
Friday Night Footy

Magpies vs Tigers @ MCG - 7:50pm AEST

Hawks vs Lions @ UTAS Stadium - 1:45pm AEST
Blues vs Crows @ MCG - 2:10pm AEST
West Coast vs NORF @ Optus Stadium - 2:35pm AWST
Saints vs Demons @ Marvel - 7:25pm AEST
Port vs Giants @ Adelaide Oval - 7:10pm ACST

Bulldogs vs Dockers @ Marvel - 1:10pm AEST
Swans vs Cats @ SCG - 3:20pm AEST
Suns vs Bombers @ Metricon - 4:40pm AEST

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Other urls found in this thread:


for me, this is the thread.


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original thread.

>seething mong OP trying to bump his abortion thread



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who /dabloos/ here?

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bloos man, who's your pick to coach them next year?

West Coast
Prove me wrong.

Basedbane tbqh lads

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>"Do you feel in charge of the 8?"

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Teague's my pick, all depends on the final 5 rounds though desu. Wasn't keen on having another inexperienced coach but he's done well so far. Not too keen on Lyon, Roos. Our next month is the biggest test with the crows tomorrow, cats, tigers and west coast.

>Not too keen on Lyon

Fred here, me neither. Was Bolton just a meme who got by on being Clarko's bitch? Crows aside, If you win even 1 of those matches I'd be impressed

Someone was looking for this last week, not sure if they got it.

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kek! that was me, thanks lad

Bolton was a meme, part of Teague's success is just him unscrewing Bolton's tactics. Bolton thinking Murphy was finished as a player putting him in the forward line, Ed Curnow being put forward when he's been one of our best midfield players. Midfield was essentially just young players and Cripps in the middle for long periods.

tipping three draws this week lads, tonight being the first


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serves them right for hiring a manlet

weird scores have been triggered my autism like last round, 4 teams all scored 75 points exactly and all of them lost their games. Weird things could happen lad.


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*loses to fremantle and carlton*

>tfw will never know what it's like to be a braindead footy player who turbothots throw themselves at
>tfw the turbothottery after a GRAND FINAL win must have been immense.

how's this one
justbin fartin

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Tigers by 37

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>earlier that year


>Roaming Brian going somewhere at half time

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had a boogie with jack steele a while back its hilarious watching it happen 2bh

kind of cool desu

jane bunns nutella donut

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Nothing like friday night footy and watching some luke erwin23.

should have asked him how many poofs are at the Seynts

Who getting drunk here?

Got myself 12 cans of jim beam zero

looks like a dead shit retard

what a waste of money why not buy a bottle of jim beam and 2 litres of diet coke?

gonna get absolutely destroyed tomorrow, eat heaps of shit and watch the games with MY /afl/ family. Can't wait.

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I should really check the weather report when making bets on over/under

yeah make sure to eat before drinking. I had a larage zinger stacker meal before cracking my first can


multi bro, you here mate?

I have to not eat before getting on the piss otherwise I'll polish off a slab and not feel a thing.

Fuck the Pies are getting some soft free kicks

this is my experience

i usually eat once I've got a good buzz on and "rehydrate" once it falls off, then smash a bunch of water and a multi before bed. If I've ever hungover I start drinking again, stupid but gets rid of feeling like shit lol

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based nIGGS tbqh

3 month old carltons
vetta protein pasta
two maxy caps

Simple as

It's not the hangover that bothers me, it's being tired as fuck. Could wake up without a headache but still feel like I'd need to sleep another 10 hours

iktf bro

My dear bro... ...

What's good from Maccas lads? Was thinking of getting the double quarter pounder meal. It's probably their best burger that I'm aware of.

Don't mind the crispy chicken ones, but every single fucking time I order one they make me wait in the waiting bay for 10 minutes.

iggs fans who we want win?

Pies winning would be better I think.

should try the new quarter pounder with bacon range and get back to me lad, keen for one myself. double quarter pounder + lettuce minus pickle is pretty decent though.

