Why do americans do this?
Why do americans do this?
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it's true
freedom is also very uniquely american
Ah don't you know they are the only nation on Earth to ever help the less fortunate?
We literally liberated you and rebuilt your countries after the second great war, you ungrateful shit. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, dog
t. asap rocky
stay mad and incarcerated
>uniquely American
How can someone be THIS ignorant?
it's what they did in iraq
>We literally liberated you and rebuilt your countries after the second great war, you ungrateful shit
No you didnt. In fact, we built you. 1/5th of Sweden's population emigrated to and built up the USA you ungrateful shit. You owe me money.
arent chocolate banned in burgerland?
Americans love to brag about helping the poor but they don’t actually care about the people they help. They love the attention.
So virtue signalling is quintessentially American. Yikes!
Their entire culture was based on creating upper and lower classes of human being. The intellectually challenged Amerifat is unable to truly consider the concept that people of other categories are also human beings. That's why left-wing Amerifats treat minorities like they are retarded children who need someone to hold their hand. Amerifats are literally not mentally capable of not being condescending towards people who are different from them.
>the most homeless people in the western world
>people die because they cannot afford healthcare
ay yo we finna help people ain't no one else do that
But why are americans like that? Is it the water? Is it the perfidious anglo?
After the Thirty Years War the most autistic Protestants moved to America because they were upset that Europe wasn't repressive enough. This created a kind of Proddy settler mindset where you're entitled to everything, including the free labour of anyone you can get your hands on.
>Their entire culture was based on creating upper and lower classes of human being.
haha imagine doing that
Yes because Sweden was an active power in WW2 you colossal yankee turd.
Lmao, genuinely can't even wrap my head around how someone could come to that conclusion
Unironically Israel's influence on their media.
Protestants won the thirty year war though
Why do Western liberals/feminists have such a savior complex
Pay reparations btw
Swedish Protestants won, its a bit more complicated than that though. The Habsburgs kept Catholicism, as did like half the German states.
Why the hell do murricans elevate any schmuck that says pretty things to celebrity status?
Why do americans do this?
america is a fake country, their media cosntantly tell them everybody hate them and want them dead, they constantly pat themselves in the back, sport for them is just an excuse for them to make all the americans feel proud about being americans, they have national hymn played in all their sports, big ass american flags, they're playing against other americans. fake country, fake people.
Israel decides who's famous and who isn't
Top kek, time to sleep grandpa. Don't forget your pills
Personally all those things she mentioned are gay. Fuck poor people fuck niggers fuck janny
No, in fact you should pay me for the damages made because Hapsburgers oppressed poor Czech protestants who dindu nuffin and caused all this death and misery.
3 year letterman would downfield block your skinny euro ass into oblivion
huh really? Is that way large portions of the US are 3rd world shit holes and 45,000 Americans die each year due to lack of medical insurance? lmao
Can I have a non-retarded answer?
hundreds of thousands of yanks die every year because their entire society is built against the concept of helping the less fortunate
Why are americans so rude?
How long have Americans held opinions like this? Was there a time when they were sane?
>29th February 2013
Not even Australians are safe
>starting eleven based on pizza preference
>Police being able to defend themselves against violent inbreds is an "insane" opinion in Europoor land.
Sweden is gay and pozzed up the ass. You guys are an Islamic caliphate in 5 years if you’re not already
It's just the media you tard. The people don't get to decide who is famous.
T. Muhammad
>American education
Sweden wasn't really hit in that war and didn't need extensive rebuilding
Because we are taught that america is the center of the universe and there was literally no history before america.
looks like a man, who is it?
You can for example not follow what the media says. They only have power because people listen to them. The solution is to show some agency and not listen to them. Very simple.
Very uniquely American post
Not true
That's an understatement. They traded with every side and hugely profited from the war. Watched Ivan invade Finland and all they thought was: "Hörhör, time to raise the price on steel, sorry Pekka."
Except it is.
pretty sure that was the pasta people
>the entire European continent being destroyed didn't affect Sweden's economy
You were retarded enough to wage war.
>Because we are taught that america is the center of the universe
Is it not?
>being this naive
Mate, it's all about avoiding taxes.
