Meltzer: Charlotte is not a draw

On WOR he broke down the Dynamite/NXT ratings. AEW won ever quarter, and Charlotte’s match was ‘beaten handedly’ by the weigh in segment.

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>227.000 viewers switched over for the NXT overrun, but then switched back to the Revolution countdown show

NXT would get murder-stomped even harder without that overrun.

wew that's brutal

>women shit

The overrun adds 10k.

>women dont draw
Whoa...who coulda thunk it?

here's your finish bro

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This makes me so happy

WWE needs to ban Spears

They already did, he went to AEW and is working with Blanchard as his manager.

>Ratings doing down or flat
But the demos!

>18-49 going down, more 50+ than 18-49, Raw and Smackdown with 2.5x more 18-49 viewers

But the DVR and quarters!

The cope of crater face Meltzlet


not bad user

>and Charlotte’s match was ‘beaten handedly’ by the weigh in segment.

what was the Magoo cope?

>literally no sells Bianca's spear

Why tho?

have you never watch a Charles match before

kek I just noticed that charlotte pinned bianca long enough for a 10 count

LOL outdrawn by a weigh in segment. Reid Flaire BTFO

It's a fighting spirit spot but done really poorly with no psychology behind it. She's not a stubborn tough person trying to not show pain and deliver her best shot back before the accumulative damage catches up with her like Ishii or Shibby, she's just doing a spot. Omega kicking out at 1, hulking up and punching the canvas after the Bucks used the golden lovers finish on him is fighting spirit done right.

She ripped off Bobbos wtf

>Charlotte is not a draw

What's next? Is Dave going to tell us that water is wet or that snow is cold?


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Is it finally possible that people have started to realize Charles is the most overrated wrestler (male or female) in the world. Bitch is terrible.

Yes, the Becko shit is beyond stale and shitty, but no one ever confused her for a great in ring performer. But, they keep pretending like Charles is

Way more than that

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I hate Becko but she is a draw. Even the kabukis did well in the ratings iirc.

I hate this ugly tranny freak like you wouldn't believe

>tfw you realize spear-no sell-spear will happen in the main even of mania too

>takes the kick
>immediately stumbles into the ropes
>bounces off them and runs back for the spear

Literally basic shit she just can't comprehend.

Kabukis didn't beat AEW but they actually gained viewers vs a jericho segment if I'm remembering it right.

Even those stupid enough to still watch wwe are fed up with the way Vince handles his chosen ones like Charletty or Roman Reigns.
This shit is guaranteed to chase viewers away. Great idea Vince.

>227.000 NXBoomers decided they'd rather watch an AEW recap show than Charles shit up the ring
I can't think of a more eternal BTFO

She must have never watched her dad's matches because anyone who has could sell better than that. She's such a fucking shitter who would have gone nowhere in wrestling if it wasn't for her dad.

Someone PLEASE post the one with Rhea Ripley's entrance.

>a boring overpushed female david flair who still can't cut a decent promo isn't a draw
Sounds about right

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Charlotte Flair can't wrestle for shit, is ugly, isn't big or strong enough to be presented as an Amazon or a monster or dominant wrestler and is a proven anti-draw. She's the most overpushed woman in wrestling history.
She has NOTHING going for her that you'd want in a woman wrestler. NOTHING.

I remember Punk/Taker from Wrestlemania when the former hit the G2S but the latter fell backwards into the ropes, bounced off and hit a move. That actually made sense unlike this shit

Imagine coming to stop someone from beating up another wrestler after the match, but wasting 10 seconds posing and reacting to pyro first.

Absolutely fucking garbage.

Anyone got the link to WOR?

Thank you, user. I can't stop fucking laughing.
>That pause when she stands still to look at the crowd in disgust/confusion
gets me everytime.

I think the funnier part is that 200k turned away from Miz & Mrs to watch a recap show

>gotta do my entrance because Norman Smiley didn't teach me how to improvise

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Didn't that show used to get a million viewers and now it's getting WWE Backstage-esque ratings?


>Imagine coming to stop someone from beating up another wrestler
Are you retarded? Clearly she doesn't give a shit. You know this is for kids right?

>that push from the ref
lmao, if you're coming out to beat someone up why the fuck are you posing and if you're making the save why the fuck are you posing, from both angles this is retarded.

Ric Flair ain't gonna like this, he's gonna beat that jew into pieces

Because the crowd came to see you do your entrance stomp no matter what. Same way Roderick Strong did all his entrance accoutrements even though he's feuding with a guy that's threatening his family

>charles isn't a draw
Only delusional retards thought otherwise.

I don't think anyone is going to freak out if a serious feud was treated seriously by the people in it

I think the only time this didn't look stupid was when WALTER and Tyler Bate faced off. Bate doing his goofy entrance in a serious feud worked there because it would piss off WALTER, whose entire gimmick is that Wrestling is a sacred artform and people like Tyler Bate are ruining it

Charlotte is not a draw, but quarterly ratings do not mean shit. Every measurement of popularity has gotten worse over the past few years and it is due to all of the shitters they push, Charlotte included.

What happened to NXT? It was pretty red hot a few years back when it started.