>every single fucking time I order one they make me wait in the waiting bay for 10 minutes
that's good, means they're making it fresh for you.

*be's inebriated*

looking after my gay brothers house and he's got some extra dildo looking shower head and it's weirding me out lads
anyone know what it is? he shoves it up his arse doesn't he?

Thawlts on this?

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post pic

how do they weight it? Just adding up the free kick differential for each team, each game? Seems pretty skewed considering free kicks don't need to be even, it just looks bad when you present it like this.

or this kek

*be's be'sposting*


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>post pic
i found it it's a fucking anal douche attachment FFS

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>leaving the game because your wife is having a baby

why would anyone wanna see that? it's gross

The baby with the cigarette cracks me up every time.

Secondly, if Cotchin was thinking he would leave the game he shouldn't have played. What a fucking cock head.

what happened to cotchins wife

to clean out his clacker after a night of meth'ed up sex no doubt

she got CHOL'd

she's having babby tonight

thought that was majak

Reality Cunt on aborted narrative watch

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>me collingwood fan
>work as a janitor at hospital
>have keys for everything
>google "how 2 get slag unto go labor"
>steal drugs for her
>steal drugs for myself
>induce the slut into labor
>he has to leave the game
>Collingwood still lose but at least I have drugs


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fucking FIENDING for some meth lads

for me, it's dodgy mdma

chink escorts knock you back again?

>collingwood fan

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fuck that hadn't even occurred to me

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spent $530 on a gram of meth and 2 hours with an escort yesterday. didn't manage to cum but it felt good sharing the pipe with her and trying positions i hadn't tried before

wish Louhit would hurry up and pick up my kebab

there probably so much semen in that shower a baby is about to crawl out the drain.

Why don't New Zealanders watch footy? Not like they have anything better to do.

who do we want to win /bane/?

Pies are soft as fuck

driving a forklift then watching the All Blacks and then beating your wife after they play poorly fills up a lot of their schedule


Pies are on fire.

uuhhhhh... the actual pies, shitlord!

That was a test m8, I actually tipped the tigers. Other tips are correct.


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I watch footy.

cox is such a fucking hilariously shit meme

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No mate, the actual pies are on fire

based, please continue watching our sport

richmond winning this year who can stop them at the MCG?

they're doing 8K tvs now? Will the cashed up bogan's desire for stupid, unnecessary shit ever be sated?

Name ideas for Crotch-in’s baby?

tigers hypetrain will be immense

Why have the pies turned to shit?

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good weekend up coming up lads

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Pies have been shit for decades, mate

what's the bet that bogans watch 540p tv and movies on their 8k tv and comment on how amazing it is


motion smoothing: always on

Why would I watch something in 8p when my TV can do 540p cunt

Cox is a complete calamity

What’s going on, why’s it so quiet in here

onto third can in bed almost ready

fuck the tigers are back

Louhit still hasn't delivered my kebab, the dumb curry cunt

Which part of YELLOW AND BLACK are you lads from?


>Tfw bum at my mates apartment that’s right around the corner from the Richie Hotel
Feels fucking yellownblack man

might buy some weed off tor

*this post is satire*

>doesn't it?
>10 seconds dead silence

>I don’t like beer anymore
What do?

fucking hell Louhit, starting to get pretty pissed off mate, hurry the fuck up

I did that nearly a decade ago with what is now like $20MM worth of bitcoin.

Get off my fucking back mate, learn some fucking patience

Was it worth it tho

Someone please lock Lingy in a locker in the rooms at half time, can't listen to him any more.

>estimated delivery: 8:15
the absolute state of Louhit

yeah mumza would be pretty upset if i moved out

lads any tips on how to engineer fwb situation from existing "friend"ship. This lass wants me but i dont really want to commit and be her bf (yet)

*spits in kebab*

l y n c h e d

just lie

Talk to her lad, tell her what u want and that u’ll consider something proper down the line

Or get shitfaced, go out and then

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there isn't a rule that once you put your dick in her you're obligated to enter a relationship. Tell her something that at least has truth to it (not over the last one, got some things I need to sort out that I don't want to put on you) whatever. Just smash lad.

