This is sasha banks brother, say something...uh...nice about him

this is sasha banks brother, say something...uh...nice about him

Attached: horse brother.jpg (1080x1080, 176K)

Attached: 736513C3-8119-4E55-9DAF-88788B6762E1.jpg (480x640, 23K)


His eyes are so fucking far apart, they're almost on the opposite sides of his head like a fucking bird or fish.

Attached: B55378C0-8F23-452E-AE3E-56E5DCA09135.jpg (1080x1080, 240K)

Based shitking

He's not hiding his erection very well

Fuck Sasha, marry Mandy, have an affair with Naomi, befriend Sonya, ignore Dana, kill Bayley

He fucked Bayley

he's had a sympathy fuck from all of them at some point in time

He looks mentally retarded

dude unironically has down syndrome or some shit. leave the poor guy alone.

he makes me glad that abortion is still available in my state

He’s shoot retarded and used to beat Sasha up when they were kids

can you not

fuck off reddit. hes a fucking retard

Based Bayley jobbing for the photo w/ retard kid.
*Sorry. I meant SrGrafo kid.

he looks like her husband lol

Based mong

Attached: SrGayfo.png (1080x1080, 1.78M)

No, he didn't. He is a fucking retard, Sasha wants to make as much money as she can to care for him.
And if you think he did get a sympathy fuck, it's only because you are exactly the same retard as he is and want to be fucked by these women. And think that if he did, you have a chance as well.
He didn't get fucked. You will not get fucked. You are too retarded/hideous to even consider trying to someone to fuck you.
shit you poor retard, I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you probably consider it on daily basis, so I won't do it


Smackdown has a comfy women’s roster

>Bayley immediately kneels down and opens her mouth

I'd fuck his sister

Why is he dressed like he is on a weekend pass from "the home"?


You can tell which women on SD aren't friendly with Sasha by this pic.

Attached: rco,long_t_shirt,mens,x1770,fafafa ca443f4786,front-c,295,40,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 77K)

well at least you tried


>fresh cut
>extremely nice jacket
>matching pants and shirt
>classic running shoes
>smile of gold
>bends down to make bayley look like less of an idiot for kneeling
>accepts requests to take pictures with absolute shitters
Unequivocally based.


>including the srgrafo

You tell me cuz I cant tell

based lexi avoiding this shitshow

I'm gonna treat myself to a new pair of pyjamas

Good god Sasha, calm down.

srgrafo is basef


Holy yikes

You know why