I love how much Jon enjoys AEW than WWE.
whatever you say hotshotting AEWtist
I was only pretending to be retarded: the angle
literally hotshotting the eye-patch removal
In what way was this being retarded, user?
yup right after he won you could see how happy he was
he almost lost his eye but its completely fine a month later, based.
Lack of depth perception ya retard
lmao watch him keep using the eyepatch as a fake tough guy gimmick
>my eye is actually fine!
>I could actually see the whole time!
>and yet I still wore a retarded eye patch that hindered my vision and possibly cost me winning this Jericho match sooner as evidenced by me only being able to win after taking it off!
His eye was legitimately kayfabe injured to begin and he was able to wrestle well with the eyepatch. It makes sense that, given this, he would keep it on to feign a weakness that had healed to catch his opponent off-guard.
why not take it off at the beginning of the match? he already killed the gimmick in new japan.
Excuses: The Post
what absolute retarded psychology
He didn't wear it in New Japan because AEW is not canon in New Japan
We knew he was faking it after the Suzuki match
If you take it off then you lose the element of surprise. Because New Japan isn't AEW. Most of the audience would not have watched New Japan so discarding it like that would have been a dumb thing to do. I agree that it's a little dumb, but it did have logic and it was a fun thing so I don't think there's much of a problem.
njpw is cannon in AEW. and he did wear the patch, it fell off and he didnt put it back on.
this has not been said
this is Headcanon
worked for Dread Pirate Roberts
>spike to the eye didn't actually injure his eye
It does not have to be explicitly screamed at you by a commentator for it to be obvious what was happening.
i'd like to see how happy he is when he is on his hands and knees begging Vince for his job back while Roman and Seth laugh in the background after AEW's inevitable demise
AEW fans and NJPW fans are the same
>the spurned e-Drone crafts a revenge fantasy
All you did here was make Seth & Roman look like shitty friends
based and princess bride pilled
seth seems like a dickhead, roman is a cool bro from what I can tell.
>All you did here was make Seth & Roman look like shitty friends
good friends don't abandon the company that gave them everything while turning their backs on the people that care about them the most. at least and roman and seth get to fuck renee in every orifice each monday and friday to make up for it so in the end mox loses haha
>spurned e-Drone
I'm so glad you'll forever be an incel because any woman that dumps (You) is probably gonna end up murdered
holy fuck shut up with the console wars shit already
seething drone
Holy dimes
Pretending to be blind and handicapping yourself during a championship match on purpose is like saying you were retarded on purpose when posting on asp
What's kino about revealing that wrestling is fake in the middle of a wrestling match?
What makes this special is Aubrey's reaction. It's like I'm her or she's me, like I'm right there in the ring watching this go down. Incredible.
d—does it mean no more pirate mox...?
Its fine
Mox read the script
>I don't like hokey shit
>wears an eyepatch
Why are WWE fans like this
>What makes this special is Aubrey's reaction. It's like I'm her or she's me, like I'm right there in the ring watching this go down. Incredible.
>e-drones need michael cole to tell every single detail of a storyline to understand it
He literally won because he suckered Jericho in while Jericho thought he was blind.
>This year old wrestling 101 shit is the greatest thing ever!
I guess when you're served shit for so long even average stuff looks solid.
Jericho should've kept the belt.
>eye wasn't injured
>still has disadvantage because he has it covered
Why is Dean such an uncreative shitter?
>ruins depth perception by covering one eye just to make opponent think he can't see well
Big Brain move
>handicaps self for majority of match
>woah kino!
This is basic shit, isn't even executed well, and you're slurping it up.
Blade job was delayed and botched. Everyone knew the eye-patch was coming off. I got up from the match twice to refill my booze and never felt like I missed much. Tag-belt was the only title match I actually cared about. Despite the fact I really like Kris Statlander, she doesn't have the inner-courage to take her performances from the 100-300 people crowd to the 10 000-30 000 people crowd, it's like she just shuts down.
Pretty happy to have Jericho out of the belt, but not really sure about Moxley. I haven't watched Wrestling since '05-'06 but Moxley seems like he's under-selling every move he does- like a very, very slightly rougher Orange Cassidy. His punches, kicks in the corner, chokes etc etc.. All look weak af.
>keeps on the eyepatch handicap throughout most of the match
>doesn't take it off to gain the advantage when Jericho going to town on his "good" eye
>only takes it off to deliver a double-arm DDT seconds after he'd just done a DDT no problem while wearing the eyepatch
>this all counts as "pulling one over on Jericho"
This shit makes Linda McMahon rising from her chair at X7 look like the Usual Suspects.
nice fanfic edrone
long con, he had to reel Jericho in and knows he isn't an idiot. Hence going through the trouble of the eyepatch. Plus, doing it to Santana made Jericho even more sure of himself, so when the match came along Mox took full advantage of Jericho. it's kino desu