Are Americans born with their heads up their asses?
t. Seethe Seetherson
We were retarded enough to not just invade you alongside Norway. Why pay for sterl when you can steal it?
>embargo by britbongs to west
>embargo by commies to the east
>forced to ration food and fuel
>forced to trade iron so hitler wouldn't annex like he did with austria
>"hugely profited"
>largest immigrant group in america are germans
So american retardation stems from the germans...
Why do germans do this?
Entitlement and ego
Well, that's a trait they share with the brits 2bh
No it’s not.
All upper class are nobility who pure intentions and honour. Not comparable.
That’s just the cultural Marxists. Americans had never had much respect for the poor beyond a Christian duty to provide charity. But as the welfare state crept in and started giving entitlements rather than charity people stopped being embarrassed by their poverty and started demanding more gibs.
Cultural Marxists simply love creating victim-oppressor paradigms so they quickly rush to take on the cause of the poor in need of gibs.
The media is about 95% cultural Marxists, the Universities around 80%, and the political left 100%. They don’t reflect the views of the rest of the country.
The eternal Swede
What's so bad about it?
Yes it is.
Correct. But don't forget people are sheep.
Prove it. Either way poor people in America are fucking retarded and make terrible choices. It’s an education issue. I live in Chicago arguably the worst city in America and I see them every day. They’re degenerate. So if it is true good.
This is the single most American post in this thread.
And you did it with Scottish catholic mercenaries.
>prove it
>proves it
uniquely american post
If we are being technical no.
If these values are uniquely american, why do so many americans hate her for saying it?
The wasp culture is virtually dead in America. Our culture is now dominated by Jewish revolutionaries. If the USWNT didn’t exist Rapeino would be talking about how America is an awful country full of oppressive cis-hetero-white-males. But she’s forced to represent the country to gain status as “muh stronk womyn athlete who is better than men” so she has to pretend to like this country.
They’re not dying tho
Do you even know how a tax deduction works? If I make a million dollars per year and donate 100,000 to charity, I don't get a 100,000 rebate from the government. The 100K write off simply reduces my taxable income from a million to 900K, or my tax expenditure from 370,000 to 333,000 (anyone who makes over 600K is taxed at 37%).
It's not "profitable" to donate to charity. If you want to say the rich do it for image reasons, fair enough. Furthermore, the lower and middle classes give more to charity than the rich.
>The study, conducted by the Chronicle of Philanthropy using tax-deduction data from the Internal Revenue Service, showed that households earning between $50,000 and $75,000 year give an average of 7.6 percent of their discretionary income to charity.
>That compares to 4.2 percent for people who make $100,000 or more. In some of the wealthiest neighborhoods, with a large share of people making $200,000 or more a year, the average giving rate was 2.8 percent.
I think Euros, who blame Americans for their "ignorance," would do well to seek out other information about the country they despise rather than relying on twitter and youtube quotes. My guess is European coverage of America is a slideshow loop of People of Walmart pictures on whatever is the state funded obsessed with America channels over there.
Just a thought
has anywhere yankland ever '''''liberated''''' successfully ever been even remotely better at any point afterwards? I don't recall that ever happening.
Vietnam is better but that's because they won lmao
British people only think it we dont say shit like this on tv
Has any place bongs colonized, murrica included, been better after?
No we ruin everything we touch.
God bless
What is wasp culture?
hong kong
Here's the problem.
Literally all of them
Hong Kong are begging for us to rule them again
Maybe africa's a shithole but that's because it's always been and always will be a shithole if they rule themselves
Fuck poor people and fuck kikes
On the offchance youre not trolling, this is the mentality that makes you dumb and ignorant and why we laugh at you.
France was a shithole before the English crown took over, now its the cultural capital of the world
Why do you have a girls name? Are you Mexican?
White Anglo Saxon Protestants
>donate to a charitable fund over which you have control
>the wealth remains unspent and is invested, only income derived from investment is spent charitably
>not only have you saved huge amounts of tax but you now also have a vast wealth pool you can exercise power though
all the billionaires are at it, its a great scam
>paragraph starting with cultural marixist
yep its an america thread
I know but what is our culture? I'd associate something like that with having a pint and watching cricket or rugby. But yanks and leafs dont do that.
