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/Oedo/ Tai and TCS General
Other urls found in this thread:
isnt oedo tai dead?
oedo tai is in recline
why did it take her so long to get a clue and hit the weights? she got insanely hot.
prior to the 2018 draft there was no "3 minutes with ace" exercise program
>Oedo Hana
straddle me mommy
post the original
you just know she FUCKS
FUCKS women that is!
Everyone know that she SUCKS
mmmmm that's baddass
based hana is brap-proof and corona virus-proof, she saw this shit coming
SUCKS women that is
wow I think I love love love guilia now
What did she mean by this?
please don't be real
is hana a brony?!
dropped so hard kairifags would be proud. folder deleted. why cant we have nice things?
It's temporary.
Nao & Natsuki streaming live on IG
*Natsuko of course
36 for Hana’s hands
Natsuko showing off a tin of corned beef.
Mr. Corned Beef crossover?
I want to have a date with Kyona where we eat fine foods and drink good wine at a classy establishment before going to Poundtown on each other.
Would top the trifecta of bad wrestling tattoos this weekend.
this is some good stuff
No, Natsuko is leading them to new heights (unless Stardom dies first due to lack of hot lesbian power couple Kagets and Zooks)
it makes sense now why Kagetsu threw money at Rossy to get one more booking
i-its fake
cody rhodes and jack gallagher (?) got some horrendously shitty ones
maybe everyone's subconsciously trying to get inked before we die choking on mucus
Woah, when is this from?
Based Hana filtering out the tattoo hating incels
Hopefully we see less catalog spam of her now
my wife drank this in 12 seconds
buy LOVEME stock
short TMTMX
I'm not into feet but Hana...
These threads are fucking pointless now. No ass shots, sexy photos, MEGA bundles... nothing. Just shit memes and Guilia spam. Either merge them all together or stop posting them. The last two threads have been filler garbage.
>no ass shots
>no sexy photos
supply them yourself for once, it's a long break between shows and people are doing more than just image dumps
>no mega bundles
I'm uploading 2 of them right now.
Instead of being a whiny shit, contribute a bit, or stick to lurking until "filler garbage" is more your liking.
why ya cryan?
Sumire will be doing an evening stream with Miyuki today (JST), no idea what for. Maybe just drinks.
gentlemen, this is what the "coomer" meme is supposed to represent
they enter here for /s/ images to blow their nut to, with no regard for the topic, and then get angry when the well dries up
its cryin'.
based Giuliaposter still working the marks despite not having showed up to work for like a week now
sounds hot
imagine seething this badly over joshi, grow up
lmao this
this is what everyone in these thread does. stop acting like it's not. there's never any discussion about matches or anything, it's just waifu cringe.
it's not joshi. it's the trash threads that you cringemongers make. no site links or match recommendations. nothing but hana and guilia waifu trash. if you're going to be pervs, at least provide photos and do it right.
except the first and third replies were guilia you fucking cartoon
>site links
>match recommendations
just watch Oedo Tai and TCS matches
this isn't a porn repository dude, we post lewds but not for the benefit of faggots like you. fuck off
Ya malding?
>not for the benefit of faggots like you.
ah, so it's an inclusive circlejerk for waifufags? bless.
oh, how will i ever recover from such a horrific burn? you sure showed me with your reaction pic, user.
get on stardom world and watch people you likes matches that you didnt before, why are you raging because people arent spoondfeeding you, fucking faggot lmao.
paying for stardom world sends 1% of it towards Tam Nakano
investing in Tam Stocks sends 100% of it towards Tam Nakano
make the call
alright, man, no need to use another creepily saved reaction pic. damn.
>implying I don't already
heh kid
>*makes incels cry in you're path*
Two small collections of images from Stardom 2/15 and 2/16 Shinkiba
2/24 Kagetsu Retirement ~Many Face~
organized by match where possible, around 975 images
and a small pack of the 2/26 AJPW show featuring a tag match with Sumire and Not Mei.
Nice slapfest
>ywn wake up tomorrow morning as Hana and be able to lick your own hands
why are we still here...
is Hana god, bros?
no but she is the son of god, depicted here in an ancient painting
thanks so much man
I miss this Oedo Tai
King among men
lewd skelly!
Makes me glad I'm a Kyona-Chad.
>tfw /kyonami/
tam fans you should support and bookmark
is syuri /oedo/ approved?
she Syuri is
The fuck is this gibberish? A JAV code?
twitter accounts
90th for the first and only person to hold the omurice championship and low speed championship at the same time
Flair? nah
Austin? nah
Okada? nah
For me, it's Nao.
can you imagine a bomber contest between her and Shingo?