Their overall viewers are doing worse as well, which shouldn't be the case when you have a """main eventer""" coming down to your feeder league. The whole point is to pop a rating.

Dusty died and Paul took over completely

there are no draws on wrestling anymore

There's no draws left, but there are anti-draws left, and Charlotte is one of them.

Paul turned it into some kind of E cult. Where he strips the personalities of all the wrestlers buy into the E kool aid and the wrestlers come out worshiping the E and working for pennies when they join the main show

Dusty died, no one moves up when they should anymore, their head creative guy went to Smackdown in 16', their agents for the matches aren't as good as they used to be and overall the talent down there is nowhere near as good as it was. Sami Zayn is unironically a better wrestler overall than Johnny Reddit and Adam Cole at least. Kevin Owens is a better promo than all of them. PAC is a fucking beast. Their womeme division is no longer carried by strong angles or one of the best workers in the company like Asuka. Their tag division doesn't have the revival there to carry it.

Basically they have the talent of 2015 PWG and ROH minus the ones they went elsewhere, and have more athletic women but there's no reason to care about anyone involved since all their angles and matches are just nothing. When's the last hype angle they did on a NXT tv show? The last promo that people were saying is really great? All you hear about is their really great matches which get absolutely mogged by other major wrestling companies anyway.

why isn't Finn Manlet drawing views to nxt?

If we're talking about mainstream draws, only Cena, Rock, Austin, Golberg and Lesnar are draws.
If we're talking about "Wednesday draws" (main roster talents moving to NXT for one night) then Becky is a confirmed draw. I don't think the ratings would've been that bad if the main event was Becky vs Bianca.

Can we stop using Austin, Rock, and Hogan as arguments in regards to draws? They're wrestling's biggest draws, but they're also wrestling's biggest outliers. Acting if you have to draw like Hogan to be a draw is similar to assuming Kobe Bryant is a baseline for being great at basketball

one big reason people shut off raw is normal people see guys like bray, owens etc and they look so fat and lazy on the ring it just dosen't bring in the larger than life feeling of watching wrestlers like Cena. Todays WWE is catered to fat guys and manlets who are the designated self inserts while the larger than life guys are designated to comedy skits and then getting beat by a finisher by a manlet or fat guy and getting pinned in 3 seconds to make the self inserts keep watching.

You can say people like Psycho Clown draw, because they bring an actual audience by themselves.
Currently no more than 5 people around the world do that, and Becky is not one of them

Water isn't wet

It's not fighting spirit at all. She just spears her, hits Natural Selection, pins her and smiles. There's absolutely no attempt to sell exhaustion.

She's just a selfish prick. Which makes the way she treated Kairi even more wretched.

It used to have SmackDown as a lead in.

Because they spent four years on the main roster telling you in no uncertain terms that Finn doesn't matter. Why would people give a shit about him after he gets demoted?

The women’s roster is awful rn. When are these shitters going to fuck off and get pregnant? Bring back the divas desu

>W-well, umm. I dunno how to say this but umm. C-charlotte Flair isn't a draw.
>11.99 please

>Meltzer: Charlotte is not a draw

now what did he actually say

If you want to know in 5 Years Charlott has not help put over or helped advance a single new woman in this entire half decade. This webm says it all.

Her selling is always so bad that her opponents don't just lose but look like shmucks

Think about it, Trish faced a WWE debuting Jazz, Victoria an Mickie and all established their characters & looked like threats against her. Has any new girl help gain credibility vs Charlotte ?

Dusty died and Gaytch and HBGay took over

Balor is a charisma vacuum that relies on Bullet Club name to carry him.

Has this been cut and edited together like that or is that how it actually happened?!

Womeme wrestling isn't a draw and NXT is getting BTFO on it's insistence of having half the show be womeme shitters. have toni and scarlett shaking their asses around and getting into storylines and call it a day

That's my point, the idea is that she's supposed to be fighting through the spear to hit her own and her finish, it doesn't work because of what you said. It's just like that kick sell with Asuka where she just spears her, all she had to do was stumble towards the ropes before hitting them but instead she stands still for 2 seconds then just runs the ropes normally and hits the spear.

It's Charles trying to emulate a style without understanding anything about it.

thats how it happened mate

Becky was the biggest ratings pop NXT has had since it started it's tv.

this is what it ended up as after the wwe editors did what they could to fix it

Funny got source on that? Because RAW Ratings say different, yet the only person that Haitch said he NEEDS at NXT was ever Asuka.

becky opened the show and was part of the SS blow off show with the rest of the main roster guys

kabuki warriors gained 143k viewers wrestling after 9pm in a 20 minute multiple commercial rest hold match when nxt was getting 600k a week

This, Miz and mrs ratings are proof that most of wwe's ratings come from boomers who just fell asleep watching reruns of old tv shows on usa.

Fuck meltzer

Jesus christ

also that was during game 7 of the world series

Because they don't know how to do "Fighting SPirtuuuuuuuuuuuuu" spots at all. They just no-sell and cry when people call them out on how shitty it looks. They say, "B-but Japan"

Was that what caused her mental breakdown backstage? Tut tut....

She’s a fucking anti draw and yet they keep pushing her. It’s even worse when you think about how she’s killed the momentum of other women.