*and then fuck like animals

fuck her and go from there

Lads how do I get that boomer jawline?

be the ruling family of every european monarchy

complete dental clearance


Half-time bath-time. Tell me about your week boys

7 with the ultimate cringe coverage

kek who was the gold coast player who punched his own teammate


Finally quit my job so it's been good

who watch luke erwin23 here?

Karmichael Hunt


Gym membership temporarily suspended because I accidentally let out a little piss whilst deadlifting

Buried my cat.


r.i.p. catto o7

Hey me too lad, cheers to them

i'm not a fucking retard so not me

Yeah it happens. What probably put me in the deep end a little more was that a PT called me out on it, and I told him if he actually lifted heavy he’d fuckin’ understand

cats are based.

F. Now get a dog.

not finding putting donuts on police cars funny

betts has been pretty bad for like 2 years now aside from the meme goals

>Now get a dog
Already have one, he alerted me she was seizing as she carked it. Poor lad was sitting next to her grave the next day trembling and crying.

Pretty racist dropping betts

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>yfw collingwood could be seventh by the end of the round

F. very grim

I didn't ask for these feels m8

*let meeeeeeee entertain you*

*Chsssk* *sip*


the pies are on dire

Do NOT show /afl/ this.

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just looks like a normal training session to me

Can someone tell me what all those things are where the seats usually are?

>nsw is a rugby state

Why not just book a high school ground? Would save so much money.

Does anyone have some quintessentially aussie reaction images?

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do we really need the olympic rings on the 7 logo a whole year before the olympics?

what's he done now

Is that the score of the game or are they counting the fans for each team?

Cheers m8s, exactly what I'm looking for.


*falls over*

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always appreciate this kind of content, thank you

how the fuck did this shitheap team beat brisbane?

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Well in this game
>dropped the ball trying to catch it from a easy pass (knock on)
>tried a short kick off but kicked it into a teammate trying to get behind him
>missed a tackle leading to a try
>Other shit
He's had a rough night

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really looking forward to an early night in bed listening to comfy podcasts in the dark

What is a pod and how do you cast it?

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Quaynor is shit getting outmuscled by a rat like Rioli

what's your poison lad? Better not be gay shit like JRE

are richmond good or is it just their draw?

Sounds comfy, I might watch Street Fighter 2 : The Animated Movie.

Dan Carlin

peak hunt

Mate you can pick em up from any servo or 7/11. There these little biscuit things with chocolate and caramel in em
Good to eat, great to pelt at strangers

Imagine if this happened in today's current climate. Just imagine what the internet would do.

"There goes the aspie"

for me, it's Mars pods

real crusades history

for me, it's snickers flavour


would be amazing.

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Even bogans know muzzies are based and Racism is wrong.





it would just be Blair Cottrell and the rest of those attention whoring faggots playing the victim, making it all about themselves and desperately trying to monetise it


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you are the most bitter aus/pol/ cunts imaginable
t. /nrl/


I would literally execute Ling, given the opportunity.

rent free

this reply makes zero sense my subIQ scaffolding friend

got him on a string lads

Fuck lads, just ordered deliveroo AGAIN.

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>heh those cronulla riots were SO GODDAMN EPIC I wish I was there but I was only two years old at the time

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Learn to cook you bogan fuck

STILL got him on a string lads

what's on the menu? Doubt it's anymore unhealthy than the fritz sandwiches I have lined up for later

How was the Kebab

I was 16, it was pretty epic. Indonesia issued travel warnings to Australia kek.

