alaska Highway, on July 15.

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this story is genuinely fucked up, two people just enjoying their holiday together then *WHAM* two retards comes along and kills them, ends their life just like that for apparently no reason

Attached: 5413123_072319-cc-GMACanadaMurderTuePKG.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

how is this Yea Forums related?

Fuck off to leddit, you cancer.


memes aside why do americans do this? you never hear about stuff like that in europe

Amerifats take the incel meme seriously.

Why didn't they heed the advice of their PM? If they kill your enemies they win.

they're Canadian

i don't get it. what are the motives?

Soibois don't kill people. It's an incel problem.

>implying Canadians and Amerifats are any different
Come on, Belgium, I expect better from you.

these are canadians

they're supposed to be nice people, not sure what went wrong here

but they are.

>canada isnt part of america

>be nazis
>kill white couple

Explain this shit

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>Poortugese education

>Chynna Dease

Why do mutts have such retarded names

A lot of germans and poles whose names got butchered by anglo pronunciation

There's not one single German name that in any way, shape or form resembles "Chynna"

So her mom got drunk on box wine one night and had an epiphany. FREEDOM

You need to go back

t. Carvell Channing-Smith

you cross the border and the murder rate drops 100 times

So does the number of blacks

Don't the murderers know that they're not supposed to have those guns in Canada?


Just say s󠛡󠛡󠛡o󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡yboy