The Chad Kolasinac vs The Virgin Özil

>Mesut Ozil was seen by alarmed members of the public racing along Golders Green Road in his black Mercedes G-Class SUV, pursued by two assailants on mopeds. Gunners defender Sead Kolasinac leapt from the £100,000 car and went after the armed gangsters with his bare hands. He abandoned his car in the middle of the road and fled on foot, ducking into the Turkish restaurant Likya, where he is known to the staff.
>'His car was standing there empty in the middle of the road with its door hanging open. It is very distinctive, with gold trim.
>'Ozil looked absolutely terrified, as anybody would after being chased by men with knives. He looked like he was running for his life. And I suppose he was.
>'I saw him disappear into the restaurant with the motorcycle guys on his tail. They didn't take off their helmets and were all in black, wearing long sleeved tops in this hot weather. They stood out. It was really creepy.

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So Kolasinac jumps out to fight them and then when another guy appears Özil just takes off without him

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So youre saying Özil disappeared when it mattered most?

Part and parcel


This is why you get a G class in the first place so you dont get run of the road by a couple of scooters why the hell would you stop and get out...

Maybe they just wanted to take a picture with the superstar.

lmao how the fuck do you let someone with only a knife get in your car



Turkic cowardice

implying they could see him, implying anybody can

ahh yes, London

wonder what ethnicity the assailants were

Ozil is a fucking bitch, he literally sacrifized his friend to save his ass, no wonder why he is a Rapinoe fan

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based balkan chad

This fucking bitch representing us like this smdh.Why couldn't Arsenal transfer Volkan for 4th GK or sumn

I didn't rwate kolasinac but I do now the fucking size of that knife what a complete fucking chad

Did we really need a 5th thread for this?,

Use the catalog you dumb fucking mutts

German dyke vs Islamic warrior

t. ozil

this. mans a warrior

post of the year award

This is why half of grand viziers of Ottoman Empire were from Balkans.


How do you take a picture with a invisible man?

Reminder that Ozil's wife and Kolasinac's wife were in the car. Why are you conveniently looking past this

>golders green
Really? That's jew-central and a relatively wealthy part of the shithole. Surprised it happened there

>trying to rob Balkan fuckers
Must have been niggers

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why would they go robbing in a poor area?

I guess it's true, London is an EU city.

Özil is just your typical Turk who is acting tough when in a group, but a cowardly little bitch in 1vs1 situations.

Doesn't that make his cowardice even worse?

Der ewige Türke

This is why you drive with a bat, CS gas and machete in the car. (GCHQ not me I can't even drive lol)

london's that bad eh?

Extremely bad written article. So if i understand it correcty. Ozil and Kolasinic were in the same car with their wives inside. Why did they stop? The other guys had just knives and the players were inside a huge car. Then kolasinac left the car. Ozil also left the car? Who was driving? Who was known in the turkish store kolasinac, or ozil? Very bad written article.

It's the daily mail mate.

The Daily Mail is '''''''written'''''''' by retarded hack chimps that churn out hundreds of pieces of garbage a week. Most of it is not true but that's their job.


I can't even imagine Özil acting tough in a group. He's pretty much the definition of a beta bitchboy.

From what I unserstand from a German article, it happened as follows:

>Özil, Kolasinac and their wives left a Turkish restaurant in London
>all got into the same car
>suddenly 2 masked moped drivers appear
>they get off their moped, pulled out knives and threatened the car
>Özil gets off the car and runs away back into the restaurant
>Kolasinac also gets off the car, but instead faces the men and scares them off
>the 2 men then flee the scene with their moped

In the end, nobody got injured or robbed thanks to Kolasinac.

>Robbers follow vehicle
>Özil stops for some retarded reason
>Kola out to fight for some retarded reason
>Özil pulls the car a few meters away
>Kola gets back in
>They drive a mile to the turkish restaurant while being chased
>flee into it, robbers nope away

can someone explain why ozil didn't run over those two mopeds with his g wagon mafiamobile?
pure pussy?

50+ years in prison

where are the wives in this?

>be english
>get stabbed
>get acid'd
>get run over
>get arrested for holding unlicensed spoon
truly magical place

They are still locked in the car where Ozil left them

thats even fucking worse

how THE FUCK do you run away when your WIFE is in the car

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no problem if you have three more at home

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>be American
>some guy calls you outside of your house to come out
>you randomly see a SWAT team surrounding you and shouting
>you panic and then they gun you down
>this was all over kids arguing on call of duty and a dude giving a address to the police to fuck over the other guy but it was a random address
>random boomer got killed and swat shooter got away Scott free
Truly 1st World policing

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This, it could have been the one who was only earning 1 golden star a week as well, I'd try and get rid asap as well.

If a nuclear device were to go off and vapurise the entirety of greater London
who's to say it's bad?

lash out more, arab

i think that he took them to them to the restaurant when the attackers came

you cant even meme properly, sit down

Get shot amerimutt.