>I was 16, it was pretty epic

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I always see this one indian guy in my neighbourhood riding at about 2kmh on a 20 dollar bike with no lights wearing thongs with a deliveroo pack on

Heroic effort

>20 dollar bike with no lights wearing thongs
sounds like Mad Dog Adrian but he's white


Some Korean/American fusion burger joint.
>Grilled Korean bulgogi beef, gochujang mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion rings, & cheese in a potato bun.

nice reddit meme

STILL got him on a string lads

what a mad cunt

How do you know if someone delivering your food doesn't eat some of your chips?

>Mad Dog Adrian
Is it true his old man was a brain surgeon?

Fuuuck that sounds familiar. Location?

there's tape over the bag

Cox beasted in that prelim, I actually though he'd be half decent since that.

you don't, stop being a lazy prick and go get it yourself


exhentai is dead lads
sad times

>bronx cheers for cox
kek, don't know why they're expecting a 7ft+ tall guy to play well in the wet

don't know the lore that deeply but he was at Alfred's the other week when I was there, 2 hot sluts turned up and he just started jerking off right there in the open lol

>me need slave to bring me food he he he put it in the special food delivery bag pleas
Fucking have a good look at yourselves you rat cunts

I only ever saw that sad panda.

mason cox is absolute dogshit

place looks like it does good chicken, but not sure how fried shit would transport in the sweatbox

Didn't know that, I know that whenever he gets to a new suburb he stops and has a beer though

Place called Chimek in Vic Park. Never tried them before.

>that margin
junktime jack's time to shine!

he has unironically always been dogshit

>getting this mad at deliveroo

Odds on the freo mong and someone getting into some retarded argument and pushing this thread to 500 posts?

you're right guys I'm being lazy, I'll just drunk drive instead. Mongs.

i dont understand

west coast are good or bad this year?

Why I stuck with the beef desu.

tipping me to be the someone else
cannot stand this cunt

That’s alright mate, the good old boys got that shit downloaded. She’ll be back in a jiffy

>this deliveroo argument
you blind? it's already begun, better entertainment than this game.

Good. Pies only beat them due to the 'le epic backs against the wall spirit of the club' meme coming true.

Is Freo mong the guy who posts projectors?

>le goddeb onb a strib xdxd
guy on suicide watch, completely missed the boat on trying to shitstir

The pies are on fire

on the fireball tonight, bit stiff going to start mixing it with coke.

>Allen is nearby
based anglo deliveroo driver


The pies are on water

reminder that XD posting is the sure sign of a mental midget

The pies are on tv

Could never get into the fireball tbqh, don’t get the appeal

it might have been a few years ago but I dunno now, I post that sometimes with his classic "simple reply from a simple mind" that shit used to get me so fucking heated.

the pies are on fire

Louhit eventually rocked up, the weak cunt CALLED ME from his car because it was drizzling while I was waiting literally across the road outside my front door.
kebab was bretty gud tho

The pies are on suicide watch

a simpleton like you would get heated over such a simple thing

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that was me for a while lmao

oh the premierships a cakewalk
for the BAD YOUNG collingwood




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The pies are on fire

and he was STILL a darkie wtf

the pies are uninsured

I don’t believe ya one bit

settle down, they've only lost 4 of their last 5

Even the ump wants a piece

>getting pissed
>not having other cunts eating all your food before you get it

pick one

The pies are losing this game of footy

No mate, the pies are actually on fire

>tom j lynch
based rednut original tom lynch cucking this blonde mong

A little bit of wet weather there Richo?

don't dodge the fact you were too dumb to account for people using food delivery services for anything aside from laziness.

Thoughts on m e a t b a l l ?

The pies are on fire

>leaving early
ed is a disgrace



>They’re good looking boys, his sons aren’t they?
Dare I say it, based?


Bruce needs to settle

Dunno why Bruce felt he had to mention that.

>good looking boys

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love nullah
'ate allah

simple as


Not even hiding it anymore, good for him.

Bruce's fag power level has been steadily rising without Dennis to keep him in check

Bad for his wife though

The pies are some good looking boys

>beams to come back in
how's he going to play with broken legs?

