On a per capita basis, which country is better at sports, Sweden or the USA?

On a per capita basis, which country is better at sports, Sweden or the USA?

Attached: trump vs sweden.png (794x389, 67K)

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hau ab, /pol/tard



why does grampa type like a teen girl

That will get you about 17 more negro votes in 2020.

Not worth the embarrassment for tweeting such idiotic nonsense.

the president of the usa asking for a$ap rocky to be freed is the funniest and dumbest shit

this is just embarrassing

this is really a US president?

>We do much for Sweden
Like what?

based trump, securing the black vote

how will democrats ever recover?

im wondering about this also

they buy at ikea

blorp is unironically worse than Obongo even from a nationalist perspective. It's actually sad to watch

Attached: 1547566696936.png (334x393, 265K)

but blacks hate asap rocky

kanye is going to be at the 2020 republican national convention

t. abdullah

>break the law in foreign country
>is detained under that country's laws

what exactly is the problem here?

>t. Liam, liberal egalitär kapitalist


it's just so fucking retarded

Sweden's not in NATO so there isn't that so what the fuck is this obese fucktard talking about

being anti huawei is good for sony ericsson

This, he basically said he doesn't care about the BLM/inner city shit because he's a rich guy living in white neighborhood and has nothing to do with the ghetto stuff. Technically that's true but as a black celeb you're not supposed to say that.

His votes won't change. ASAP Rocky will lose about 25% of his fanbase.

it's like he doesn't understand how separation of powers works

isn't his fanbase mostly white?

>per capita
not this shit again

I immensely enjoy reading this guy's tweets but then I always remember that he's actually, unironically the elected president of a country....

It still seems so surreal desu

that's why dr*mpf wants to set him free

If only asap was somali

How did we get to this point as a civilisation? The world makes less and less sense to me everyday.

every rappers fan base is mostly white dumb african

He's still better than Brazil's though.

are you upset user?

>No jury

how do courts with no juries work?

Donald DRUMPF is clearly upset Henrik Larson is a bigger deal in Scotland than he is


Attached: larsson.jpg (700x367, 75K)

Legal processes are mostly decided by a judge, not a jury.

panel of judges

most countries don't have juries
only the anglo countries that practice common law do

>swedish goaltending

What a barbaric and unjust system.

we use a group of judges instead of some random idiots from the street

Free 69 too tbqh

>what is a Magistrate's Court

Based /pol/ spaz

I'd rather big Baz from down the pub sentencing people to hang than have some wanker Judge that spent 20 climbing the greasy pole deciding what's the proper sentence

>random idiots from the street
*impartial members of the public that are more likely to expose the criminal justice system to unbiased scrutiny, while also helping to ensure that the criminal justice system reflects the values and standards of society as a whole


We shop at IKEA
We buy your shitty Volvos
We put Huawei in place so Ericsson can survive
We made your women famous with our "Swedish" bikini team
We allow your thots to procreate on Instagram

Sweden would be nothing without us in 2019. Your culture died so you had to adopt ours. Now give Rocky back, you pigskins.


making a comeback

Then what do lawyers do?

the prosecutor prosecutes,the lawyer defends and the judges judge


Attached: 1356dd34dda664644rREAhkk6372t7452iiiy3r33373f.jpg (379x501, 76K)

they argue the case before the judges. this isn't complicated mate...

Jurors these days are more likely to consult Ouija boards and stalk defendants on Facebook than come to a just decision. You can't trust people Jeremy.

he's only in jail because he punched a muslim.
i bet you if he punched one of those gay swedes nothing would've happened. It's a swedes obligation by now to bend over to muslims so they don't seem racist.

The internet has fundamentally altered the rules and norms of humanity. The die has been cast and we're never going back to the way things used to be. Strap in, buckos. It's only going to get weirder and weirder.

Yeah but that's just for small civil shit, or tiny criminal shit. This is aggravated assault and actual bodily harm, 2 year sentence possible. I'd want a jury trial for sure.

don't swedes know niggers are more oppressed than m******?

it's funny because there's a peep show episode about jeremy being a juror and convincing everyone to vote guilty for no good reason

Attached: crunchynut.jpg (479x540, 35K)

I'd trust my freedom more with that than a panel of judges.

Nah, average people are too easy to manipulate and biased

Look at what happened to OJ, he killed 2 people yet got let go because black jurors (9 out of 12 were black) didn't want one of their own get sent to jail and that one lawyer dude also confused the hell out of them.

Common law systems are not about justice, just about who has the better lawyer and can put on a better show for the average idiots on the bench.
That's why rich people in anglo countries can avoid prison so often.

at least a jury can nullify if they don't like the law.

That actually makes sense. I thought Sweden liked blacks but of course they have to think of the muslim riots they'd get if they let the rich american walk way unscathed.

We follow the same rules here.

that's fucked. i would never even hear of brown on brown violence in the U.S, please do better yurop

Reminder that trump has done literally nothing wrong to black people during his presidency and yet black people still think he is horrible to them.

Only American blacks hate him.

Based pls declare war on Sweden Trump. I want some blonde manbun scalps

are you retarded? We protect their oil and borders. They barely have a standing army

Yeah, Finland and Norway are just waiting for their opportunity to strike

I feel like a mother apologising for her disruptive child in public, but yes user... he is.

Because he's not a politician. He has no filter

Why do you say it like only black people feel that way?

man if this is true you must be doing a really poor job considering we have no oil and our borders are wide open

Well no shit hes not, its extremely obvious, it's like an organic chemist suddenly got a job as a IT tech for Amazon

Oops got you mixed up with Norway. Makes sense since you're basically Norway lite

>>ITT: Foreigners on an american website get baited by americans


if it wasn't for the usa everyone would be speaking finnish and finnish world domination would be complete

Sill better than Merkel who is intentionally appearing to be devoid of any personality with no connection to real people. I remember when she went to some supermarket with her 100 bodyguards and bought mustard and it was a big deal in the media because no one really knows anything about her personality and private life.

>He intentionally ignores Russia

Here I thought all Trump supporters would applaud us for detaining a negro rapper. It seems we can't ever please you.

>Trump voter education

It's weird because he's the first real one to use social media with no filter. There's tons of elected officials over hundreds of years who would have acted similarly if given a phone and Twitter account

shutup sweden




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