Are you guys jeaous?

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Do you wear them?


never, never washed them either, i can still smell her on some of them
I had to DM her on twitter/myspace over the years to get the stuff :D

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Attached: !Bo1GE+gB2k__(KGrHqMOKkEEu,Vr0bInBLpBzKz-gw___12.jpg (500x439, 46K)

WTF didn't know she was in the customs business. Ever coom in them?

When was the last time you took a bath?

yeah i coom on these ones pretty often

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Attached: 27657753_1852988891439809_5667394402611362049_n.jpg (400x282, 16K)

how old does these date back?

based coomer. Ever wish you could coom inside Lita's tight pussy?

would rather coom in her bhole

Attached: !Bo37peQ!Wk__(KGrHqQH-CIEuWhbeUj7BLpQGvvRH!___12.jpg (358x500, 26K)

take an upclose shot of your coom stains

her boobhole eh user


Do a cum tribute please

Does she know why you get them?

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that your weight starts with a 3 at least.

i paid nearly $1000 for each garment piece so she doesn't really ask

Attached: !B-mH(BgB2k__(KGrHqUOKkEEzLrCmYbpBM9GTWUOjQ___12.jpg (375x500, 30K)

ive been buying them since around 2007

Attached: !BrpJL+QCGk__(KGrHqQH-DoEvEKPkP+bBL0iJDrsP!___12.jpg (500x375, 32K)

Assuming this isn’t a work, kys. And if it is, kys.

Ahh that means those that she wore before that definitely have been washed. Still a great collection though ya creep

you're joking right?

holy jealousa

OP - continued

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Uhhh....why do you own men's wear too? OP just turned CRINGE


I enjoy the smell

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If you won't wear them, I will.


$1000 per item. Go on manyvids or some other camthot site my dude

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do they smell like fish and cigarette smoke?

a sexy note signed by me? LMAO

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my favorite is to ask them to film themselves masturbating in the same pair I buy and send it along with them

You faggots will buy this shit but won't move out of your parents house.

Not in the least

Jokes on you. I live on my own and just cut down on food instead.

I could work with this.

I remember the nude fake of first pic back in the day. Made me coom

Based beta bucks boomer coomer

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