>ireland choking against the poms

Are we taking Grundy's VC score lads?


I thought they had Irish players in their team.


anyone fancy a bucket?

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not in their test side

mind the cyclist richard

used to love this show. Poor Richard, can't believe he didn't kill her or himself.

>be muslim
>be named "bash her"


Did Houli just say he was going to fuck his wife?


it is though



The Chad Cotchin, the Virgin Richo

I'm sober but disabled, I can't use the drive thru and it's too far to use my mobility scooter. Got another excuse lined up?

the chad virgin
the virgin chad

fuck me it's Houli EVERY game, what a joke. Prestia played a fucking blinder and they want to push this shit.


>tfw it's been almost 3 years since he last uploaded a preview

BT loves the blacks.

>these darkies with FULL Aussie accents
not sure how to feel honestly, but Chol seems alright.

That always weirds me out too.

Should I grow a moustache lads?

Don't you mean can I? And no.

Fuck m8 scrolling through his upload history is just brutal.

>Hardwick kicked out Rioli for fucking his daughter
>sent him to Fev
what a punishment


Ok, BT exposing that shit house ESPN interviewer was actually based!

then losing a chip or two is the price you pay for living in a country where you are allowed to continue to exist whilst being such a burden on society

all edge, no point. thanks for playing.

just subbed on the off chance it's the one thing that stops him from topping himself

The pies are on fire

see you cunts tomorrow for Hawks v Loins




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Please stop posting pictures of me

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we're in here broswe're in here broswe're in here brosboards.4channel.org/int/thread/108948862we're in here bros


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Giving the (C) to Cripps this week

The pies are on ice



>UTAS stadium
hawks win


*THE* stall pisser thread 2bh



*be's saying good morning to /afl/*



morning lad

good morning MY /afl/ family


who /chokelaide/ here?

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iggs out to 1.50

g'morning lads

mornin' m8

i don't beet, is that good or bad for us iggs


>mfw thinking about 5AA after Carlton win

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means some monies coming in on the roos

>meme cyrial rioli retires
>hawthorn replace him with memeforward wingard
they can't help but have meme kicking, can they?

yeah but what do betting people know? after all, gambling is supposed to turn a profit for the owners

>hawks elite kicking is a meme guy is still here
pay homage to the man who spawned the Autist Team lads.

who /bigfooty/ here?

always fun reading what people think their players are worth in a trade. Of course Kayne Turner is worth an early second rounder.

why is that place such a commie cesspit?

Victorian mentality and no room for fun or trolling allowed because of muh upboat currency, every pleb has to fall in line with the bullshit or risk losing their good boy points.

Turning on the Hawthorne Brisbane game lads who am I cheering for? Also. I have family in I believe they moved to Sydney recently from Melbourne. Do I have to cheer for Sydney or is there a buzfeed quiz I can take to find my favorite team?

>is there a buzfeed quiz I can take
you'll fit right in at Sydney you raging faggot LEAF

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Basedbane m8
You probably won't want to support a Sydney team tbph, just watch some games and figure out who you like the most

boomer cucktorians

Lions lad but >we'll probably lose. Got a feeling >we're due, but that could just be a decade of being conditioned to expect failure.

pissandpoo so iggs can go clear second lad

>No team who has reached 2nd on the ladder has won their first match as 2nd on the ladder
Put the house on the Hawkroaches everyone

Not following
Again, I don't understand. But I like gambling. Tell me more


>crows are too slow through the midfield and don't tackle enough
>so we better rest one of the two midfielders who can tackle well
>and replace him with someone slower and hasn't played in an afl match all year
>also, the team is underperforming, so let's put the inexperienced rookie in this week
>we'll also rest eddie against his old side and don't bother with a morale boost
not sure what don pyke was trying to achieve here tbph

to send a message that you're on your last legs and given his shithouse form plus the fact Carlton would probably know how to play against him if he actually pulled his finger out played well