Theres literally NOTHING American about standing up for other people
American culture is "FUCK YOU GOT MINE" and literally nothing else.
Do you know Vietnam economically collapsed when they went full on communist and quickly reverted back to a market economy?
And how the fuck were we "trying to liberate" Vietnam? The North invaded the South with intention of turning the entire country communist. Many Catholic Vietnamese were fleeing the North to the South in droves since they were being targeted. It's not like Vietnam was some happily united country and we decided to wage war just because.
Now whether that conflict was any of our business is a different debate. I've always leaned isolationist and only believe we should go to war if directly attacked.
Hong Kong is an overcrowded, soulless, hypercapitalist shithole and the Irish despise you.
That doesn't amount to colonization though.
>taking care of others
The USA prides itself on its 'look after #1' attitude and is quick to rubbish helping others as 'Commie talk'.
Named after benny's gun from new vegas cause I'm an original fagtron
I dont know. It's twitter garbage where everyone either roleplays a cuck or some dude with a gimmick. Its retarded
>Billionaires are the only people who give to charity.
Helping people is great. I just don’t think we should waste tax dollars on sub humans and the scum of society.
America is a funny place. A ton of ad hoc solutions that creates inefficiencies. See their social security, taxes, healthcare, education.
>be me
>press one button to pay taxes
>be american
>have to hire an accountant to pay my tax because the system is so retardedly complicated
Ireland hates us because of the potato bants, we turned them from an island of fractured savage hordes to a modern enlightened vassal state.
it's still better than it was
check and mate
That's just a crude caricature of America in the same vein as all the delusions murricans have about Europe.
There is literally not one place we colonised that was worse off afterwards you mong
It had to be that way because we made them produce goods for trade, so we came in and made them profitable exporters, built railways, mines, hospitals and accomodation for the workers
Lose weight
Yes but how is it different to current American culture
Theres quite a lot of red in this map for a crude caricature
delet this
>the Irish despise you
And that’s a good thing
Why do americans still play a sport that fucks your brain up and then deny it doesn't do that?
We were far more civilised than you, unlike your French masters we had womens right and if you married a woman you had to give her a herd of cattle as a dowry to ensure that she could live independently. You could also have two wives if you wanted.
>Not one margarita
I dont understand a single thing you just said
Why is Ireland so violent?
>no Belfast
Fenians will literally never recover
>we had womens right and if you married a woman you had to give her a herd of cattle as a dowry to ensure that she could live independently
There’s a difference between ‘cultured’ and ‘cucked’
nice flag cuck
Not all conservatives act like Southerners. Most of the stereotypes Euros have about America are Deep South stereotypes.
Surprised at no Luhansk/Donestk
>Rapaciously overtake foreign lands and deprive their people of autonomy for centuries
>Hurr why can't these savages just appreciate all we have done for them
Literally the exact same callous attitude you love to accuse Americans of having.
>seething engpakis
Charlemagne himself, (he's pretty important but you nigas only learn about the prophet Mohammad these days) said himself that Ireland had the best education in the world.
Where do you think americans originated from?
UK is Europe's USA
It's so uniquely American that every other European and North American country on that planet also claims this as their defining quality
It's about donating to a charity you're a chairman/board member in so that you get to spend that untaxed money yourself.
Charlamagne Tha God said that? Then it must be right.
shame all that education couldn't stop you from being cucked for centuries
>has anywhere yankland ever '''''liberated''''' successfully ever been even remotely better at any point afterwards?
We didn't colonize like you, but we occupied: Japan, Philippines, Dominican Republic (compare to Haiti), Guam (under Spanish Rule, then Japanese rule, and now sporting a 900 HDI). All better off than under their previous occupiers.
I know America has behaved in the same way many times, I was just pointing out those posters' arrogance.
>says the man ruled by a 100 year old Scot/frog/Kraft hybrid
I feel like a devil for starting and anti-ameirshart thread, fueling it with ameriretardisms and then leaving to see the flames from a distance.
She's trying to make her last dollar before the trannys take over the womens soccer team.
talk to me when you can even use an irish flag
>Standing up for other people is "Uniquely American"
There's only two parts to this sentence and both of them are factually incorrect
how would a margarita even be called in american? since they name pizza only after toppings.
