What if the United States of America wins the 2022 World Cup?
What if the United States of America wins the 2022 World Cup?
imagine the smell
I wonder how much of that he was alive and conscious of. Looked like a lot.
What if Switzerland wins the 2022 World Cup?
wont't you take me to FUNKYYY TOOOWWWN
where is this video from?
This is what Americans want in their country
well, jews are not Americans and liberals are not people, so there is that
i blame rap culture desu
Reminder that if you have a problem with that you are racist xenophobic nazi
>thread approaching 1 hour
Jannies doing their job well again I see
never seen the complete webm
never seen the couple seconds with sound
never not squintted my eyes
I think I got ptsd from too much bestgore and rotten back in the day.
I can only stomach chinese dying in surprising or funny ways but I've never seen again a torture vid since like 2012 or something.
Any one else?
this faggot keeps using proxies to make the same thread over and over, always with some shocking webm or image. god I hate genetically flawed cunts
I’m completely desensitized to this shit
try hard, nobody is impressed by you except by your weight
do i even want to know whats happening in this webm?
it's just friendly banter la
Based kindhearted Mexanon
what's gotten into spammy?
*this what what the globalist Marxist democrats and their brainwashed sheep want
>actual Marxists
based retard