Is breaking heat records a sport?

Is breaking heat records a sport?

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why are yuropoors such pussies when it comes to heat
we get 40 degrees every summer, just turn on your ac bro

just switch to F problem solved

Yeah, we don't have that. Building designers here are retards and designed houses to trap the heat inside in the winter without giving a shit what would happen in the summer.

>decent breeze
>still 36c


>40 degrees
>still have to go to work in a suit because of dresscode
Why is this aloud?

Stop burning fossil fuels

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I don't even feel the need for AC kek

It really shouldn't be.

I got banned for posting this exact post a couple of hours ago.

It's fucking 28.5 degrees WITH AC

>women allowed to wear skirts
Fuck this world and dress codes and being a wagecuck for a bigasscompany

Don't you have a suit made of summer fabrics? If you're showing up in a wool suit, that's your fault.

It used to be hot like 5 days per year, why would people even buy them, also french people are suborn as fuck i swear to god its borderline retardation : When it rains nobody takes an unbrella and when its hot you'll still manage to see people with sleeves and shit, i'm not sure why but people refuse to go along with the climate kek.

I c-could afford it if I-I really wanted to

beware of fan death

Literally me

>tfw don't even have a fan

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Are you Korean? Non-Koreans aren't affected by fan death.

Today was so hot in Germany that even Angela Merkel stopped tremble.

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ive been to greece a lot of times, your heat is a lot more bearable at high temperatures because of low humidity
try walking outside at 39.5c with 70% humidity with no ac anywhere

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yall niggaz pussy lol

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Why do I have to be precisely in the the deepest red area?

Why me ? FUCK !!

You gonna need two fans. One for you and the other for your fan.

And now there's loud as fuck thunder with lightning, despite it not raining.
Death looms.

>we don't have that
how poor are you

The same apply to you brown individual

So that's why French people are blacker nowadays

euros are some real pussies

it is real and a menace to all humanity

>time to unplug the router
oh fuck no no no

Had a pretty comfy day today. A lot less humid compated to yesterday so I just went out for a swim in the local pond and now I'm chilling on my balcony.
Though I wouldve prefered temperature around 25c.

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It's not about wealth, there's just none built into anything like in most places, and the British are very stubborn about buying things they don't need, even if they actually do need them

>said the burger being cooled all day by ACs while being in low humidity

it's 80% humidity where I live every day

Bahrain is humid as fuck idiot. At the moment, humidity is at 66%. Also

>implying I'm from Bahrain or brown
petit brain frog

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You're looking good in that picture, bro. Working out?

post proofs

what went wrong

>weer een avond niet op slaapkamer maar op kutmatje in de keuken slapen

save us climatechan

Yeah mang been hitting those lats and traps lately

Nice. Keep at it.

>implying they even trap heat in the winter
our houses a shit

Notice how it’s Northern Europeans complaining and you don’t see a single Spanish, Italian or balkans flag. They’re all outside swimming and enjoying summer. Probably even getting laid too. People living above Switzerland have such a weird culture, instead of having fun they’d rather stay inside with an AC.
I’m surprised about the Dutch though, I had this idea that holland was a fun place like Spain and not a boring work prison like Germany

Industrial revolution killed god and the climate


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It's almost like it's currently hotter up here than it is down there.