We live in a bubble of arrogance, but most of the time we're right.
Tbqh with you senpai, as much as the Sino-Russian (emphasis on the Chinese!) axis dictating the next century will suck major dick - I am somewhat glad the Ameriburger sense of cultural and historical self-importance will be reined in by real life dynamics; at least to a degree, you people sure are delusional anyway , so who knows even how much of this reality check you guys will even acknowledge.
Haven't you Euros realized this woman is a sociopath? When they won, she was recorded saying "I deserve this" during the celebration.
How do I achieve American levels of ignorance and naivety, lads? Life would be so much easier.
they call it cheese pizza or more rarely pizza margherita.
margarita is the drink
Be British.
my guy saucedo
is this the famous american banter?
>before the English crown took over
You're literally our mistake, don't get cocky britbong
Imagine how much better off the world would be if every American just dropped dead overnight.
best post in thread
It's not banter at all. You're the most arrogant and ignorant sacks of shit in the Western World.
>not allowed to talk to you until Brexit actually happens
Bit mean
That still only makes us the second most arrogant and naive in the world
Also: enjoy being a glorified but soulless version of Brazil, America
An active power bottom for the Nazis maybe. Fuck Sweden
USWNT is the embodiment of murrica.
>your petroleum dependent, slave labor using, banana republic
>having any soul
No. In various patriotism polls, you actually view yourselves more highly than we do. The self-loathing Brit is a meme used to hide your innate arrogance. Such is your duplicitous nature. We're also blamed for most the shit you set in motion (numerous Middle East coups to seize oil field control for BP that eventually led to a destabilized Middle East).
mutts truly are retarded
>In various patriotism polls, you actually view yourselves more highly than we do
You're out of your tiny miscegenated brain.
>You're out of your tiny miscegenated brain.
Rather be that than inbred (a problem on your tiny island), which has obviously resulted in the development of a "tiny brain" for yourself since you lacked the cognitive ability to google this shit before posting a reaction image.
That's not even the same question you massive mongoloid.
Views on influence is not the same as patriotism.
kek even you mongs agree we're the best
>france has a 79% positive view on the UKs influence
yeah fucking right
Classic Brit handwaving, totally ignoring the other poll. And yes, fuckwit, how you view your country's influence throughout the world is directly related to patriotism. The fact you view your world influence more highly than we view ours speaks to that naivety mentioned earlier. Your spineless, milquetoast leaders like to portray themselves as the helpless lapdog to American interests, when the fact is your leaders work alongside ours as architects of the various Middle East and other geopolitical situations that seem to anger the world over. Where do you think BP and Royal Dutch Shell are headquartered? Texas? Yet your dimwitted populace eats the propaganda up that the "bloody Yanks are drawing us into anutha war, oi, innit, mate, footy, lad."
>yeah fucking right
Read again.
>all this shit
Absolutely fuming.
Reaction images aren't an argument.
if the whole world agrees we're better than you is it any surprise we realise it too?
the worrying thing is how highly americans rate themselves compared to the rest of the world
You mean Beyond Petroleum, and not British Petroleum, like you guys keep pretending?
>americans complaining about people being patriotic
Because we're perceived as the global hegemony and everyone hates the "winner." It also speaks to how stupid the world is viewing you highly when you walk hand-in-hand with us in applying that hegemony, since your leaders and elites like to get their beaks very wet.
I miss the old logo
kek and there's the unwarranted arrogance thinking people believe americans are "winners"
proving my point again and again here
The fuck are you talking about? Beyond Petroleum was an advertising campaign British Petroleum used to run.
Jesus, you fucks are retarded. Here's just one instance of British Petroleum dipping their beaks.
"It's all the Yanks fault mate! Cause of the world's prublems that lot, with all them wars in Iraq. Them Yanks just wanna control the oil, innit."
She is the type of person who would never be this way before the social media era. All of this hyper SJW, virtue-signaling, “fight evil and oppression” stuff is fundamentally built on gaining retweets, likes, and blue checkmarks.