>someone call an ambulance
>but not for me
Sit down.
I want her to keep me after class because I need to be taught a lesson. The she wraps her legs around my neck with the leather rubbing against my cheeks and jawline and she asks me 'Use your tongue. If you don't know what I mean, I'll give you step by step instructions.' I tell her 'No, I know what you mean.' and then got to down on her labia and clit.
I get some from @TaRUZO_D_ver47 aka Kingdam of Tam.
We're just going over your latest assignment, you changed the filename from "New Document.doc" to "dear wife please bronco my face aaaah.doc" and I'm doubling your grade to a total of 172/100. Nothing more.
>Yuki Saito
what a based account but I'm sad
oh I had the wrong name in mind, not sad anymore
got a higher res of the feet?
Hey Faggots,
My name is Kagetsu, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was the ACE of stardom, and leader of my faction. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to Japanese people hands"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just ate me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
Can Hana end the yaeba meme for good?
Whoa based ace stopped in and insulted me, I'm honored
who came in her face?
10/10 this is great
Thanks for stopping by.
>tfw i get done with her
Your bitch has soft soft hands yukari
I'm failing to see how a screenshot from the site you were begging anyone to spoonfeed you is creepy
i love her bros
I like her too, but did the ddm thread die or something?
Syuri is cool with the oedo/TCS crowd
based syurichad
I love her expressions!
yeah like I said, I like her too
/Oedo/ always steal from every threads. You'll get used to it.
>even hana can't resist the KNOT
how can humanbois compete?
you're mistaking /oedo/ for the gatoh move thread that literally copies and pastes posts from other threads. Also showing how new you are since you don't know /oedo/ started the Yea Forums joshi boom.
cope, syuri is based and I never been on that general once, her faction is trash though. rossy should take giulia off the shows and pay kagetsu to get her to learn how to wrestle, bitch cant sell for shit.
>gatoh move out of nowhere
rent free. Also you're showing how new you are since /hana/ made joshi threads popular on Yea Forums
What am I looking at here?
a roll up
I was mentioning the thread that does the shit he accused this thread of doing, just because it struck a nerve with you doesn't make it rent free.
>/hana/ made joshi threads popular on Yea Forums
lmao this fucking is /hana/, brainlet
so close, yet so far
and I bet the person I was replying to wasn't around during the /hana/ days or he would have been triggered by me saying /Oedo/ steals things since /hana/ was a joshi general with all promotions being discussed, it literally started as /joshi/
what was /Hana/ stealing from when it was the only joshi general? And no, /Hana/ was never /joshi/.
It was a joke about /Oedo/ stealing from other joshi threads when it used to be the only joshi general. And yes the first 2 or 3 threads were /joshi/ you can check the archives you know.
/joshi/ had absolutely nothing to do with /hana/, you would know that if you posted in those threads rather than checking the archives to try to fit in.
My memory might be fuzzy but /joshi/ stopped at like #5 and then /hana/ started. I'll go check the archives to see what it exactly was.
jesus christ have sex, this is the most pathetic argument that ever happened on earth
>posting a stolen reaction image
You shouldn't even bother wasting your time since it's irrelevant, /Hana/ had nothing to do with those threads.
>telling an OG /Hana/ Chad to have sex
stop projecting
This is peak Hana
based fellow original /hana/ poster BTFOing the cancerous newfags
>a rare Hana feet pic
based, saved.
i'm sad that all the new posts since bed are just people arguing over thread names
I really thought it looked good. Dreads Hana will always be polarizing
Hana looks like a completely different person here bros, what is going on?
tick tock Mayu
Looks the same as always to me
i dreamed that I was supposed to go meet Tam for lunch and had to wear a yellow hoodie
I can't think of the significance, so I'm brainstorming
>yellow is how to identify who goes in the microwave
>yellow is the color of risk, it's telling me to buy Tam Stocks in a panda bear market
>yellow is Starlight Kid's shirt color, so she wants to have lunch with Starlight Kid tomorrow and this may involve a history-changing event
on second thought it can't be the second one, Tam Stocks only go up at a linear rate to infinite value
*single handedly destroys Oedo Tai*
gonna need to see this woman’s hands to prove if she is who she says she is.
*single handedly saves Oedo Tai*
say grazie
very important new content
and yes that does appear to be brand new /kon/ gear
Neck long as shit.
based /kon/ shitposting
Hana trying to get her attention but she's wondering how many slowly fading fire hydrants are left
I like how Konami is about to smile then turns to Kyona to get her composure back
0/10 bait
based Kyona being such a professional that she saves Kon from corpsing
You can see Kyona laughing
I would totally rail the shit out of Bea
*counters ogreposting*
Hana has a nice teeth and a great smile. That's why she's beloved by many along with having nice tits.
nope, didn't happen.
her hip windows do things to my peepee
Hana has very kissable lips.