Phil Walsh would be rolling in his grave

>Again, I don't understand. But I like gambling. Tell me more
For some reason the team that is 2nd on the ladder this season just doesn't win despite being the 2nd best. Brisbane is currently 2nd and playing Hawthorn so bet on Hawthorn

an out of form eddie would still perform better than the rookie stengle desu, and by resting him, pyke has cut the morale in the side

i agree

>pyke has cut the morale in the side
I disagree, I think he's putting them all on notice to play with hunger because if I drop a "superstar" (lol) you could be next, so pull your finger out. Crows haven't had anything close to morale since Walsh bit the dust.

that caller was amazing
>"hmm thanks caller"

imagine getting hit by a bus in South America, surviving and being given a new lease on life. Only to die at the hands of your junkie weeb son. Grim.

>poort vs gws
bogan tradie derby desu


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methed up deros vs high vis tradies


Are there ever gamethreads? Tuning in to my first ever game now for the hawks vs lions.

this is the gamethread, it's all in one m8


What exactly are the rules?

all you have to do is tag Neale and the lions are fucked. Hawks by 11



Why is the field so big. Which team is which? Why are there so many whistles? Are you allowed to throw the ball anywhere? Are there touchdowns?

What the fuck are all these whistle blows? Stoppage after every kick and catch?

>he calls the ladder "standings"
Retarded leafs

AWS stats ripper m8 are you here? What am I meant to do with that JSON data you got? Seems like it'll only come in handy for the Brownlow night

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how's Claremont Quarter treating you waba you old dog?

yes, whistle signifies a stoppage. when someone kicks it, goes at least 15m and a player catches it they get a free kick

>spoonfeeding the foreigner that will never show up to another thread

oi brisbane!
score some goals ye cunts!

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Hell of a deal on mcnuggets made with 100% white chook meat.

The hawks are on fire

>tfw can't get food for the footy because my bike's tyre is flat

Based Josh Walker with the hair plugs at 25

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how do you not have a spare tube lad?

You can late hit like that? Fucking lol

use deliveroo mate

>tfw that was my spare tube and i spent my bike money at the brothel last week

I don't associate with carcucks.

ayy bikecunt, you have returned

Attached: bikecunt.jpg (540x720, 162K)

just request your delivery from a bike

Don't own a car here either, but I've got 2 bikes.

I'm watching Top Gun and it's...it's really not very good is it.

a female umpire. wow. this is truly powerful

Wow. So you're double gay and zero straight. Car fucking owns.
>muh environment
Don't care
>muh dui
Don't take the main roads
>muh fitness
Take a lap after weights. Try a type of cardio that doesn't kill your ball sack. Don't shit up my roads


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Nothing against cars, but I've got a couple grand in fines on my license so I just switched to a bike.

Nice goal, that one.

surprised eddie was able to return to the site of last night's public cucking

pretty sure they have to, required to suit up and show team support and all that jazz.

didnt get put on meds lads

depression bro? That's a good thing, FUCK pharmaJEWticals

Are any of you my cousin? Peter? George?

imagine going through that humiliation when you invited you're wife's sons out for the evening

Attached: eddie-seethe.jpg (1868x882, 139K)

>100m penalty

yeah he seemed to be pretty averse to prescribing meds especially for someone my age


Attached: MVP.jpg (428x292, 30K)

if you're under 25 then you've got a pretty good doctor. Most GP's would write the prescription without a second thought

>cripps 14 disposals and 1 goal
you wanna do something about that Pyke?

just smoke weed



based LOINS

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Can you imagine the apoplectic rage on 5AA if Adelel manage to lose to fucking Carlton

it's gonna happen my man, can't wait

think this is a long time coming for the crows. we've scooted by on mere skill without any potency, gameplan desire and aggression for a long time. but the skilful players can no longer carry the team

Never seen professional athletes eat during a game before.

imagine the angry boomers calling in
I cant wait

could really use a virtual simulcast of the blues game desu

in their fits of rage they are delusional and will say Eddie should have been kept in, Walker needs to have a day out or he'll get lambasted.