Based American absolutely wrecking these faggots
It's all envy, the Brits are worse with their arrogance except they've been irrelevant for ages and the rest of the world is even worse.
Spain? Greece? Pffft
It's all just envy, upset over the world's daddy who controls what happens.and now they've got Boris, trying so hard to emulate but failing.
Keep enjoying youtube and everything else in your lives that comes from here while you cry about us while posting on an American site.
There's no other reason to hate us than we're perceived as the country "on top," so to speak. "It's cause of your military invention and the like, mate!"
And my point is you are right there with us, as architects, not just a bit playing "ally" along for the ride. So why does the world hate us and not you? Because your leaders have sold propaganda to you and the world that you're some kind of lap dog beholden to us, that we "draw" you into these wars and conflicts. That's obviously horseshit when your corporations and contractors are cleaning the fuck up.
>There's no other reason to hate us than we're perceived as the country "on top," so to speak
Based Americans absolutely wrecking these English cunts. Haha please invade them and make Scotland the 51st state so that I can move to somewhere good haha.
WASP culture is the 1950’s stereotype. Self reliant nuclear families who value moral decency, hard work, obedience to the patriarchal authority, and patriotism.
Modern Jewed america pretty much despises all of these things. Modern America is about empowering the female, promoting sodomy, subverting the nation state, gaming the system, and avoiding the bondage of kin relationships.
The world hates the *nglish infinitely more than they’ll ever hate Americans. There’s a reason you guys are cast as villains in every movie.
Yes, claims that the 2010 oil spill was the work of the British when it was the responsibility of an American controlled subsidiary of BP are foolish. That's what this article was written in response to. That doesn't change the fact that BP is a British company.
>taking care of others
>all your service workers get paid nothing and have to beg customers for sustenance
Sure thing Megan.
>There’s a reason you guys are cast as villains in every movie.
Sorry, that's our eternal job.
I always thought it was Russians and other slavs tbqh.
Still a British majority owned company.
>Britshold 40 percent of BP shares, while Americans hold 39 percent.
And what did I just get done telling you? That Brits and Americans are co-architects of all this shit that "angers" the world. But sure, we'll let you slink into the shadows and remained "loved," while we take the worldwide favorability hit. My main point is that you and your dimwitted populace (I read the various comment sections of British rags) think it's all the Yanks fault whenever some shit happens in the Middle East. "Why can't the bloody Yanks just keep their nose outta it! Keep drawing us into wars!"
Americans unironically force their schoolchildren to stand up every morning at the start of class to salute and recite a pledge of allegiance to the US flag. The idea that America is blessed by God and is the only 1st world nation is instilled into every American citizen since kindergarten.
If there were a list over the past 50 years, we'd be much higher than you.
>t. no waterbed
a woman with dyed hair over the age of 16 is repulsive
Top bants.
How deluded are those feminists?
Americans are afraid of the word socialism.
Only chinese are more selfish.
>Americans unironically force their schoolchildren
Yeah, unironically that isn't the truth
And once again, resorting to Deep South stereotypes. That's the only region of the country where that kind of religiosity and blind patriotism exists to that extent.
>implying this type of shit isn't done in plenty of other countries
American jingoism isn't unique in principle only in the amount of might behind it which is why it irritates people so much.
Germans had a brief stint as villains in the post war era. Indiana Jones, die hard, etc.
Today, Germans are so emasculated and weak that nobody could believe them to be threatening enough to play the villain.
Her goal is to repulse all white males.
Socialism is a blight on mankind
Which is a good thing. Certainly better than having an anthem over a woman who is supposed to be better than you because she was shat out by a specific person
Free Rocky you cuck faggots
>Americans are afraid of the word socialism.
So are you. You don't have socialism in Europe. You have democratic socialism, which, as I'm sure you know, is just providing public services through taxation of money earned by, you guess it, capitalist means. And we are also a democratic socialist country, as our tax dollars pay for public services like fire, police, roads, parks, public aid, and, wait for it, healthcare.
The debate right now is whether taxes should be raised even more, mainly on the richest.
We're just making you believe. Europe has been ours for decades.
based retard
Also, France isn't exactly known for their altruism either, go ask your former colonial subjects how they feel about you.