What an angel! It just prove to the faithless fools that God is real.
have a rare image guys
Yes it did the evidence at 0:02 can't be denied
it literally isn't, you are just hallucinating. Kyona did nothing wrong. At 0:02 seconds she is calculating her next move for when DEATH Yama is finished. I've watched a lot of joshi and wrestling so I can pick up on these little nuances.
She does momentarily grin but it has nothing to do with the distraction. She realized her initial investment in Tam Stocks allows for UNLIMITED alcohol purchases
post more of Mayu's wild footwear
considering how close she once was with Natsuko (who is infamously best friends with Nao), I wonder if she got some insider tips related to LOVEME
Yeah maybe, but LOVEME is more volatile due to being used as a dog food fund
well it's run by a dog, what'd you expect?
keep em coming
This is my only other one.
zanks Monica!
how many times do you think hana's taken it up the shitter?
I have no answer
Hana has never taken it anywhere
she is a femcel who will never get laid and stalks Ryo at his basketball games kek what a cucked bitch
>thanks for coming
>7 points 2.2 rebounds 4.4 assists
kek what a jobber bitch
any webms of Hana’s feet?
scroll up
a rare Hana feet pic in you’re path
those are some awful feet
then again that's probably like Russell Westbrook numbers in Japan
Best shoe game.
They're not, he's a complete shitter
Damn this nigga has some big ol fet to support her wide shoulders.
>35% fg 26% from 3 71% ft
definitely westbrook numbers hes right
lmfao, I kinda like him even more now
it's a Kimura adaptation, something about inverse weight transfer to strengthen headbutts. apparently goes back generations.
LMAO is his usage rate through the roof too?
theres no >advanced stats but hes absolute trash. any pg that shoots below 40% is.
not true if they make up for it by being a playmaker and setting up teammates, but those assist numbers tell a different story lol
>t. seething Hana
shooting below 40% shows bad judgement no matter how much assists they rack up.
hi ryo.
love Hana's shocked face in so many pictures
I mean, hypothetically if he's going 2 for 5 every night while getting double digits assists I wouldn't necessarily call it poor judgement. However, that's definitely not the case with Ryo. I hope he makes the Olympic team (as a practical joke by the coach) and gets dunked on by everyone lol.
Natsuko is so based
2 for 5 is 40% user, I'm saying below 40%, and even 40% is a stretch, if hes a 3 spammer with great vision then it works.
>tfw lebron dunks on ryo
oh my bad I read at 2x speed and didn't see below, yeah Ryo is just a shitter. I don't even want it to be LeBron, let it be some shitter on the bench posterizing him.
I got a Sumire checki in one of my bbm packs!
Oh they're sent out already?
Nice. I had to pass - it's so expensive in my currency and all I would get out of it is some things to add to my shelf.
unless they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel because of corona, the whole team will be all stars.
I never got buying autographed stuff unless you meet the person.
Lol poor fag
You aren't buying autographed stuff, each box set has a minimum (I think) amount of signed cards to go with the majority unsigned cards.
The writing on it isn't dedicated to one person in particular like it would be when buying a used polaroid off yahoo.
Saving for some expensive car repairs, I was late to the LOVEME train so I can't do both
hana got cucked by a dude averaging a triple single? lmoa
oh ok that makes a little more sense.
>triple single
and if you were thinking "do the signed ones sell for more in the aftermarket" it's usually a minimum triple what the unsigned are, so if someone doesn't care and has it as a dupe, they can make back a bit of the initial expense.
I have a CD signed by the original artist from a release party...dedicated to the person who I bought it from on auctions. Iust consider it clutter blocking some nice cover art. So I'd let go of signature cards no problem.
to make the Olympics more watchable they should make each team have one meme player
since you seem like a good guy, I'll give you a bit of a tip. Invest in Kamitani. Trust me.
Oh, I forgot to post these 2 images. Thanks for the reminder
is it legal to inspect the digits on my own post?
