Log onto Yea Forums

>log onto Yea Forums
>el americANO
>Excuse me, I have an announcement to make!
>Is sex a sport?

Attached: Not this again.jpg (250x250, 7K)

>power up spuh
>dumb frogposter is being dumb

How do i unsubscribe from your blog

What the fuck did you just say about El Var Sinson?

Attached: HomeroAldosivi.jpg (592x592, 92K)

>log onto Yea Forums
>tripfag circlejerk general
>something about france's divegrass team not being from africa
>tripfag circlejerk general
>something about USWNT saying orange man bad
>tripfag circlejerk general
>sports video games general
>tripfag general
>"for me it's gnolumbu guntootoo" thread
>tripfag circlejerk general
>ooga booga bix nood thread from mexico's mexico
>another general

how do we unsubscribe from br*zilian posts

This board is latina


t. janny

Lose weight

get deported

Than make OC you dumb cunt,instead of whining here.Also fuck JANNIES AND TWAIN!

Attached: 1540304748743.png (668x1000, 275K)

>why yes, I do reply with 'Have sex' to anything I disagree with, how could you tell?

Attached: 1563123449866.jpg (1571x1089, 194K)

>Excuse me, I have an announcement to make!
i've never seen this

Attached: c6d.jpg (374x363, 27K)

formerly ISHYGDDT

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

I hate the >trequardista threads

>install Yea Forums gold account
>log into Yea Forums
>see frogs
>immediately deinstall

Attached: 1_v3vvVO3DuvEBosQDcIqlw.jpg (600x630, 30K)

>i hate the trequartista thread
insert photo of dog wearing fedora but i lost all my images

Attached: 1462298394026.jpg (500x492, 57K)

Voy a dat Un bite bite bite

Yea Forums belongs to South America, we are simply guests in their home.

Get incarcerated

Europeans ruined this board. I barely come here anymore because all it is nowadays is manlet spic dive.

el americANO seƱores

here's an idea OP

make a good post

VAR Sinson is legitimately hilarious

>at var sinson