>then proceeds to point a giant fan towards Birmingham

t. Shitskin who can’t own guns and hasn’t ever fired one.

lol your gov't doesn't think you are responsible enough to be around a gun let alone own one. nice try. They really should add young boys to the list of things you aren't responsible enough to be near.

the funny part is, your gov't doesn't want to teach you how to be responsible enough to be near a gun. cuz you know, you can't be trusted, arab.

a car to ozil is like a hoodie to normal people

So Ozil left the two women in the car and ran off? lmao

i keep reading that stupid argument on twitter from the turkish defence force

if his family is in danger he shouldnt let his brave buddy alone against two thugs

what would happen if their used the mercedes g-class to run over the moped?
i mean, they were with their pregnant wives, they felt endangered and in a reflex move they pressed the gas pedal... they didn't mean to use a 2.5 tonne vehicle as a weapon, your honor

100 years in prison for the men, 50 for the women and 20 for the unborn children when they are born, you hurt poor defenceless innocents of london who were just doing their best to earn another meal so they could survive

based denmark

Footballers get away with vehicular homicide anyway, word to Alonso

>attackers come up to the car and threaten them with knife
>Kolasinac leaps from door to fight them off
>Özil is seen turning his head to the inside of the car presumably talking to his and kolasinacs wife or looking for the attackers
>Özil starts the car and Kolasinac shortly after gets on it again
>car gets chased by the moped for a mile
>Özil drives to a restaurant where he is known
>all 4 of them run into the restaurant and staff helps them chase the attackers off


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They were busy being used as human shields by the turkroach

>Mesut Pussil
that was pathetic.. why are all Turks like that

But people in /int/ told me it was just /pol/ lying about London?

Why is he so cute?

You can get randomly attack with knives in England?

Wtf. For what reason?

a better question is why is uk such a shithole? holy shit. literal africa tier crime levels.

british of course


>trying to rob someone from the Balkans
kek fucking idiot doesn't realize blood runs in their alcohol, they got no fear

Wait but even kitchen knives are illegal in the UK?

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for being white

murders are expected and fine but attempting to carjack targeting some famous millionaire star athletes? never happens here. only in your shitholes.

What's going on in the baltics?

>murders are expected and fine

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didn't know there were thieves in the UK

t. mutt who owns guns and still gets shot at school

Domestic violence from alcoholism in rural villages.

care to explain the star rating, brother?

Nah it is actually fucking brave. If I did that my wife would be so fucking mad so I'd rather die defending her.

Imagine defending a roastie.

So Kolasinac now has unbridled access to Ozil's wife now. Both the girls must have flooded their underwear after watching the scenes.

>this much mental gymnastics

kek, classic

Mesut "see the knife, leave the wife" Ozil

everyone knows muslims are massive pussies when they're by themselves

Kolašinac is also a Muslim by the way

Well seriously though, I believe in the various theories (Epicureanism and such) that we are 100% selfish creatures and our purpose in life is twofold: to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. And seeing other people being hurt can be perceived as pain so we can instinctively try to minimize that pain even if we are risking our life in the process. That may explain the motivation of a soldier who sacrifices his life by jumping on a grenade in order to save his comrades. It is pain avoidance. He is avoiding negativity associated with the thought of all his comrades dying.

good point. retards always want to generalize.

Got dabbed by comminism.

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when people say muslims they usually mean sandniggers not muslim converts in europe or asia

Reminder that Turks are white

>conveniently leaving out most of Eastern Europe

the chad african karaboga with a a butter knife strikes fear into the heart of the t*rk wh*te rapebaby in a 6ton car

im not even suprised anymore. That shitty chart says >in the us and EU. Those grey countries are not in EU. Go to school mutt

>conveniently leave certain countries out of your secret club
>"lol we're better XD"

>conveniently leaving out most of Eastern Europe

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I meant comparing the US and EU instead of the US and Europe would conveniently leave out most of the biggest shitholes in Europe.

Btw your shithole has a higher homicide rate than my state. Go get shot.

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>leaving out the parts of Europe that aren't in the EU is 'convenient' in chart that is directly comparing the EU to the US
Yes, the chart 'conviently' left out Africa too.
Fucking state of you.

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>conveniently leaving out most of Eastern Europe

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>chart that is directly comparing the EU to the US
>chart N/A's most of Eastern Europe
Since lots of Eastern Europeans move to Western Europe and commit crime, it seems pretty relevant.

>Since lots of Eastern Europeans move to Western Europe and commit crime, it seems pretty relevant.

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You realize those are included in the EU statistics? I could get a pictogram ready if it helps you

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When we were little here in school, you'd have your names up on a piece of paper in the classroom and if you were particularly well behaved or did a good piece of work you got a gold star sticker next to your name, earn enough and you got some sort of reward. Was just applying that system to how Ozil might treat his 17 wives.

People who require religions to feel good are usually huge pussies because they are naturally attracted to large groups for protection.

>>'I saw him disappear

>bat, CS gas and machete in the ca
lol, is that cuidad de mexico?

His family should accept that Ozil has to get out the car and fight alongside an actual man or drive away and be a pussy.

The absolute state of fucking UK. I'd rather get shot and die like a man defending myself. Although most violent crimes here are black on black crimes committed in ghettos while in UK as you can see you can get assaulted literally anywhere. Imagine living in fear not being able to defend themselves so some underage fags can threaten you with a tooth pick and take your car in broad daylight . Sure, they don't always succeed but the fact they even ATTEMPT to carjack with nothing but a fucking knife is pathetic and embarrassing since their criminals are not afraid of the victims. And even if they get caught the will get away with a slap on the wrist. Bongs are fucking sheep and their society is so rotten. Here these scumbags would be fucking dead in an eye blink. If the driver didn't shoot them, the cops would. That's the way it should be.



Calm down Cletus or you might shoot up a school

>being an american

fuck your are an a retarded

No wonder USA is so fucking violent. If i had to live together in one country with these retard i would also snap