Ah I understand that. Post redacted
Thanks for posting Saya, she's the best!
maybe one more for you considering there's still fair room in the image limit
Terrace House Tokyo 2019-2020, Episode 35 "The Monster in the Hallway" thoughts and spoilers
>Hana said WOW again, but not as loud as last week
>she was cleaning the Stardom dojo and talking to Jungle Kyona about the male housemates not giving her any attention
>she explained that it's Christmas and she's very sad she's still single and has not had sex on tv
>she found out Stardom will have a match at the Tokyo Dome, but does not yet know who on the roster has been selected for it
>Long haired hafu American fake comedian Kai told Hana he likes her at a Christmas party
>she likes him but remains pure by avoiding eye contact and hiding her face
>she wants to go out with him and has a list of dates, hanging out by a river, seeing the stars, hiking in nature, strawberry picking, an aquarium and a zoo
>The new guy is an absolutely unhinged psychopath who lurks outside of rooms listening to conversations, but fortunately he has no interest in Hana he is obsessed with big titty model Yume Yoshida and will probably murder her at some point
terrace episode
vivi stop loving chad because he chose basketball over her christmas date
kyona made an appearance, hana talking about if shes in the friendzone or not with the comedian
the comedian and hana has confessed their love to each other
new episode of terrace house just went up, i'm ready for some more hana & kai kino
>she's very sad she's still single and has not had sex on tv
How is Hana such a simp despite being that good looking? Will someone PLEASE fuck this woman, I'm starting to feel embarrassed for her.
they are the only soulful thing in this show
everything else feels so fake
I love how she's Utami's biggest fan
k nevermind that image limit, I have to get in something important before dude fills it up again
Don't be it's a scripted show. She's had bfs before.
wow I've always wondered what Jamie would look like as a seal
>Hana will never hold her hand out in front of your face like this
I can't believe she's cucking me like this bros.
before her addiction to hair dye, it was so nice and silky
>and has not had sex on tv
uhhhhhh do they have sex on this show? To what extent do they show it? Do people kiss on this show?
appreciate these posts lad, make for some nice hana reaction pics.
a kiss is the most I've seen in the few episodes I've seen from past seasons. Two members were fucking in the season I was watching, but we found out because the girl went to lunch with her sister and she said yes when the sis asked if they'd slept together. You'd have no idea from anything before that really.
Haha Kimura
Pure Saya
>just be you hana
ryo kissed the white roastie.
>Hana cucked on live TV in front of millions
>gets caught on camera peeking over the door
abstract kino
I'm so glad that thigh tattoo turned out to be a fake bros
Accurate painting of Hana the SEA monkey.
I can only imagine the level of DROPPED THIS WHORE posting when Hana finally gets laid/a bf on tv, she’s way more over than Kairi on Yea Forums
I'm below 6'2 so I had no chance anyway, if she gets dicked I just hope it's after thorough sparring against Kyoko to make sure the genes are fit for combat.
D-Did Hana impose a height limit on men she would date?
Nah but she has a type.
Ignoring the beaned meme, she mentioned wanting an older guy before, and now is pining for a b-ball player.
Also, manlets are not fit for the bloodline.
I'm 6'5", over 40, but not Mexican so I had a bit of a chance. And if I had the chance, I'd try my damndest to make sure Hana wouldn't be dateless on Christmas. We'd go to KFC, then she'd ride my bolony pony the rest of the night.
he wants a man who can make her his wife
>over 40
All girls do.
5’7 twinkchad here, you laugh now but I am going to WORKRATE myself into Hana’s pants, I am going to Benoit myself all the way to marrying her. your height is nothing compared to the sheer amount of clues i have acquired and the sheer amount of exposed chairshots to the head i am willing to take. im gonna be posting webms here of me licking Hana’s palms and y’all finner seethe. baleeeeeee dat! ooooahhhhh yessir.
kek I'd probably do it for the bants for a day like with kairi, people who feel that way legitimately are shoot autistic.
you have to be in Kyoko's good graces though, which I think involves surviving a slap fight where both of you have gusset plates taped to your palms
and if you think you'd win, realize she's done that to weed out potential boyfriends all along and has no scars from it
ryo is 5'10
all those boyfriendetties didn’t have that IT factor brother, and that IT factor is being a handsfag so not only can i survive getting slapped in the face but i am rejuvenated by it. Kyona is either going to have to kill me or pledge Hana’s hand for marriage
>make big ass post about Kyoko
>submit captcha
>select text field and hit backspace
>captcha window pops up at the exact same time to re-try, which sends the browser back a page
i'm just going to post a Nao or something.
Do we want another gas mask Kimura for next thread?
>>The new guy is an absolutely unhinged psychopath who lurks outside of rooms listening to conversations, but fortunately he has no interest in Hana he is obsessed with big titty model Yume Yoshida and will probably murder her at some point
i miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
i wish he had more killer instinct. he was far too nice. he could definitely have railed Hana and everyone else if he wasn’t so wishy washy.
could we get a Team Jungle era Natsuko and Kyona OP?
pantyhose never drew a yen
The business is built on pantyhose ya fuckin mark
pleb please
me on the left
the shirts behind her head make her look like she's got massive twin tails