>The debate right now is whether taxes should be raised even more, mainly on the richest.
Your prez just decreased tax rates for the richest of the rich and limited it for the rest until 2024 (not sure about the date).
Thanks for helping us fight our civil war against Islamic terrorists.
I meant that his opposition is trying to sell a higher a marginal tax rate on the richest Americans if they get into power, which has triggered a lot of debate in the country about how much taxation is "fair."
lmoa you think your leaders did that out of sheer generosity? do you live in fucking wonderland?
A conflict that would never have happened if not for the arbitrary borders left behind by the imperial powers. Also as if a few bombs dropped on some rebels make up for years of brutal exploitation.
>woke and reflective american
You must feel lonely
Brits own the highest percentage of shares. But yeah, I'm sure the morally righteous British shareholders voted against any Middle East contracts and were outvoted by the American and whoever makes up the remaining 11%. Brits actually believe shit like that, hence the naïve label.
The full context for this quote was in response to her being called un-American, not that these values are unique to America.
I can't stand these cunts, but I hate the shitty bait headline media more.
unironically Nigeria and African countries in general. we literally regressed when the british left and are in fact still using the same facilities the british made close to 60 years ago
top fucking kek, this entire thread
Americans, please never change. The world needs a tard strength nation and you are it
Yeah pal, muslims never invaded anyone before Amerikkka existed right? Not like they conquered North Africa, Southern Europe and the entire Middle East in the 6th century
There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that sub Saharan Africa would be infinitely better off today if it was never exposed to European or Arab influence.
When did I ever excuse Muslim conquest? All imperialism and conquering is shite and brings suffering in the end tbqh.
90% of Americans under age 50 in urban areas think like this. We’re indoctrinated with this pozzed white American guilt in high school just like you are. Only military families and Zionists(and their golems) actually think American intervention is justified.
Islam is an imperialistic religion dumbass. The two go hand in hand. And unlike Christianity they are permitted and encouraged to convert by the sword. Islam isn’t just a religion. It’s a political and economic system. It’s mandate is to conquer the world and guess what? It’s winning on all fronts.
The only reason it would be better is because they’d have only sticks and stones to butcher each other with and without modern agriculture there would be fewer of them to starve and die of illness
Do any of your political parties campaign for a return to British rule (even a minor one)?
>unlike Christianity they are permitted and encouraged to convert by the sword
How do you think Christianity spread?
the burger knows better than you about your country
you fucking cuck
What's wrong with being violent? I'd rather be in a violent society where IRA or porridge wog LARPers and drug dealers kill each other than live in soft, weak societies where Islam, communism or niggers are taking over.
>not knowing about pre colonization African societies
Some of them were quite advanced user, read about it.
>typical 3rd world cope
>than live in soft, weak societies
You're soft. You're shitposting on the nerd capital of the Internet :^)
Getting ready to fire up the Fortnite, I take it?
If you could do that you may as well say imagine how much better off the world would be if every non-white and non-oriental just dropped dead over night. You'd still be effectively killing off over 60% of the Americans in the world anyway.
>nerd capital of the internet
Not anymore desu, especially Yea Forums. Most posters here are probably fairly normal people.
it depends. we would be happier as a people because we wouldn't be forced to live with others with opposing cultures and beliefs.
but on the other side we wouldn't have internet. there would be a larger discrepancy between the poor and the rich worse than it is now because one part of the country has the resources that keep our economy afloat and without British intervention that part would have remained a country on it's own. it would be the difference between germany and poland except worse. Benin would be a world power but the rest of Africa will be Zimbabwe tier
go fuck a corpse, baguette
They are a gift to the world.
New levels have been reached today.
i was being sarcastic buddy
nah. the cold war shifted focus to Russians.
>tfw you think imperialism was a mistake and fucked over most of the third world
>tfw you also think niggers never would have gotten their shit together anyway
India got royally fucked, though.
the majority of these types of posts are bongs and other assorted yuros larping as americans
you have never opened any books out of your own will.
Literally nothing wrong with what she said this time.
Seething Yuropoors BTFO by a SJW dyke. Sad!
You wish it was, it's just Americans being stupid.
this is true. most americans don't know what sweden is.