weak crowd

>Eddie banter with Reiwoldt over their Grand Finals

>Making the 8


it's a good thing Bolton is a manlet who can't reach the rafters or he'd be SWINGING from them right now


Attached: 13.jpg (300x375, 75K)

Adelel in shambles, every single cunt in their back half is pointing fingers at each other


damn Carlton are actually looking good, if Teague doesn't get this job

looking forward to 5aa after this 50+ point loss to carltank lads

There is no need for fear, fellow BrisGOD

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will Adelaide mongs try and preserve their egos by saying Carlton are good now and >we just can't match them? Better on the day and all the old tropes? I hope not, I want some "Phil Walsh would be turning in his grave" tier calls

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So what are the Curnow brothers? Are they aboriginal? Greek? Sicilian?

crows fan here. can't even manage to cheer for this pathetic team

Imagine living in fucking Adelaide

more of a lacrosse town really, don't know anybody who follows AFL

crowd is tearing Walker apart, boos and bronx cheers

You guys play lacrosse down there?

>Eddie getting a stiffy over Daisy Thomas

You had any hope or positive prospects at all in the Crows? Top wew, something ALWAYS goes wrong with >us, this is classic Crows.

kek, dumb hole

dunno if he's trolling you becuase the Crows are SHIT but in upper middle class and above areas around Perth weekend lacrosse gets a pretty decent turnout even for juniors, surprised me but it is a pretty cool game

>Be melbourne support
>also too poor to fuck of to the europe or snow

Attached: e6yhwer.jpg (680x383, 47K)

well i dont leave the house so it doesnt matter



posts like this add about as much as the average foreigner blow in. bravo.

Crows season is over if they manage to lose this one

Lonners looks comfy

would you rather talk about footy with foreign cunts or Aussies larping as expats, or sit through spergs arguing over food delivery services?

sometime all a team really needs is to get the hair game sorted and the confidence dividends will follow

Attached: 1562915751408_GVP2ADIOC.1-1.jpg (4206x3155, 1.33M)

Interesting. Lacrosse is our national sport and I didn't think anybody outside of North America played it.

>Lacrosse is our national sport
I thought that was hockey?

why are these eastcucks so obsessed with >us? Is it jealousy?

>it must be one or the other
I'll go for the second option every single time, but this black and white thinking proves beyond doubt you are a halfwit

Attached: east coast scenes.jpg (470x319, 48K)

>st kilda
>west coast
unironically might not win again this season

can's tell if he's quintessential s-y boy or a serial killer, really disconcerting look.

>y-yuh dumb
embarrassed for you lad

Attached: lol.jpg (803x546, 88K)

they're talking about lacrosse you fucking retard

scroll up a few posts mong, plus it's half time. You give me shit for talking to them but they trigger you immensely, lol sad cunt.

waiting for the >gotteb ob a strinb xdxdxd damage control

eating a freddo

Lacrosse has been our national sport since 1860 or some shit. In the 90s parliament decided to add hockey as well declaring lacrosse to be the national sport of summer and hockey the national sport or winter.


bottom of the barrel ""posters"" to be quite honest with you /afl/ family

kek, you've been btfo kindly never post here again you SEETHING freshie

how is it

*be's listening to 5aa because channel 7 are cockheads and delaying the telecast of blues/crows*

what an EPIC reply friend, how will I EVER recover from this scathing defeat.



*be's replying to LEAFS*
*be's triggered this mong*

based mick luggage

kek, passive aggression the first refuge of the SEETHING bitch, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself, maybe r/lacrosse is more your speed.

might go get a caramel koala for myself

migrate when ready lads

really can't make my mind up on Poort vs GWS, surely (((They))) wouldn't let both Adelaide teams not make the top 8?

Loins are opening this shit up. Good pace to this game. Didn't expect this much scoring.

got him on a string lads

GWS by 23

Absolutely based

*be's getting revved*